⭕️❗️⭕️ The devotees in every corner of the world await this day, this moment when their black darling, their “Jaga”, their love, their family, comes out of his “Ratna Bedi”, his throne, to mingle with them on the “Bada Danda”, the grand road of Puri, when even the lowly dust becomes something to smear on the head and treasure. That’s the touch of HIS magic!
No matter how many times you see HIM, you simply can’t get enough of his “Kala Srimukha”. It’s inexplicable how he inspires millions across the world. What is so special about those large eyes, that black body, those stump like hands and those smiling lips? Why do people go mad over him? Do you know? Who knows?
There is nothing quite like our “Jaga” in the whole universe. No God is considered as much part of a family as Lord Jagannath is. People sulk at him, people love him like a baby, people go crazy over him like he is an eternal lover. He commands respect, love, devotion, anger and so many other emotions.
It’s HIS day along with his siblings, Lord Balabhadra and Devi Subhadra. It’s a day we Odias wait for. We wait an entire year for him. We want to see HIM mobbed, we want to see him pulled up slowly to his chariot, we want to chant his name, we want to get a glimpse of him, we want to get drenched in our sweats just to touch his chariot rope. And we want to live and re-live that moment for the rest of our lives.
What a feeling it is! Jaga, what are you made of? O king of million hearts, bless us on this day, everyday. You are the hope we hope, you are the love we crave for, you are the strength we need, you are the power we feel!
All the photographs are courtesy the official Twitter handle of Shri Jagannath temple.