“I think it’s a total disaster what is happening. They are trying to promote hurling but they have actually downgraded it to an extraordinary level. The best way to promote hurling is to have the great hurlers – the likes of Cian Lynch, Tony Kelly, TJ Reid, Eoin Cody – to the forefront during all the summer. So that young people can aspire to what they are producing, rather than aspiring to heroes in other sports. That’s where it starts. Getting young people wanting to play hurling. From that point of view, you’ve got to have it on the prime days of the summer and on Sundays and on television. I'm not sure more games is the greatest thing. I think I’d rather a better, real championship to be played and spread out over a period to let us enjoy the games. Enjoy the game that has just been played. Take time to look forward to the next one. They are too crammed in. I think the GAA has lost a great opportunity with all these great games from a promotion point of view. Shoving them into the first half of the summer is ridiculous. It should be spread out until September as before. And let everyone enjoy each game. Maybe go back to the back door system that they had before but this round robin is a disaster. I think the GAA should take control. Hurling, we have to be proud that it's an Irish game. I think to most people's view, it's the best sporting game that's there in the world. And they should be proud of it. Take control of it. And promote it. It's played now all over the world at different levels because people love it. So they have this product and they are hiding away instead of promoting it. Hopefully things will change under this president.”
-Eddie Keher
✪ (Irish Mirror/June 2024) ✪