That sounds intriguing!
The Week of 🇮🇹Italian Language in the World is a great opportunity to celebrate Italian culture and language.
On the occasion of the 24th Edition of this great event, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Rome, Italy presents this video for you!
#SLIM2024 Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale
Throwback to this day last month, when we conducted the first ever Italo-Kolkatan Heritage Conversations Series with Italian art historians Isabella Nardi and Marco Moneta at the Prasad Tagore Palace, hosted by Pramantha Mohon Tagore. He also mesmerised the audience with a Sarod Recital accompanied by Rohen Bose on the Tabla.
Stay tuned for our next events!
In metamorphosis, Dante translated into Kashmir embroidery
The exhibition “In metamorphosis, Dante translated into Kashmir embroidery” is going on at Sanskriti Gallery until Friday 9th December 22. Please don't miss the chance to see Kashmir embroidery based on the drawings of italian🇮🇹 artist Marta Roberti.
#tapestry #artexhibition #italyinkolkata #beIT #art #italyinindia #italianembassyculturecentre #istitutoitalianodicultura
The exhibition “In metamorphosis, Dante translated into Kashmir embroidery” is going on at Sanskriti Gallery until Friday 9th December 22. Please don't miss the chance to see Kashmir embroidery based on the drawings of italian🇮🇹 artist Marta Roberti.
#16days #OrangeTheWorld #pushforward UN Women
Some sketches of our closing event of the first edition of Italian Screens.
🇮🇹 🎞
#italyissimplyextraordinary #beit
#Cinecittà #NewEmpireCinema #EmbassyofItalyinNewDelhi #ItalyinMumbai #italyinbengaluru #IstitutoItalianodiCulturaNewDelhi #ministerodegliaffariesteriedellacoperazioneinternazionale #cinema #ministerodellacultura #istitutoitalianodiculturamumbai
Some sketches of our closing event of the first edition of Italian Screens.
🇮🇹 🎞
#italyissimplyextraordinary #beit
#Cinecittà #NewEmpireCinema #EmbassyofItalyinNewDelhi #ItalyinMumbai #italyinbengaluru #IstitutoItalianodiCulturaNewDelhi ##ministerodegliaffariesteriedellacoperazioneinternazionale #cinema #ministerodellacultura
We have one lettera d'amore for you and we hope you accept our invitation to spend some time with us exploring the essence of Italy in its truest form- through cinema, food, and a lot of fun.
Join us at the Italian Screens from 12th to 14th October 2022 at New Empire Cinema Hall, 1&2, Humayun Pl, New Market Area, Dharmatala, Taltala, Kolkata.
Remember, it’s first come first serve, so make sure you reserve your seat on, using the promo code: ITALY2022.
#beIT #MadeInItaly #ItalyIsSimplyExtraordinary
We have one lettera d'amore for you and we hope you accept our invitation to spend some time with us exploring the essence of Italy in its truest form- through cinema, food, and a lot of fun.
Join us at the Italian Screens from 12th to 14th October 2022 at New Empire Cinema Hall, 1&2, Humayun Pl, New Market Area, Dharmatala, Taltala, Kolkata.
Remember, it’s first come first serve, so make sure you reserve your seat on, using the promo code: ITALY2022.
#beIT #MadeInItaly #ItalyIsSimplyExtraordinary
That OVERWHELMING moment when @ikabirbedi 😍 personally thanks the Consul General directly from Venice Film Festival!!
This made our day!🇮🇹🇮🇳
@ikabirbedi , we can't wait to welcome you in Kolkata!
#kabirbedi #italyinkolkata #indiainitaly #italyinindia #venicefilmfestival
A Confluence of Poetry, Dance and Music on the Tiber and the Ganges
Ciao Kolkata! Happy to share with you a video📽️ of celebration 🎊 of the deep cultural relations between Italy🇮🇹 & India🇮🇳, organised by the CG of Italy in Kolkata @ Indenture Memorial Jetty, Kolkata.