Love Chinese food? Why not learn to make them!
Join me this Saturday! ❤️❤️❤️
Did you know Dragonboat Festival is one of the main festival in Cantonese culture? (Think of it as our Easter...)
廣 東 鹹 肉 糭
gwong2 dung1 haam4 juk6 zung2
Cantonese Rice Dumplings
A traditional Cantonese rice dish made of glutinous rice stuffed with marinated meat, such as pork belly, with other ingredients like green bean paste, and wrapped in bamboo leaves.
In this workshop, not only you will learn how to make the yummy Cantonese Dragon Boat dumplings (not to be confused with little dumplings you are familiar with, it's a big dumpling that's a full meal!), you will also learn about the stories and traditions of this important festival.
Workshop delivered by successful migrant executive Carol Ho and best seller story teller Alice Chau.
This is a fund raising event. By participating, you are supporting our work to build a diverse and inclusive Ireland. You are most welcome to join us as a group of any number, pay only €25 & make 2 dumplings together (Eventbrite charges extra €2.55 for ticketing).
Register: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/fundraising-rice-dumpling-making-workshop-tickets-355254916017
你俾嘅€25 (Eventbrite 額外收取€2.55手續費),唔係淨係攞返兩隻廣東鹹肉糭,仲會學到啲關於端午節食糭傳統傳說,更加可以幫助到廣東話傳落去,傳開去。
如果只係想捐款,唔嚟工作坊, 都OK, checkout嘅時候選擇 「donation only」呢個option就得㗎啦!
有興趣可以到Eventbrite報名參加: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/fundraising-rice-dumpling-making-workshop-tickets-355254916017