Buying necessary items
» Buy all your necessity items for your Hajj and Umrah Journey according to your needs (Ihrām, Belts, Sandals, medicine etc.) Do not buy excessive items
Hajj Knowledge
» Obtain maximum Hajj knowledge by attending Hajj Seminars, reading various books and memorise all important Dua's.
Recommended books
» Hajj Umrah and Ziyarah by Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Baz and Hisnul Muslim or Fortress of the Muslim (Available in various languages) and download good Mobile Apps.
» Make sincere Tawba for all your past sins and ask forgiveness from your Parents, Family Members, Friends and Neighbours etc.
Outstanding debt
Make sure to pay all your debt or make an arrangement/agreement to pay.
Memorising Dua’s
» It is important you memorise maximum Dua's from any authentic Dua books ie. Hisnul Muslim also try to memorise all the Dua’s listed on this Chapter.
» Always recite your own Dua's in your own languages (Allah سبحانه و تعالى have knowledge of all languages).
Being Patients
» Being patient is a big part of your Hajj and Umrah. Your patients will be tested throughout your Hajj and Umrah journey. Do not involved in unnecessary Fiqh issues; always control your emotions by avoiding kissing the black stone and to pray behind Maqam-e-Ibrahim and do not harm Hajis for Nafil Ibadah which is a bigger sin, InshaAllahyou will be rewarded for being patient.
Following others without knowledge
» Do not follow or join with others on Ibadah which you are not 100% sure, many Bid’ah and Shirk takes place by different groups of people which looks pleasing in the eyes.
Respect and Responsibility
» The street of the Al Haram has filled with litter and food! Be respectful to the house of Allah سبحانه و تعالى and keep the street of Al-Haram neat and tidy.