Ferris Jay - Pet Healing & Bereavement Support

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Ferris Jay - Pet Healing & Bereavement Support Helping pets and their people to heal - energy work, coaching & pet loss support. www.ferrisjay.com I work with pets and owners worldwide.

I uniquely blend energy healing techniques with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping to enable profound healing to occur. I also use my Animal Communication skills to better understand your pets situation. I have found that when I work actively with the pet owner, as well as the pet - clearing away their stresses and anxieties and then showing them ways to actively assist in their pet's heal

ing - that the results are profound. Whether your pet has had an accident, a chronic illness, is requiring surgery, nearing end of life or has behavioral problems my gentle energy techniques can bring balance, improve recovery rates, increased energy and comfort. I also assist pet owners through the grieving process when their pet has died. Many people do not understand the depth of our relationships with our pets and the extent of the grieving process when they are gone. Some owners may have lingering grief for years after their pet has passed. I connect with the owners via skype or telephone and connect with their pets through a photograph. If you are in Ireland in person sessions may also be available. Please note that my work is intended to work harmoniously alongside veterinary treatment and should not be considered as an alternative to it. If your animal is unwell, always seek veterinary advice. (For my other work - helping people to thrive and bloom in their lives, you'll want to visit my other website www.thethoughtgardener.com and page www.facebook.com/thethoughtgardener)

Happy International Dog Day from my buddies at the park.   Give your hounds an extra hug from me. The world is a much be...

Happy International Dog Day from my buddies at the park. Give your hounds an extra hug from me. The world is a much better place with them in it 😍

Happy International Cat Day to all my cat loving friends.Let's celebrate the wonderful felines in our lives (or felines ...

Happy International Cat Day to all my cat loving friends.

Let's celebrate the wonderful felines in our lives (or felines who have been part of our lives in the past).

Share a picture or a story about your cats.

Pictired below are kitten photos of Miss Baby the cat (below left), still causing mischief in lovely Leitrm, Mr Elvie (below right) , now in spirit, and the semi ferals at my aunt's house (top).

When a cat chooses you as their person (slave) and chooses to spend their time with you, it's ever so special.

Just don't dare move when they're sitting on you!

I’d go glamping in a flash if those cats were there 😻🐈😍

I’d go glamping in a flash if those cats were there 😻🐈😍

It's a one-of-a-kind experience.

Today is Pet Remebrance Day.For me, it’s a day to celebrate the love with had with our beloved animal companions.It’s a ...

Today is Pet Remebrance Day.

For me, it’s a day to celebrate the love with had with our beloved animal companions.

It’s a day to remember the joy that they brought us, the fun adventures we shared with them.

It’s a day to reminiss about their quirky little ways.

I’m thinking of my sweet Sally dog - in the pic - and how she was the most amazing source of unconditional love and joy I have ever encountered in physical form.

She taught me so much about play and joyful presence.

I remember how she’d dance with excitement for her dinner, roll over for endless belly rubs (one lasted 20 minutes, I counted) and her great adventures.

The funniest was her, at a music festival, sauntering into a festiival tent and curling up in the guitar case of one of the performers / tutors, before we got to her (she used to do that in Sam’s guitar case).
Luckily they were a friend of ours - and we found her when we followed the laughter.

Share your stories below, of the memories, quirks and favourite qualities of your pets, that have now passed out of physical.

And of course, they are always with us in spirit, they’re always in our hearts.

I know this can be a bitter sweet remembrance for some, the pain of loss can linger.

My wish is that you can remember them with a smile on your face and your heart warm from their memories.

If there are tears shed and grief present, may your journey through that be as gentle as possible.

Grief is natural, yet deep or ongoing suffering does not have to part of that process.

My mission is to help the love you had for them become greater than the loss of losing them.

If you would like support with that, message me for resources.

Healing isn‘t always a straight path from A to B.Sometimes it can be, for example if we, or our pets, break a bone.It ca...

Healing isn‘t always a straight path from A to B.

Sometimes it can be, for example if we, or our pets, break a bone.
It can be set and after a period of time, it usually heals as expected.

Yet often, healing isn‘t that simple.

There can be obstacles or unforseen setbacks.

We might deal with one issue and then another can come up.

The same applies to our ‘inner’ issues – the thought patterns that keep us stuck in stressful or negative thinking.

When doing EFT tapping, I often explain it as peeling the layers of an onion.

We peel back the first layer of the surface issue or dominant emotion, and then there’s a different one underneath, like underneath anger there might be fear.

The same is true of energy patterns.

Why is this important?
Read more over at the blog post

It’s tomorrow 🤩🐈🐶🦴   Reminder: The 2024 Animal Communicator and Healer Summit starts tomorrow.For 5 days, from Monday 24...

It’s tomorrow 🤩🐈🐶🦴 Reminder: The 2024 Animal Communicator and Healer Summit starts tomorrow.

For 5 days, from Monday 24th June to Friday 28th June, professional Animal Communicator Dr. Cara Gubbins will be bringing you interviews with 20 inspiring experts (including me) who have tons of valuable advice to share with you all about Animal Communication and Healing.

I’ll be talking tomorrow about using EFT tapping to help your animal companions.

Other experts will be talking all about communicating with pets, rescuing wild animals, learning how to talk to animals or holistic healing for pets, and much, much more. DM me to get your free ticket 🎫

I’m really excited to be speaking at the 2024 Animal Communicator and Healer Summit. For 5 days, from Monday 24th June t...

I’m really excited to be speaking at the

2024 Animal Communicator and Healer Summit.

For 5 days, from Monday 24th June to Friday 28th June, professional Animal Communicator Dr. Cara Gubbins will be bringing you interviews with 20 inspiring experts (including me) who have tons of valuable advice to share with you all about Animal Communication and Healing.

I’ll be talking about using EFT tapping to help your animal companions. Other experts will be talking all about communicating with pets, rescuing wild animals, learning how to talk to animals or holistic healing for pets, and much, much more.

This Summit features some pretty big names in the Animal Communicator and Healer worlds, including:
-Nancy Windheart
-Kara Daniels
- Annika Passmann
- and many more.

The 2024 Animal Communicator and Healer Summit is a FREE, VIRTUAL online conference!

You don’t have to travel - we bring the interviews to you.

They’ll be broadcast over the web, so you can watch from the comfort of home.

To join us, DM me and I’ll DM you your free ticket.

I’d love to see you there.

So happy to have a night out with a fix of two of my favourite things - dancing and dogs. Thanks to  and  for a wonderfu...

So happy to have a night out with a fix of two of my favourite things - dancing and dogs.

Thanks to and for a wonderful evening of Forrò 💃🏻✨🕺🏻 and thanks to lovely Lilly the gorgeous spaniel for giving me a bit of puppy time - she’s just so friendly and adorable that I had to have several ‘cuddle breaks’ from dancing to play with her 🥰

The evening was just the tonic I needed ☺️


Can the eclipse affect your pets?

Hear my thoughts in the video below.

If your pet is stressed or anxious in the time leading up to, or during, the eclipse I’ve posted some resources in the comments 👇

Aim for honesty, not perfection.  Article in the comments. Written for pet guardians but applicable to anyone trying to ...

Aim for honesty, not perfection. Article in the comments. Written for pet guardians but applicable to anyone trying to ‘put on a brave face’ when struggling .

The loss of a pet can completely upend our lives and leave us struggling to cope, overwhelmed with emotions and unsure h...

The loss of a pet can completely upend our lives and leave us struggling to cope, overwhelmed with emotions and unsure how to keep going.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

I teach people how to work through the intensity of the thoughts and emotions they’re experiencing, so they can ‘come back home’ to themselves and experience inner peace again.

It’s so lovely to see that my new client, Niamh (see her feedback below) has experienced such tangible improvement in just one zoom session with me and now has tools to use for herself in future.

I’m so grateful to be able to help Niamh, and others like her, find their way forwards into a new chapter of their lives.

If you’d like my help with pet loss grief, just send me a message and we’ll see what’s possible.

I love Facebook memories, like this one.7 years ago today I got to hold this amazing book I co-authored 🤩I’m so happy I ...

I love Facebook memories, like this one.
7 years ago today I got to hold this amazing book I co-authored 🤩
I’m so happy I got to share about using EFT tapping for pets with so many people through this wonderful book.

Thanks to Gillian Morris for bringing this wonderful book to the world and for inviting me to be part of the magic of it ✨

And it’s still available from good bookshops and on kindle. In it you can find out how to use EFT tapping for many challenging life situations. Give it a read if you haven’t already.

This is such a great example of why it’s so good to have written / recorded  ‘memories’ of life, of loved ones and of jo...

This is such a great example of why it’s so good to have written / recorded ‘memories’ of life, of loved ones and of joyful moments.
2017 was Sally’s final year in physical.
Now, 7 years later, the details can at times be hazy.
I know that last year of her life had both it’s gifts and it’s challenges.
I still remember middle of the night wake ups to get her out the door ‘in time’ for loo trips - and often failing.
I also still remember that she danced for her dinner, pretty much right up until the end.
Seeing that r memory comes up gives me a little window back, to what a joyful presence she was and reminds me how lucky I was to have that in my life.
Cherish those memories everyone.
Write them, post them, even set reminders, so you can re live those beautiful little ‘every day’ but oh so special moments - cos each one of them was such a gift 😍

For all my pet people, thank you all for being part of my world this year 💜  It’s my honour to have helped so many of yo...

For all my pet people, thank you all for being part of my world this year 💜

It’s my honour to have helped so many of you, through my 1-2-1 work, tapping groups and videos in 2023.
And I’m excited for another year helping your pets to better health and wellness.

If you would like me to help your pet through their health challenges, or to have more ease in their Golden years, including transitioning peacefully I’m here for you.
And if you need help working through your stress, grief or worry about their health, I’m here for that too. And to show you how to tap effectively for your pet’s conditions.

Please give yourself the option of that support if you need it.
I work with clients worldwide via zoom.
Message me to find out how I can help.

☺️ this memory popped up on Facebook this morning. It takes me right back to those sweet moments with my beloved fur com...

☺️ this memory popped up on Facebook this morning.
It takes me right back to those sweet moments with my beloved fur companions of yesteryear.

Our furry friends give us such unconditional love.
My heart is still warm from that connection all these years later.

The love never fades ❤️

I know for many, seeing pictures of their departed animal companions can bring up grief.

We loved them so deeply it can hurt hard when they leave physical form and are no longer present with us.

And grief can be a way to stay connected with them.

Yet staying connected through joy and appreciation, seems so much more fitting.

What better way to honour the love they brought by remembering them with that same level of love?

As it's Thanksgiving, for my friends in the USA, and the holiday season is upon all of us, wherever we live, it's time t...

As it's Thanksgiving, for my friends in the USA, and the holiday season is upon all of us, wherever we live, it's time to share some holiday resources for pet guardians.

If you're preparing for the holiday season whilst looking after ill or elderly pets, or if this is the first Christmas without a beloved furry friend then read on.

Whilst it can be a fun time of year, and I really do hope it's that way for you, for a lot of my clients it can be really stressful.

When you have elderly or ill pets, especially those requiring a lot of tender care, it can be tricky to factor in things like family visits - having to travel with them, leave them, sort medication, or have extra people in the house with them.

Some people are wondering if it's their last Christmas with their beloved Golden Oldies.

And some are grieving the loss of pets who are no longer with them this holiday season and are feeling the lonliness and sadness that brings.

That, on top of the stress of family commitments and family dynamics over the holidays, it can just seem too much.

While I can't sort your family issues, I can help you cope with the stress related to looking after, or feeling the loss of your beloved fur family members.

Here are my recommendations and resources.

1. Take care of you.

If you're struggling to deal with what's happening, please make the time to tend to that.
Ask yourself what you need, for yourself and then from others, to help you cope better.
Having some time to properly rest, do things you enjoy like walk or meditate or do some EFT tapping daily, could make a really big difference.

I know it's a cliche, but 'putting on your own oxygen mask first' is vital - otherwise you burn out and have nothing left to give to the furry ones that need you the most.

Here's an old video, but a lovely one for self care - bringing love to your cells.

2. Be present with what is.

Part 1: Deal with the stressful emotions or situations.

Don't hide from challenging situations and decisions, they'll just turn into open tabs in your head and sap your energy.

Here's a tapping video to help you reduce your stress levels, so you can start to cope better.

Then, be present with the reality of the situation and take appropriate action e.g. find quiet spaces for your pet if you think a family visit would be too much for them (and explain to your family if they are not able for the same level of activity that they used to be).
Check opening hours for emergency vets / check you have enough medication for when the vets may be closed over the holidays.

Part 2: Be present with your furry beloveds, especially if they're in their golden years.

Take the time to really savour the good moments, the memories still being made.
Even 5 to 10 minutes of really savouring your connection with them every day makes a big difference.

Try this heart connection exercise - it's a woonderful way to deepen your connection with them

And send them some love and appreciation with some appreciation tapping.

Embrace uncertainty by making the most of every minute.

Make it the best holiday ever with them, even if it's likely to be their last, especially if it's likely to be their last.

If you worry about how long you have left with them - watch this.

4. Remember those who have gone and soothe your grief.

If you have lost a beloved pet, take time to acknowledge the loss and to remember them - light a candle for them, remember your adventures together and the good times you had.

Here's a tapping video for pet loss grief during the holiday season:

Wishing you all happy and peaceful holidays,


This popped up in my FB memories today ☺️My heart still smiles and my face still grins when I think of her. I was so ble...

This popped up in my FB memories today ☺️

My heart still smiles and my face still grins when I think of her.

I was so blessed by having had this sweet soul in my life 😍

If there is ever a feeling of ‘missing’ her, it’s so short lived - as the upwelling of appreciation for her and all the fun we had - that outweighs any feelings of loss 10,000 times over.

May it be that way for all pet guardians.

It’s inevitable that our sweet furry ones will die.
But their death doesn’t have to be one of ongoing grief for us.

Part of my mission with my work is to help grieving pet guardians navigate that grief so that they can celebrate the joy of the life they shared with their dear animal companions.

It can hurt deeply because there was such deep love and connection.

Yet, those who have left us don’t want us lost in ongoing sorrow for their passing, I feel that at the depth of my soul.

If you’re struggling with dealing with the ongoing grief of losing a pet, please don’t normalise it.

Know that there are ways to work with the grief to make more room for appreciating what was and the gifts from that.

Please do get in touch if you’d like support with that.

If you'd like to give your pet the gift of healing to improve their health and well-being, I am running a month long hea...

If you'd like to give your pet the gift of healing to improve their health and well-being, I am running a month long healing / tapping circle for pets online, starting this Sunday.

Comment 👇 or message me to resevre your place - therre are only 3 spaces left, on a first come first served basis.


New video: soothe your pet with eft tapping.

If your dog or cat, or rabbit, needs a bit of calm, soothing energy today the please tap along with my latest tapping video.

Perfect if they’re facing any summer time stress, are agitated or panicky.

Tap along and let me know how you get on.

For all my pet people in the USA, if your pets are nervous around fireworks and you know there will be fireworks tonight...

For all my pet people in the USA, if your pets are nervous around fireworks and you know there will be fireworks tonight, try some Eft tapping for them. I have a tap along video on my YouTube channel.
The link is in the comments And let me know how you get on.


What is healing?

As I'm creating my upcoming course 'Help Your Pet to Heal with the Power of your Energy and Mind' (which will run live in early September) I've been pondering what 'healing' means to us, as healing can mean many things to many people.

Some instantly think of physical healing - of wounds or medical conditions.

Others think of emotional or spiritual healing - overcoming the impact of challenges, trauma or grief and coming home to oneself again and finidng peace.

For me it's all of the above and more.

There are speicifc techniques, such as tapping, that accelerate physical healing and can also bring balance to the nervous system and energy field quickly and effectively.

Yet, when working with pets and their peoiple, the healing process goes way beyond this.

The power of intention combined with healing can dynamically transform challenging situations for both the person and animal companion.

It can mend frayed relationships and improve the connection and level of understanding between you both.

It can help both enjoy more quality time together in the golden years, bringing comfort and peace.

It can also help with other wellness issues, such as your pet's anxiety in social situations or dealing with change.

If you're here, reading this, I want you to know that there is so much that you can do to help your pets to heal.

I do hope that you have been using the tapping technique I share in the free video series and YouTube videos.

If you'd liike to help your pet to heal right now, I've opened up some 1-2-1 spots for private clients.
If you have any questions, ask 👇 or message me.

It’s always worth making sure crisp bags etc aren’t left where dogs can get at them. It’s not worth the risk of suffocat...

It’s always worth making sure crisp bags etc aren’t left where dogs can get at them.
It’s not worth the risk of suffocation.

This sweet 4 year old Jack Russell Terrier suffocated in a chip bag on Sunday, May 28th, leaving her family heartbroken. Rebecca writes, "After a beautiful and fun day at Disneyland we arrived home about 12:30 midnight. When Prisca didn't come out like she usually does excited to see us, we went looking around the house and yard for her, and I found her lying lifeless in the backyard with a Cheetos bag vacuum sealed to her face! It was covering over her eyes. I tried to give her mouth-to-mouth and pump at her little body to see if she would revive, but it was too late. We have no idea what time of day it happened. Such a senseless and horrible thing to happen. We are devastated." 😱😭💔🐾

Too many loving pet owners have come home from an outing and found their beloved dog has suffocated in a food bag or container. It is always unexpected and shocking. The more awareness we spread, the more people will know about pet suffocation. Please share in honor of sweet Prisca.


I've always been amazed at how we can change our lives, and our pet's lives, through the power of our energy and mind.

I've seen over the years how our hormonal balance can affect our ability to cope with challenge and remain emotionally and energetically resiliant during stressful times.

As today is International Menstrual Health Awareness Day, it felt right to share more about how our hormones can influence our lives, and make a tapping video for some quick relief.
Check it out 👇

Hormonal havoc

PMS can bring us to breaking point, where dealing with our pet's health or behavioual issues seem insurmountable.

And perimenopause or menopause can bring a whole new level of hormonal havoc, propelling us from rage to despair or hopelessness in the blink of an eye.

I've recently developed a whole new level of respect for the power of our hormones, especially our s*x hormones, as I navigate my way through my own perimenopause journey. It's been quite a ride.

How it affects pet guardians

It got me thinking of the effect this has on pet guardians and the extra stress it puts on their plate, especially if they're dealing with well being issues with their pets.
We have such deep emotions around out pet's health becuase we have such deep unconditional love for them.

When this feels threatened it can bring up our deepest vulnerabilites and leave us more open to reacting out of stress.

First aid help.

I've made a quick tapping video 👇 to help with symptoms of pms and perimenopause, for International Menstrual Health Awareness Day, Sunday 28th May.

iI you're feeling out of balance hormonally, you can tap along to start getting back on track right away.

Usually, the situation doesn't seem so bleak or desperate, even after a quick roound of tapping.

Have a plan.

It's also really important to have a long term plan of action, not just for brining our pets back to full health and well being, or making their end of life as easy and comfortable as possible, but also for ourselves, to give us a road map of how best to support oursleves through that time.

That's what I had to do for myself recently.
To go deeper than the day to day self care that was in place.

I walked myself through the process that I've started using with many of my clients, the same processes that I'll be sharing in my upcoming couse 'Help Your Pet to Heal with the Power of your Energy and Mind'.

In the course we'll use it to find the simplest most effect healing and treatment strategy for your pets and for you to be at ease, clear headed and their best advocate.

For me, I used it to create a strategy for my big life transition with the move, whilst choosing my best options for navigating perimenopause.

Here's the steps and a brief overview of how I used them.

1. To take stock, to really get clear on what was going on.

- Selling my home is tough and brings up grief.

- Buying a new home could take quite a while and I need a strategy for the 'inbetween' time.

- My body and energy system need extra support during perimenopause.

- I need to make time to give myself that support and not overschedule myself.

2. To do the inner work to clear any stress, fear or anxiety.

- My inner worrier got all fired up, not knowing how long it would take to find my new home.

- I've had to help that part of me make peace with the unknown, including the new unknown territory of my hormonal changes.

- In the course we'll we working on clearing our reactions to situations and also building communication and working directly with our pets.

3. To be present and get clear on my next steps and anything I'm avoiding.

- Just like I get my pet guardians to cherish every moment with their pets, I have to remind myself to be in the new, enjoying my life in the 'inbetween'.

- It's also time to tune in to my body's needs at a new level, to rekindle that relationship from strain to flow again, just like my pet guardians deepen their connections to their beloved furry firends.

4. To implement the roadmap so I know what to do, step by step, including what support I need from myself and others.

- I monitor my mood and energy, I know what works best when sudden mood swings strike, or fatigue arises.

- I've deepened into my qi gong practice, as that builds my sense of groundedness, safety and resiliance.

- I put in place external support, in terms of people, practices and treatment options for my health.

- I schedule in time for rest, fun and rejuvenation.

Having a roadmap has been a game changer for me.

And it could be a game changer for you too, if you're struggling to cope with your pet's issues or others stressors, including hormonal ones.

You can use the steps above to start the process.
Just taking stock can bring great clarity and awareness for what to prioritise.

If you'd like to go through the process in a group setting, I'm planning to start the course on Sunday 2nd July and run it for 4 weeks.

I will post more about it nearer the time.

In the meantime if you would like to know more, send me a message.

Also, let me know if hormonal issues have affected your ability to deal with your pet's health issues.

👇 for the link for video, let me know how you've got on.

With love,


Death isn't failure.Many people come to me to help them keep their pet from death's door.They so deeply want to ensure t...

Death isn't failure.
Many people come to me to help them keep their pet from death's door.
They so deeply want to ensure that their pet isn't suffering and can stay with them as long as possible.
They just aren't ready for the permamence of death.
They do so much for their beloved pets with the help of vets, nutrition and natural remedies.
And so do I, working energetcially to bring balance, harmony and comfort.
Yet sometimes, our dear furry companions have their own plans about timing and endings, that don't always match with our own.
I worked with a client recently who was nervous. as her fur baby was going under anaesthetic and had reacted badly to this in the past. We worked in a group setting to send healing and surround her fur baby in a beautiful bubble of healing energy. We then worked privately to release the guardians fears around the process so she could really be present, relaxed and attentive the night before the procedure. Which she did beautifully.
All went well during the procedure, yet, she didn't make it through.
When I heard the news I had a moment of surprise, it was so unexpected.
I caught myself going into self judgement, as so many pet guardians do, that maybe I hadn't done enough.
Mid thought I saw the most glorious red sunset, shining like a jewel.
After being transfixed by the scene, I smiled.
The animal client's name was Ruby.
I knew the sunset was for her, a symbol of her transitioning in a beautiful bubble of light.
It turns out that Ruby had complications that would have greatly impacted her quality of life, had she survived.
Her human got to connect with her deeply energetically for her last day, surrounded by lots of loving support. What a beautiful way to go, in a huge bubble of love and light.
I see that as a successful transition.
However, it can be hard to see that death is not failure.
Many feel they have 'failed' in their role as pet gaurdian when a pet dies.
Yet, to me, the only failure is suffering.
These days deep suffering for our pets is rare, as we have such good veterinary care, allopathic and natural remedies to relieve pain and wonderful healing techniques.
We can also make the decision to relieve their suffering with euthanasia if they aren't able to recover or their quality of life drastically declines.
The deepest suffering is often that of the human guardian.
I've seen people torn apart by their pet's death - or fear of their pet dying - to the extent that they can barely function, they are so consumed by emotions such as grief or fear or guilt.
We feel the loss (or fear the loss) of our animal companions so deeply because we love them so much and they love us so beautifully and unconditionally.
Yet, our suffering more does not mean that we can help them more effectively.
Quite the opposite, we can care for them much better when our heads are clear and our hearts are lighter.
Also, suffering isn't the only way to stay connected with them once they have gone, even though it can seem that if we loved them so much we must hurt that much and we don't want to let go of the hurt in case it means letting go of them.
We can learn to connect with them through loving remeberance and navigate the grief with grace and gentleness.
I know that our pet's don't want us to suffer deeply when they leave, or when they are fading.
My deepest passion is showing people how to break out of their suffering and navigate their grief and emotions more gently, letting go of unecessary fear and pain and old beliefs that keep us suffering.
I believe that grief does not have to mean deep suffering and that endings can be a celebration of a life well shared as well as a grieving process.
So please, do not let unecessary suffering ruin the last precious weeks or months with you pet, or let it plunge you into the depths of despair once they have died.
It does not have to be that way.
If you're struggling and want to find a different way forwards, reach out and send me a message.
With love,

Image: courtesy of Gaby Stein from Pixabay

Having fun by the sea, including making a sweet new friend 🐕😍 I couldn’t resist a little paddle either 🌊🦶

Having fun by the sea, including making a sweet new friend 🐕😍 I couldn’t resist a little paddle either 🌊🦶

My long goodbye.As some of you know, I've been spending the last couple of weeks packing up the home I built with my ex ...

My long goodbye.

As some of you know, I've been spending the last couple of weeks packing up the home I built with my ex over a decade ago.

I've known I'd be leaving it for several years.

Even so, it's hard to imagine it not being my sanctuary.

When I pack boxes, at times this impending ending doesn't feel real.

As the time gets closer, I find myself doing what many of my clients do, letting my mind drift to 'the last day'.

Wondering if I'll cling to the building and have to be dragged away, or dissolve into helpless tears.
Wondering if I'll ever be able to drive down that road again.

But, I catch myself and come back to the present and remind myself what I know about anticipatory grief, including to

- ride the waves of emotion without being pulled under by them.

- be fully here now and enjoy this and every moment without worrying about 'when' this ending will be.

- release the fears and find my way back to my centre.

With my human clients, this has been my most precious and sacred work.

It's beautiful to see them

- break through the fear and anxiety around not knowing how long they have left with their pets.

- find their strength and balance so they are an empowered healing presence for their beloved furry companions.

- understand and navigate the stepping stones of their pet's end of life with clarity and grace.

- deepen their bond and communication with their pets and celebrate cherished memories together.

As I guide myself gently through my long goodbye I am beyond grateful to also share what I know to help others.

I'm in the middle of creating a live online course to help your pet to heal with the power of your energy and mind.

As you and your pet are a team I feel it's vital to include exercises and resouces to help you, the person, as well as focusing on healing your companion.

Using the tools and techniques in the training course you'll make the changes I outlined above.

You'll also get to create your own personal strategy to guide you and your pet through any challenge, including end of life and anticipatory pet loss.

Message me to get on the priority notification list for the course, which launches soon.

With love,


Image of a beautiful old doggy soul by Gabriela Neumeier courtesy of Pixabay



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