Hani Hayek Tour Guide in Holy Land

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Hani Hayek Tour Guide in Holy Land I am a professional tour guide in Holy Land with many years of experience.

Restored mosaics in Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem

Restored mosaics in Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem

Ein Gedi in winter season.

Ein Gedi in winter season.

A beautiful day on Sea of Galilee with Phillipinian group in Tiberias today.

A beautiful day on Sea of Galilee with Phillipinian group in Tiberias today.


S***m and Gomorrah- The wife of Lot looked back.

One-day Abraham said to his nephew Lot, there is not enough land here for all our livelihood. Please, let’s split up. If you go this way, I go the other way.

Lot looked into the distance and saw a very beautiful part with water and good grass for the stock which he chose. That was Jordan County. They got finally into the land of S***m where he set up his tent.

But the people of S***m were very bad. And that upset God. So he finally sent two angels to warm Lot that he was going to destroy S***m and Gomorrah.

The angels said to Lot: “Hurry, take your wife and your daughters and get out of here! “Lot and his family went a little bit, so the angels grabbed his hand and helped him to hide from the city. Then the angel said: Run for your lives. Don’t look back. Run to the hills.”

Lot obeyed angel voice and took his two daughters and escaped from S***m. They did not stop for a moment, and they did not look back. But the wife of Lot disobeyed. After a distance from S***m, she stopped and looked back. And then she became a pillar of salt. In the distance you will see her statue.

A wedding ceremony in the Church of Cana in Galilee from beautiful Phillipinian group. Thise couples who like to renew t...

A wedding ceremony in the Church of Cana in Galilee from beautiful Phillipinian group. Thise couples who like to renew their wedding promise or just to get strenght in their marriage relationships there is the opportunity to do that.Here we also remember our Lord Jesus consecrated a sacrament of marriage with his first miracle of turning water into wine. I like to invite you all to visit this historical place.

Dear all, today we remember feast of St. Jerome. This holy man lived and worked over 30 years on translating most of our...

Dear all, today we remember feast of St. Jerome. This holy man lived and worked over 30 years on translating most of our Bible from Hebrew and Greek language into Latin. Below you will see the cave in Bethlehem where this saint lived and was buried. Today his body remains rest in Rome, in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. St. Jerome please pray for us.

With Nigerian group resting in the shadow at Mount of Beatitudes in Galilee.

With Nigerian group resting in the shadow at Mount of Beatitudes in Galilee.

With my Nigerian group in the Basilica of Annunciation, Nazareth yesterday. We survived on the sun 42°C:-). Here in this...

With my Nigerian group in the Basilica of Annunciation, Nazareth yesterday. We survived on the sun 42°C:-). Here in this place we remember Archangel Gabriel announced our Lady Mary that she will conceive our Saviour and will call him Aemano Ael (Immanuel)- "God with us". Here the "Word became Flesh". In the grotto in the Basilica you can see the place where it all happened. You are all warmly invited to visit this special place, home of our loving Mother Mary.

Dear all, I like to share with you these pictures of St. Anne's Church in Jerusalem, a birthplace of our Mother Mary for...

Dear all, I like to share with you these pictures of St. Anne's Church in Jerusalem, a birthplace of our Mother Mary for the feast of Her Nativity. Happy Birthday dear Mother Mary.


كنيسة الدمعة اورشليم القدس ادعوا الجميع لزيارة هذا الموقع وكنوا معي حيث بكى مخلصنا يسوع المسيح وتنبأ في خراب اورشليم القدس
Today, we are in the Mount of Olives opposite the walls of the Old City where our Lord wept over Jerusalem while riding towards the city. The church is built in the shape of a teardrop to symbolize the tears of Christ. I invite all of you to be with me and experience the spiritual moment of this blessed place.

My name is Hani Hayek and I am a licenced tour guide in Israel. You can contact me on +972 54 7836115 or visit my Facebook @ HaniHayekTourGuideinHolyLand.

With Polish group in Betlehem and by Menorah in Jerusalem district.

With Polish group in Betlehem and by Menorah in Jerusalem district.

With my Polish group we eat local sweets ( knafee) in BETLEHEM now. We enjoy it very much and send greetings to all of y...

With my Polish group we eat local sweets ( knafee) in BETLEHEM now. We enjoy it very much and send greetings to all of you 😊😙
ابو غزل عزمكوا على لكنافي بحلويات القصر بيت لحم مع مجموعة من بولندا

My beloved friends, I would like to invite all of you to spend some quiet time in this oaza of peace. Our Olive Garden i...

My beloved friends, I would like to invite all of you to spend some quiet time in this oaza of peace. Our Olive Garden is here to offer anyone the quietness and spiritual time so much needed in this world. Please see the below photos taken today with our Polish group visiting Holy Land. I invite you to come and share this experience with me.

Having lunch in Olive Garden in Deir Hanna. "Shawarma" made by wonderful Monder Hamoud from King of Shawarma shop in Dei...

Having lunch in Olive Garden in Deir Hanna. "Shawarma" made by wonderful Monder Hamoud from King of Shawarma shop in Deir Hanna.



I sung this song during my mision visit in Poland. It is in Arabic language and is about our Jesus suffering from the time spent in Garden of Getsemane to th...

موضوع اليوم مهم جدا حبايبي عن فوائد الخروب  في الجسم الانسانشجرة الخروبيعتبر الخروب من الأشجار دائمة الخضرة؛  ويعتبر من ...

موضوع اليوم مهم جدا حبايبي عن فوائد الخروب في الجسم الانسان

شجرة الخروب

يعتبر الخروب من الأشجار دائمة الخضرة؛ ويعتبر من أقدم الأشجار التي وجدت على سطح كوكب الأرض، ويتميز الخروب بامتداد ظلاله؛ حيث يبلغ ارتفاع الشجرة الواحدة ما بين 1 إلى 17متر، وتنتشر زراعة الخروب في كثيرٍ من البلدان، مثل: دول حوض البحر المتوسط؛ حيث تنمو أشجار الحمضيات أيضاً؛ لأنها تحتاج إلى جوٍّ دافئ، وما يميز أشجار الخروب عن غيرها أنها تتحمّل الجفاف والبرد، وكذلك تنمو في المناطق الجبلية والصخرية الوعرة.
تاريخ الخروب
يعرف الخروب منذ آلاف السنين، حيث ذُكر في الإنجيل، ويعتقد بأنّ الإسبان هم أول من قاموا بنقل الخروب إلى أمريكا الجنوبية (اللاتينية)، بينما نقله الإنجليز إلى الهند وقارة أفريقيا عن طريق الاستعمار. كذلك استخدم الكنعانيون القدماء الخروب في حياتهم، حيث وجدت أجرار تحتوي على بذور الخروب،
استعمالات نبات الخروب المتنوعة وعديدة

تخلط بذور الخروب مع البن لإنتاج القهوة في كثير من بلدان العالم .
يُستخرج من الخروب المواد الحافظة التي تستخدم في الصناعات، مثل: مادة (E410) .
تحتوي قرون الخروب على كثير من مضادات الأكسدة .
يستخدم دقيق بذور الخروب لإنتاج علف بروتيني للحيوانات .
يستخدم الخروب لإنتاج الدبس .

فوائد الخروب

يهاجم الخروب الخلايا المسبّبة للسرطان؛ حيث إنه غني بالعديد من مضادات الأكسدة، كما أنّه يحارب الجذور الحرة التي تسبب الشيخوخة.
يحتوي على الألياف غير الذائبة، والتي تحتوي على مادة البوليفينول، التي تعمل على منع الكوليسترول، وانخفاض نسبته الموجودة في الدم.
يساعد على امتصاص السوائل في الأمعاء بشكل خاص، والجهاز الهضمي بشكل عام، كما أنه يساعد على التخلص من الإسهال عند الأطفال، وينصح بإطعامه للأطفال الصغار؛ حيث يتم وضع مسحوق الخروب مع أي فاكهة أخرى مثل التفاح، وهذه الطريقة مفيدة جداً للإسهال سواء عند الصغار أو الكبار.
يساعد على التخلص من حموضة المعدة؛ لأنه قلوي؛ حيث تُسحق ثمار الخروب بعد رفع البذور منها، ثم تنقع في الماء، وتغلى لمدّة لا تقل عن عشرة دقائق، وتؤخذ ثلاث ملاعق قبل تناول كل وجبة أو عند الشعور بالحموضة.
يعتبر الخروب طارداً للديدان، ومدراً للبول.
يستخدم لمضمضة الأسنان، ومفيد أيضاً للثة.
مفيد لمرضى السمر؛ حيث يخلط مسحوقه مع الترمس والحلبة.
يعمل على امتصاص بعض السموم والإفرازات الضارة الموجود في جسم الإنسان.
يعمل على معالجة القولون العصبي، وقرحة المعدة، وذلك عن طريق تحميصه مثل القهوة وطحنه، ثم تضاف إليه ثلاث ملاعق من مسحوق البذور، ويغلى ويشرب كالقهوة، ويفضل شرب كوب في النهار وعلى عدة جرعات.
يعتبر عصير الخروب مفيد جداً لأمراض النساء.
يستخدم في علاج حالات البول والسكري، وذلك عن طريق شرب كوبين من عصير الخروب قبل الأكل لمدة أسبوع.
يحتوي الخروب على أحماض نستخدم كمسكن.
يحتوي على نسبة من الحديد؛ ولهذا يعتبر مفيداً لعلاج حالات فقر الدم.
يساعد في علاج شلل الأطفال.
يساعد على التخلّص من مرض هشاشة العظام؛ لأنه يحتوي على الكالسيوم والفسفور.
يساعد على جمال الصوت، حيث يقوي الأحبال الصوتية.
يعمل على در الحليب .
يطرد الماء الزائد من الجسم.
يعالج الجيوب الأنفية وقرحة المعدة.

يتميّز شجر الخروب بأنه صديق للتربة؛ حيث يحدّ من جفاف التربة، ويحدّ من أضرار العواصف، كما أنّه يعتبر ملجأً جيداً لكثير من الحيوانات والطيور، حيث يعتبر مسكناً لهم. قامت الدول التي تكثر فيها زراعة أشجار الخروب بوضع صورة أشجار الخروب على طوابع البريد؛ وذلك للدلالة على أهمية الأشجار على صعيد التنوع البيئي والموروث الحضاري من الثقافات القديمة.
للمزيد من الاستفسار حول هذا الموضوع الرجاء
اتصال على الهاتف الشخصي 00.972.547836115
او البريد الالكتروني [email protected]
هاني حايك

Dear my beloved friends let me introduce you with the joy in my heart one of the many fruits that come from our Olive ga...

Dear my beloved friends let me introduce you with the joy in my heart one of the many fruits that come from our Olive garden. The fruit of the Carob tree.

The fruit of the carob tree is mentioned in the bible as the food of st. John the Baptist (Lk 15,16).

The benefits for our body. The fruit is good for the stomach and to balance the blood pressure. Additionally its good for the skin by applying the carob balsam on your lips.

Should you wish to buy the syrup of carob tree please contact me directly by +972 54 78 36 115 or email me on [email protected] Hayek

The 2000 year old history from Jesus birth in Holy Land does not make the faith alive on its own. Its the Holy Spirit in...

The 2000 year old history from Jesus birth in Holy Land does not make the faith alive on its own. Its the Holy Spirit in Christians in here and all over the world and in their daily lives that gives the true testimony that the church is alive.

For more details on what Christians do in Holy Land and to support our big family please see the link:

We would like to invite you to join us in our project of adopting olive trees in the gardens of Christians in Galilee. While adopting the olive tree you support the Christians in the Holy Land.


Blessing from Mount Tabor for the feast of Transfiguration


Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

The man says: "I will not give my eyes sleep nor rest my head before building a house for the Lord my God" and we say in our prayers, “O God bless our home".

We do not build a church for a sect or a region but a house for the Lord for all denominations and a place for prayer and worship in the land of Christ. A Land of Spiritual Education. In the time of great buildings which witness the great glory of man, we want a building that testifies to the glory of God. As John 2, 17 says: “Zeal for your house will consume me.

This will not happen without you. As bible continues "If the Lord does not build the house, then the builders will not be tired, but if the Lord does not keep the city, the guard will be vain” (Psalm 127, 1). Thanks to everyone who likes to help us, the Olive Roots project started and we do not want it to stop. It is not an investment project, but a need for a parish that does not have any church. Thanks to all those who would like to give us the hand of supporting us as I would quote” from the widow to the blessed beneficiaries”.

I like to invite you to come and experience the Olive garden.To discover your inner self and be far away from all the hussle of everyday life.And to be with our Lord Jesus whose salvation came from Galilee.it is a very simple place full of tranquility and happiness which will shine in your heart for long.I am welcoming you with open heart. Do not be afraid to make a move.

The words of His Holiness beloved Pope John Paul II to the youth: "Young people: “Be living branches in the church, be fruitful, laden with branches." - The Church is an organic company in which it finds its whole place and its own role. - Take your place in the church and it is not the place of the beneficiaries of pastoral service, but is especially the place of active custodians of the message: The church is your church, but you are the church. - I am sure that many among you, when they meditate on the mystery of the Church, will hear deeply within themselves the call of Christ. - Do not be afraid of serving Christ, and the Church. It is a special invitation and a wonderful gift. Try to discover your place in the church (ar.aleteia.org,2016). Amen. Hani Hayek, Olive Roots Association., Mobile: +972 547836115


Planting Olive Tree by Polish group in Deir Hanna, Galilee


أخوتي و أخواتي بالرب
سعيد هو الأنسان الذي يقول :" لن اعطي عيني نوما ولا رأسي راحة قبل بناء بيتا للربّ الهي"ونحن نقول في صلاتنا "بارك يا رب محبي جمال بيتك"
نحن لا نبني كنيسة لطائفة ولا لمنطقة بل بيت للربّ لكل الطوائف ومكان للصلاة والعبادة في ارض المسيح .
ارض للتعليم الروحيّ وفي زمن الابنية العظيمة التي تشهد لمجد الانسان بعظمتها، نريد بناء يشهد لمجد الله بوجوده وهذا لن يتّم بدونكم، انتم الذين تغارون على بيت الله.
( إِنْ لَمْ يَبْنِ الرَّبُّ الْبَيْتَ، فَبَاطِلاً يَتْعَبُ الْبَنَّاؤُونَ. إِنْ لَمْ يَحْفَظِ الرَّبُّ الْمَدِينَةَ، فَبَاطِلاً يَسْهَرُ الْحَارِسُ.)
فشكرا لكل من يحبّ ان يساعدنا، فقد ابتدأ المشروع ولا نريده أن يتوقف. فهو ليس مشروع استثماري بل هو حاجة لرعيّة فشكرا لكل من يحب ان يمدّ لنا يد العطاء من فلس الارملة الى عطاء زكى منكم .

من كلمات قداسة البابا الراحل يوحنا بولس الثاني للشباب
- أيَّها الشّباب كونوا أغصاناً حيةً في الكنيسة، كونوا أغصاناً محمَّلة ثماراً.
- الكنيسةُ شركةُ عضويةُ، يجد فيها كلٌّ محلَّه ودورَه الخاصِ.
- اتخذوا محلكم في الكنيسةِ وهو ليس محلُ المستفيدين مِن الخدمةِ الرّعويةِ بل هو خصوصاً محلُ القيّمينَ النشطينَ على الرسالة
- الكنيسةُ كنيستُكم لا بل أنتم الكنيسةُ.
- إني واثقٌ أن كثيرينَ مِنْ بينِكم، عندما يتأملونَ في سرِّ الكنيسةِ سيسمعونَ في عمقِ نفسِهم نداءَ المسيحِ.
- لا تخافوا من خدمةِ المسيحِ، والكنيسةُ هي دعوةٌ خاصةٌ وعطيةٌ عجيبةٌ وسوف يكون المسيحُ في أزرِكم.
- اسعوا إلى اكتشافِ مكانِكم في الكنيسةِ ورسالتِكم فيها كشبابٍ.
هاني حايك مؤسسة جذور الزيتون


Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

The man says: "I will not give my eyes sleep nor rest my head before building a house for the Lord my God" and we say in our prayers, “O God bless our home".

We do not build a church for a sect or a region but a house for the Lord for all denominations and a place for prayer and worship in the land of Christ. A Land of Spiritual Education. In the time of great buildings which witness the great glory of man, we want a building that testifies to the glory of God. As John 2, 17 says: “Zeal for your house will consume me. This will not happen without you. As bible continues "If the Lord does not build the house, then the builders will not be tired, but if the Lord does not keep the city, the guard will be vain” (Psalm 127, 1). Thanks to everyone who likes to help us, the Olive Roots project started and we do not want it to stop. It is not an investment project, but a need for a parish that does not have any church. Thanks to all those who would like to give us the hand of supporting us as I would quote” from the widow to the blessed beneficiaries”.

I like to invite you to come and experience the Olive garden.To discover your inner self and be far away from all the hussle of everyday life.And to be with our Lord Jesus whose salvation came from Galilee.it is a very simple place full of tranquility and happiness which will shine in your heart for long.I am welcoming you with open heart. Do not be afraid to make a move.

The words of His Holiness beloved Pope John Paul II to the youth: "Young people: “Be living branches in the church, be fruitful, laden with branches." - The Church is an organic company in which it finds its whole place and its own role. - Take your place in the church and it is not the place of the beneficiaries of pastoral service, but is especially the place of active custodians of the message: The church is your church, but you are the church. - I am sure that many among you, when they meditate on the mystery of the Church, will hear deeply within themselves the call of Christ. - Do not be afraid of serving Christ, and the Church. It is a special invitation and a wonderful gift. Try to discover your place in the church ( https://ar.aleteia.org,2016). Amen.
Hani Hayek, Olive Roots Association







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