Dighal is a village in District Jhajjar of Haryana, India , situated on NH – 71 A, between Rohtak and Jhajjar and approximately 65 kms from the IGI Airport, New Delhi. It’s a village surrounded by natural water bodies ,making it a favourite destination for a large species of migratory birds, bird lovers and wildlife photographers alike. Yuva Panchayat, a Social Organisation founded by Pradeep Ah
lawat has now together with Rakesh Ahlawat, a young and promising bird lover of the village who has contributed significantly for wildlife in this area and other like minded people, have taken up the task of preserving, protecting and promoting this rare and precious resource of Dighal for the birders all around the world to enjoy. Yuva Panchayat is also committed to guide and support all the Bird lovers visiting this area to make their experience even more memorable. We hereby request all bird lovers to contribute their bit to achieve this noble cause by tagging this page with the shots taken by them only at Dighal and other means they deem fit for helping us achieve this goal.