@rockets_into_roses โ ๐น
Today, I was honered to be hosted by yaron @rockets_into_roses , where Gazan rockets fired at Israel are transformed into uplifting works of art. Seeing destruction turned into beauty... literally swords into plowshares.
Each piece tells a powerful story of resilience and hope. Itโs proof that light can triumph over darkness, and art can spread peace.
If you havenโt seen this for yourself, itโs a must!
#RocketsIntoRoses #makeartnotwar #peaceandlove #israelunderattack #irondome #blacksmith #isragram #baruchhashem #thankyouhashem #ืืืื ื ืฆื #ืืืืื ื ืฆื #ืืืื ืืช #ืืืื #ื ืคืฉ #instaisrael
#jews #artstagram #bombs #missile #gaza #gazastrip #resilience #neveragain #lighthouse #neverforget #blacksmithing #smithy #amyisraelchai #ืขืืืฉืจืืืื
The new "Masada Challenge - Masada 2.0 Masada- the new via Ferrara trail on the high cliffs surrounding Masada!
Sudra from Semitic Tribes
#masada #isragram #tourtheplanet #tourguidelife #touristguide #israeltourism #tourguide #viaferrata #epic #cliffhanger #adventuretours ##worldshotz #seetheworldwithme #travelingtheworld #mybackyard #bestoftheworld #bestplacestogo #eretzisrael #exploreyourworld #seetheworld #lchaim #likeaboss #deadsea #israel #simcha #historicalplaces #iloveisrael #bestjobintheworld #amyisraelchai #livefreeordie
Masada 2.0 on the Masada challenge the new via Ferrara trail on the cliffs!
Sudra from Semitic Tribes
#masada #isragram #tourtheplanet #tourguidelife #touristguide #israeltourism #tourguide #viaferrata #epic #cliffhanger #adventuretours ##worldshotz #israelinstagram #seetheworldwithme #travelingtheworld #travelblogger #mybackyard #bestoftheworld #bestplacestogo #eretzisrael #seetheworld #lchaim #likeaboss #deadsea #israel #isragram #iloveisrael #bestjobintheworld #amyisraelchai #livefreeordie
#Israel #israeli #israelinstagram #ig_israel #Netanyahu #likud #likeaboss #bibi #amyisraelchai #ืขืืืฉืจืืืื #ืืฉืจืื #ืืืื ื ืฆื #ืชืืืืื #ืืจืืฉืืื #idf #lchaim #micdrop #bringthemhome #jews
Lamentations 3: You have seen wrong done to me, God; judge my cause.
You have seen all their acts of vengeance, all they're plotting against me.
You have heard their taunts, Lord, all their plans against me.
The speech of my enemies and their thoughts are against me all day long.
When they're working or at rest; It is against me they're mocking.
Repay them Lord, according to their deeds.
Give them a amguish of the heart; may Your curse be upon them.
Pursue them in anger and destroy them from under God's heaven
ืจึธืึดึคืืชึธื ืึฐืึนืึธืึ ืขึทืึผึธึฃืชึธืชึดึื ืฉืึธืคึฐืึธึื ืึดืฉืึฐืคึผึธืึดึฝื:
ืจึธืึดึจืืชึธืึ ืึผึธืึพื ึดืงึฐืึธืชึธึื ืึผึธืึพืึทืึฐืฉืึฐืึนืชึธึื ืึดึฝื:
ืฉืึธืึทึคืขึฐืชึผึธ ืึถืจึฐืคึผึธืชึธืึ ืึฐืึนืึธึื ืึผึธืึพืึทืึฐืฉืึฐืึนืชึธึื ืขึธืึธึฝื:
ืฉืึดืคึฐืชึตึคื ืงึธืึทืึ ืึฐืึถืึฐืืึนื ึธึื ืขึธืึทึื ืึผึธืึพืึทืึผึฝืึนื:
ืฉืึดืึฐืชึผึธึคื ืึฐืงึดึฝืืึธืชึธืึ ืึทืึผึดึืืึธื ืึฒื ึดึื ืึทื ึฐืึผึดึฝืื ึธืชึธึฝื:
ืชึผึธืฉืึดึจืื ืึธืึถึฅื ืึผึฐืึืึผื ืึฐืึนืึธึื ืึผึฐืึทึฝืขึฒืฉืึตึฅื ืึฐืึตืืึถึฝื:
ืชึผึดืชึผึตึคื ืึธืึถืึ ืึฐืึดื ึผึทืชึพืึตึื ืชึผึทืึฒึฝืึธึฝืชึฐืึธึ ืึธืึถึฝื:
ืชึผึดืจึฐืึผึคึนืฃ ืึผึฐืึทืฃึ ืึฐืชึทืฉืึฐืึดืืึตึื ืึดืชึผึทึืึทืช ืฉืึฐืึตึฅื ืึฐืึนืึธึฝื:
It ain't fun if you don't come out a different color
#atv #offroading #Galilee #bestofisrael #tourguidelife #touristguide #israeltourism #tourguide #baruchhashem #eretzisrael #israelinstagram #instagramisrael #israeli #outdoorslife #vacationmode #vacationmodeon #seetheworldwithme #travelingtheworld #naturephotos #blessingstoall #discoverisrael #isragram #urbexplaces #landofmilkandhoney #reelitfeelit #ridemore #standwithisrael #adventuretours #adventuremobile #polaris