At, you can book luxury & boutique hotel rooms for few hours for day use at deeply discounted rates. In other words, we give you access to hotels which otherwise not possible to book at a given cost. A Unique Product in Hotel Industry. We have listing of rooms from luxurious 5 star to Boutique hotels & apartments across the country depending on our customers need and budget. Each room
is rented during day hours and once a day only. Ideal for
1. Corporate traveler to relax & refresh up before and after meeting hours.
2. Airport Transit Passengers
3. To Keep your luggage.
4. To take a nap during road journey.
5. Business people to hold meeting at Luxurious suites
6. People visiting at religious places
7. Ladies for Kitty Parties.
8. People attending fairs and conferences
& many more such instances where you can use hotels during daytime. Convenience:- Before Dayhalt, finding hotel rooms for the day was, if not impossible, very complicated. Availabilities were uncertain, quality was dubious, and sometimes, you even had to endure nasty looks or comments from hotel staff. Transactions often could only be made at the hotel, in cash. Dayhalt delivers convenience, transparency and ease of use. Book online, show up at the hotel, proceed to a quick check in, take your keys and possession of your room...and check out a few hours later. It's that simple.