This tutorial, I explain about HTML Block Level Element
Few lines about a block-level element
• Block-level elements always start on a new line
• The block-level element can have customized margin and padding
• The block-level element can contain other block-level element or Inline-level element
• If the width is not manually set, A block-level element always takes up the full width of its container • If the height isn’t manually set, the Block level element’s height is adjusted automatically to fit all the content and other elements within itself.
Most of the elements of HTML are Block-level elements. Including h1 through h6, p, div, form, header, footer, ul, ol, li and so on. A full list of the block-level elements can be found here.
This tutorial, I explain about HTML Block Level Element Few lines about a block-level element • Block-level elements always start on a new line • The block-l...