WTW is a Branding l Marketing l Designing venture that aims to provide it's support to emerging individuals, startups and corporate companies in various domains. :) Wings To Wills is a start-up business dedicated to providing a 360 degree branding to an individual who can be an entrepreneur, an actor, drama artist, painter, singer or even a musician. Having an experience of 5 years into various fi
elds of writing like Poetry, Drama Scripts, Technical, Entrepreneurship, Startup-buzz, Inspiring content, Biographies, Adventures, Hard stories, etc Ms Anita has enhanced her knowledge and touched hearts of hundreds of people with her writings. She has authored a poetry book named SSAAZZ- The Melody of Life which contains her classics and words of wisdom. She has been successful in adding value to many inspiring people from 26+ countries that weren’t so well known before she wrote beautifully crafted articles on their journeys while persuing her job as an Inspirational Journalist. This shows her skills and in-depth understanding of the branding an individual needs to reach out to the world. She aims to do justice to every talent existing across the globe.