In depiction of no tribe you’ll find a gun in their hand, except for the Konyak tribe.
Now here’s the story.
So once upon a time, when the Britishers after playing some dirty tactics could finally capture a bunch of folks from the Konyak tribe, they thought of punishing/killing them differently. Naked as always, the tribal warriors had nothing on them or with them as they were taken in custody.
This time the evil British plan was to put the Konyak warriors standing on the back of an open jeep, and run it at a high speed, till they fall off to death.
But as the jeep sped, instead of getting scared, the captive warriors raised their hands in the air and together started yelling their hair raising war cry, something like aaa-hahaha. Like a raging horse. It’s surreal to hear and witness it.
Instead of falling off from the jeep, the warriors put up a show of bravery in the face of fear.
Now the Britishers were astonished at this, and decided to respect the brave men and bring them back to their home land.
While bringing back too, they were back naked with no luggage, and were duly dropped in their village in Mon area.
After about a month when the Englishmen visited the village again, they saw hundreds of Konyak men holding almost exact homemade copies of the Britishers’ shot gun.
Nobody had any answer as to how they did it by just looking at the weapon from far, and then by memory.
Since then Konyak folks been considered the most brave, barbaric, but also the smartest.
Until the Britishers defeated them with another sly tactic, because of which they’re unfortunately suffering even until today. But that story for another time.
While Kohima is busy preparing for Hornbill festival at the end of the year, the Konyak and Sangtam model houses stayed dirty and abandoned at the Heritage village.
Any guesses why?