With EventBaba.com you can now apply for promotional part-time jobs from the convenience of your home. We are able to provide you the best events with our partnerships and affiliations with some of the top event companies. To take care of daily activities and keeping you updated with the latest pocket money jobs, EventBaba.com has two teams, Ground team and Back-end team. The ground team takes car
e of getting new cool and fun part-time jobs with high pay. It also manages the day to day work process of handling promoters and new applicants. The back-end team makes sure that the users get the best experience on the website and make sure the website is constantly updated for users to sign up and apply for jobs. In a nutshell, we provide jobs for all sorts of events and promotions such as
- Birthday Parties
- Conferences
- Corporate Events
- Exhibitions / Trade Fairs
- Field Surveys
- Mall Activities
- Out Station Events (Out-of-Mumbai)
- Party Hosts / Anchor / Emcee
- Presentations
- Product Launches and Brand Activation
- Road shows
- School / College Events
- Weddings
That's not it!