Our products are certified and proven to be industry leaders when it comes to reliability, service, efficiency & value for money. Suffering from dry skin or frizzy hair? This could simply be a consequence of hard water. Limescale is a natural occurring substance composed of various minerals that can deposit on your skin & hair causing dryness & irritation. An ion exchange water softener will solve
this problem & provide you with many more cost saving benefits. Visit our website for more info. Red, orange or black staining on your appliances & sinks? Probably high concentrations of Iron & Manganese in your water. A very common problem with private well water and easily solved with the right system. Does your water smell like rotten eggs? This is down to sulpher in your water. This problem is easily solved in most cases but can be quite complex in extreme situations. Green staining on your taps or signs of corrosion & pitting on your appliances? This could be down to the pH of your water. The perfect pH for your water is 7 but it is acidic or alkaline, it can cause corrosion in your pipework & damage your appliances. We have various solutions available to solve this problem effectively. Worried about chlorine & fluoride in your water? Our range of high Aquaphor drinking water filters are the perfect solution for those that want clean, fresh & healthy water in their home. Call us today to find out more.