A largish blackish butterfly with large light yellow spots all over. Prominent circled spots (eyes!) in the middle of wings, that get hidden many times when it sits.
Lime Butterfly (Papilio demoleus)
Size: 8-10 cm
Male and Female are similar. Its open form looks dark and closed form is much lighter, with the same pattern visible on both sides. The creamy-yellow spots darken with age. Two red spots on the hindwing, a fine dotted pattern near the body on the forewing(seen on upperside).
It is also known as lime swallowtail, citrus swallowtail, lemon butterfly and chequered swallowtail, which refer to their host plants, usually citrus species such as the cultivated lime where their larvae grow and feed on.
Found throughout India, up to 1600m in Himalaya.
Flight is swift, near the ground and both sexes are fond of flowers. Males congregate by the hundreds on damp mud after the monsoon.