Ferris Jay - Pet Healing & Bereavement Support

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Ferris Jay - Pet Healing & Bereavement Support Helping pets and their people to heal - energy work, coaching & pet loss support. www.ferrisjay.com I work with pets and owners worldwide.

I uniquely blend energy healing techniques with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping to enable profound healing to occur. I also use my Animal Communication skills to better understand your pets situation. I have found that when I work actively with the pet owner, as well as the pet - clearing away their stresses and anxieties and then showing them ways to actively assist in their pet's heal

ing - that the results are profound. Whether your pet has had an accident, a chronic illness, is requiring surgery, nearing end of life or has behavioral problems my gentle energy techniques can bring balance, improve recovery rates, increased energy and comfort. I also assist pet owners through the grieving process when their pet has died. Many people do not understand the depth of our relationships with our pets and the extent of the grieving process when they are gone. Some owners may have lingering grief for years after their pet has passed. I connect with the owners via skype or telephone and connect with their pets through a photograph. If you are in Ireland in person sessions may also be available. Please note that my work is intended to work harmoniously alongside veterinary treatment and should not be considered as an alternative to it. If your animal is unwell, always seek veterinary advice. (For my other work - helping people to thrive and bloom in their lives, you'll want to visit my other website www.thethoughtgardener.com and page www.facebook.com/thethoughtgardener)

Death, loss and grief.This week I’d planned to post about dealing with loss - thinking of the devastation of the fires o...

Death, loss and grief.

This week I’d planned to post about dealing with loss - thinking of the devastation of the fires of California - the homes lost, the animals lost.

Yet, I have been tending myself through a different grief …

… the death of my Godfather, who died after a short illness, in the early hours of Monday morning.

I was fortunate to spend time with him in his last days and years.

I was fortunate to see him live a full and long life ( unlike my parents who both died in my teens ).

I see death often in my work with elderly pets.

Their bodies grow old and frail, unable to contain their spirit anymore.

Every death is different.

Yet there is always a time when the body lets go.

For the elderly it’s like an old coat being cast off or dropped, no longer needed.

With the animals, I always see their spirit soar, expanding from that small container, into greatness.

I believe it is the same for us too.

This week I remebered what it was like seeing life slipping away from a loved one.

I’d forgotten the strangeness of that, having a loved one alive one day and dead the next.

To then walk down the street looking at people and thinking how they too will die, how everyone dies.

Then the next day remembering how everyone lives, reminded that before we die we get to live, we get to experience the fullness of this corporeal existence.

And that’s what I wanted to remind people of today.

If we’re reading this, we’re alive.

May we live well and fully.

May we fully experience the beauty of all that life has to offer while we are here.

May we surf the challenges that life brings us - riding those waves of challenge as best we can.

May we be loving and gentle with ourselves when we get tumbled under by a wave or find ourselves in the midst of a great storm.

And may we fondly remember those who are no longer with us and how they enriched our lives ✨

What do your pets need most in 2025?The first answer when I thought that question was ...You!It’s that simple.Of course ...

What do your pets need most in 2025?

The first answer when I thought that question was ...


It’s that simple.

Of course they want to feel better if they’re unwell, yet what’s often most important to them is you - your presence and connection.

They want quality time with you.

Yet being truly present with them can be hard when their well-being is challenged.

Our old fears, concerns and patterns can derail us.

If we’re constantly fretting about them, or overchecking them all the time (being hypervigilant) we’re not 100% there for them - we’re lost in our own worlds of worry and fear.

When we address that and resolve our fears or upset- using techniques such as eft tapping - then we can drop into deeper presence.

Also, when we tap for our fears, our energy is clearer for tapping for their issues and improving their well being using energy techniques.

Tapping also helps quiet our mind, so we have more bandwidth available.

When we move into a deeper state of presence we can more easily be in the moment and be able to enjoy time with our pets.

A large part of my mission is to help you enjoy every moment with them and not let the tricky ones spiral you out of being present.

My wish for the pet guardians in my world, for 2025, is that you can drop into that deep level of presence for them - if worry, stress, frustration or fear has led you away from it.

You can get back to that.

And from that space share the tapping and other energy techniques with them.

You can learn simple tapping and 2 other energy techniques from my free video series.

‘3 Simple Energy Techniques to Boost Your Pet’s Health in Less than 5 minutes a day’

Click on the link in my bio to get immediate access if you haven’t already.

If you already have it, keep returning to the techniques.

You can also check out my YouTube videos for further inspiration for working both on yourself and your pets.

The link for my YouTube channel is also in my bio.

I’m wishing you and your animal companions as happy and healthy a 2025 as possible.

And I’m curious to know - what do you think your pets need most for 2025?

Wishing a happy solstice to all my friends who celebrate it.For all of us in the northern hemisphere, the days now get l...

Wishing a happy solstice to all my friends who celebrate it.

For all of us in the northern hemisphere, the days now get lighter and brighter.

For me, before looking forward to the returning light, I’m taking a moment to be in the deep yin quiet.

I’m following nature’s cues to rest, to use this time as a pause point, a time of stillness before the next phase of growth.

A chance to listen deep inside.

To be in the dark silence from which the new emerges.

There is also the call of the ourward connection of the festive period, bringing lightness to our hearts through connection to friends and loved ones.

Whether your connection is more inward, to self, to rest and rejuvenate or outward to share the holiday season with others,

I wish you beautiful endings and beginnings, as this year draws to a close and the new year comes into sight.

Thank you for being in my world and sharing yours with me here in this online world.

I will still be running my online release-restore-rejuvenate class tomorrow evening.

We’ll be bringing in the gentle power of kindness and love, through tapping, qi gong and energy exercices.

(Message me if you would like to join us).

After that, I’ll be taking some quiet time over the holidays, for about 7 days.

I may not be responding to messages here too quickly.

For emergency appointments, email me at [email protected]

With lots of love,


Ah Mr Leo, beloved black panther. Today Facebook reminded me that you left us 9 years ago. My first cat - initially with...

Ah Mr Leo, beloved black panther.

Today Facebook reminded me that you left us 9 years ago.

My first cat - initially with his sister Purr.

Such a wonderful teacher and companion.

I’m grateful to be reminded of him today and so grateful that he was part of my life and journey into working with animals.

I remember when his sister Purr ( short for Purrsephone / Persephone) died suddenly in a car accident, very young.

For a month afterwards Leo would come and lie on my chest and ask for healing.

He never did that before or after that first month or so after she died.

He taught me so much and brought much richeness into my life.

Thank you Leo, may your spirit still soar ❤️😍

May you have fond memories of your beloved animal companions that have passed and be able to remember them with a happy heart.

Of you are suffering from grief after the death of a pet, wherever it’s recent or many years ago, please reach out as I have free pet loss resources to help you through and also offer one to one support to help you let go the suffering of grief so your heart can remember them with joy.

Today, on this new moon, I’m committing to six weeks of restful rejuvenation 🥰Winter is such a powerful time for reflect...

Today, on this new moon, I’m committing to six weeks of restful rejuvenation 🥰

Winter is such a powerful time for reflection and for taking time out to recharge our batteries - physical, mental and emotional.

That can be a challenge in the middle of the holiday season and yet it can be done.

We can find the balance between the busyness of the season and our needs for self care and rest.

I’m calling on my best energy tools and techniques to support me as I let go of what I don’t want to carry into 2025, enjoy the holidays in a way that nurtures me and gives my body and energy system a gentle restorative boost.

I know that many others want to do the same, so I’ve opened this up as a 6 week group experience.

We will have 6 live zoom classes, starting tonight at 7pm Irish time (recorded for those who can’t attend live) and extra supportive practices for people to do inbetween sessions.

I’ve kept it simple, with practices that are quick and easy to do and make an instant difference as well as an accumulative effect over time.

I welcome you to join me if you’re ready to ‘come home to yourself’ this month and emerge refrshed and revitalised for 2025.

Message me to join us or if you have any questions.

Come and release your stress and recharge your batteries with me over the next 6 weeks.If you’re struggling with burnout...

Come and release your stress and recharge your batteries with me over the next 6 weeks.

If you’re struggling with burnout, fatigue, SAD or holiday stress and want to change that, I’ll be sharing my core practices to get you back on track for emerging renewed and revitalised for 2025.

Or, if you ‘re doing ok and would like to boost your mood and energy levels and gift yourself with these nourishing practices, come join us.

Send me a message for more info.

Wishing you all a gentle, nurturing holiday season ✨

As it’s already Thanksgiving in the USA I thought it was high time to share my top Holiday Season resources for you all....

As it’s already Thanksgiving in the USA I thought it was high time to share my top Holiday Season resources for you all.

I’ve put the links for the videos below in the comments.

Here are the themes - let me know if there are any other themes you’d like me to cover.

1. Appreciation / Gratitude Tapping.

2. Pet Loss Grief.

3. Anxious pets.

Here’s wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it and a gentle and peaceful holiday season for all of us and our beloved pets.

If you are feeling less than festive or could do with a boost in mood and energy please do join me for 6 weeks of EFT Tapping, Qi Gong and Energy Exercises, starting this Sunday, 1st December. Message me if you want more information.

All the best,


Thought of the week: What did you make that mean?I ask my clients that a lot in my work, either directly, or in my own m...

Thought of the week: What did you make that mean?

I ask my clients that a lot in my work, either directly, or in my own mind.

How you respond or react to what happens to you, or your pets , makes a world of difference to how you deal with that situation.

Your limiting beliefs can keep you stuck in negative emotions and thought loops.

Once you've identified them, you can them transform them.

As you transform them, you aren't as triggered by the situations that used to bring you to your knees (because of the feelings of guilt, anger or despair for example).

When your emotions are more balanced, then you're free to respond from a calm, resourceful place - which is a win for both you and your pet.

Watch the video to find out more, see link in the comments.

And if you know that you struggle with negative thoughts and reactions to your pet's issues, take heart.

You can resolve (or as I like to say, evolve) those ways of thinking that bring up the strong emotions and reactions.

With EFT tapping and inner work, your can transform how you see the world and how you live your life.

You don't have to live with constant guilt, fear, frustration or worry.

Please know that.

If you would like my help with that change, message me, I'd love to help you transform your thoughts and feelings for the better - and I can help your pet's issues directly too.

Wishing you a great week ahead,


P.S. My website and the online resources there are temporarily unaviable as I change website hosting.

Please message me here or email me at [email protected] if you need anything, or have been trying to get in touch and I haven't responded over the past few days.

Many thanks,



I'm currently changing hosting and my website is temporarily unavailable. Message me if you have an urgent query. Thank you.

EFT tap-along for when 'it doesn't feel fair' (use it for situations with your pets and for yourself).Some situations wi...

EFT tap-along for when 'it doesn't feel fair' (use it for situations with your pets and for yourself).

Some situations with our pets can feel horribly unfair, for example an accident, a bad reaction to medication / treatment, or a relapse.

Such things can really hit us hard when we witness our pets face them.

This can lead to anger and resentment, which if left to fester, can be really destructive for our emotional health (and it's not helpful for your pet's healing either).

This week, I've made a short eft tap-along video, to help you acknowledge and release any anger, upset or resentment for situations that seem unfair or unjust.

You can use it for situations in your own life, and world situations, as well as issues with your pets.

Here's the link if you want to tap along and feel relief https://youtu.be/Z1lOL_POH9s

If you choose to tap along, let me know how you got on.
You can comment here or leave a comment under the video on YouTube.

When a situation feels unfair, for us or our pets, it can lead to a build up of anger or resentment. Such as if our oet has been an accident, had a bad react...

Happy International Dog Day from my buddies at the park.   Give your hounds an extra hug from me. The world is a much be...

Happy International Dog Day from my buddies at the park. Give your hounds an extra hug from me. The world is a much better place with them in it 😍

Happy International Cat Day to all my cat loving friends.Let's celebrate the wonderful felines in our lives (or felines ...

Happy International Cat Day to all my cat loving friends.

Let's celebrate the wonderful felines in our lives (or felines who have been part of our lives in the past).

Share a picture or a story about your cats.

Pictired below are kitten photos of Miss Baby the cat (below left), still causing mischief in lovely Leitrm, Mr Elvie (below right) , now in spirit, and the semi ferals at my aunt's house (top).

When a cat chooses you as their person (slave) and chooses to spend their time with you, it's ever so special.

Just don't dare move when they're sitting on you!

I’d go glamping in a flash if those cats were there 😻🐈😍

I’d go glamping in a flash if those cats were there 😻🐈😍

It's a one-of-a-kind experience.

Today is Pet Remebrance Day.For me, it’s a day to celebrate the love with had with our beloved animal companions.It’s a ...

Today is Pet Remebrance Day.

For me, it’s a day to celebrate the love with had with our beloved animal companions.

It’s a day to remember the joy that they brought us, the fun adventures we shared with them.

It’s a day to reminiss about their quirky little ways.

I’m thinking of my sweet Sally dog - in the pic - and how she was the most amazing source of unconditional love and joy I have ever encountered in physical form.

She taught me so much about play and joyful presence.

I remember how she’d dance with excitement for her dinner, roll over for endless belly rubs (one lasted 20 minutes, I counted) and her great adventures.

The funniest was her, at a music festival, sauntering into a festiival tent and curling up in the guitar case of one of the performers / tutors, before we got to her (she used to do that in Sam’s guitar case).
Luckily they were a friend of ours - and we found her when we followed the laughter.

Share your stories below, of the memories, quirks and favourite qualities of your pets, that have now passed out of physical.

And of course, they are always with us in spirit, they’re always in our hearts.

I know this can be a bitter sweet remembrance for some, the pain of loss can linger.

My wish is that you can remember them with a smile on your face and your heart warm from their memories.

If there are tears shed and grief present, may your journey through that be as gentle as possible.

Grief is natural, yet deep or ongoing suffering does not have to part of that process.

My mission is to help the love you had for them become greater than the loss of losing them.

If you would like support with that, message me for resources.

Healing isn‘t always a straight path from A to B.Sometimes it can be, for example if we, or our pets, break a bone.It ca...

Healing isn‘t always a straight path from A to B.

Sometimes it can be, for example if we, or our pets, break a bone.
It can be set and after a period of time, it usually heals as expected.

Yet often, healing isn‘t that simple.

There can be obstacles or unforseen setbacks.

We might deal with one issue and then another can come up.

The same applies to our ‘inner’ issues – the thought patterns that keep us stuck in stressful or negative thinking.

When doing EFT tapping, I often explain it as peeling the layers of an onion.

We peel back the first layer of the surface issue or dominant emotion, and then there’s a different one underneath, like underneath anger there might be fear.

The same is true of energy patterns.

Why is this important?
Read more over at the blog post

It’s tomorrow 🤩🐈🐶🦴   Reminder: The 2024 Animal Communicator and Healer Summit starts tomorrow.For 5 days, from Monday 24...

It’s tomorrow 🤩🐈🐶🦴 Reminder: The 2024 Animal Communicator and Healer Summit starts tomorrow.

For 5 days, from Monday 24th June to Friday 28th June, professional Animal Communicator Dr. Cara Gubbins will be bringing you interviews with 20 inspiring experts (including me) who have tons of valuable advice to share with you all about Animal Communication and Healing.

I’ll be talking tomorrow about using EFT tapping to help your animal companions.

Other experts will be talking all about communicating with pets, rescuing wild animals, learning how to talk to animals or holistic healing for pets, and much, much more. DM me to get your free ticket 🎫

I’m really excited to be speaking at the 2024 Animal Communicator and Healer Summit. For 5 days, from Monday 24th June t...

I’m really excited to be speaking at the

2024 Animal Communicator and Healer Summit.

For 5 days, from Monday 24th June to Friday 28th June, professional Animal Communicator Dr. Cara Gubbins will be bringing you interviews with 20 inspiring experts (including me) who have tons of valuable advice to share with you all about Animal Communication and Healing.

I’ll be talking about using EFT tapping to help your animal companions. Other experts will be talking all about communicating with pets, rescuing wild animals, learning how to talk to animals or holistic healing for pets, and much, much more.

This Summit features some pretty big names in the Animal Communicator and Healer worlds, including:
-Nancy Windheart
-Kara Daniels
- Annika Passmann
- and many more.

The 2024 Animal Communicator and Healer Summit is a FREE, VIRTUAL online conference!

You don’t have to travel - we bring the interviews to you.

They’ll be broadcast over the web, so you can watch from the comfort of home.

To join us, DM me and I’ll DM you your free ticket.

I’d love to see you there.

So happy to have a night out with a fix of two of my favourite things - dancing and dogs. Thanks to  and  for a wonderfu...

So happy to have a night out with a fix of two of my favourite things - dancing and dogs.

Thanks to and for a wonderful evening of Forrò 💃🏻✨🕺🏻 and thanks to lovely Lilly the gorgeous spaniel for giving me a bit of puppy time - she’s just so friendly and adorable that I had to have several ‘cuddle breaks’ from dancing to play with her 🥰

The evening was just the tonic I needed ☺️



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