The Fellow Programme of the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta is a full-time doctoral programme that offers students opportunities for advanced studies and research in different specializations related to Management Science. The Programme aims to prepare students for careers in teaching and research in management studies and in related disciplines, and for careers in the government, in indus
try, and in other organizations that require advanced analytical and research capabilities. The Institute started the Fellow Programme in 1971 to contribute to the body of knowledge in management sciences through an interactive process of teaching and research. The Program focuses on training outstanding scholars whose teaching and research will advance management education and practice, and who will be able to meet the continued need for qualified faculty in management education in India and abroad. In addition, the Programme serves the needs of government agencies, firms, financial institutions, and development organizations by making available to them scholars with high levels of research experience. The Programme offers its students a unique opportunity to engage in high-quality intra-disciplinary as well as interdisciplinary research. The Programme is committed to educating scholars who will become leaders in their fields of research. Many IIMC Fellows are faculty members in leading business schools and universities in India and abroad, while others hold leadership positions in corporate research environments. The Fellow Programme in Management includes the following disciplines: Behavioural Sciences, Economics, Finance & Control, Human Resource Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Operations Management, Public Policy & Management, and Strategic Management. The Fellow Programme in Disciplines Related to Management includes the following specializations: Operations Research & Systems Analysis, Regional Development, and Sociology. The Programme consists of two phases: A two-year coursework phase is followed by a two-to-three year dissertation phase in which a student writes his/her doctoral dissertation. The Institute provides substantial support to Fellowship students in the forms of comprehensive financial aid and adequate research infrastructure. On successful completion of the Programme, a student is awarded the title of a Fellow of the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta in his/her area of specialization. The title is recognized by the Association of Indian Universities and by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, as being equivalent to a Ph.D. For more information, contact the Administrative Officer, Fellow Programmes and Research, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata 700104; phone: (33) 2467 8300 extension 199; email: [email protected].