Society for Welfare of the Handicapped (Regd 1967), managing School for the Deaf, School for the Blind and School for the DeafBlind welcomes volunteers to the above mentioned schools. It is well connected with New Delhi by road, rail and by air via Chandigarh, the Capital of Punjab which is approximately 70 kms from Patiala. The Schools are residential and Co-educational with working hours from 9A
M to 2PM. During the Volunteering stay with the School, the volunteers will be apprised about the following:
1. Familiarization with children with special abilities.
2. Introduction to Disabilities.
3. Introduction to blindness, its peculiar aspects and characteristics.
4. Introduction to Deafness, its peculiar aspects and characteristics.
5. Introduction to DeafBlindness, its peculiar aspects and characteristics.
6. Basic learning of Braille, Sign and Finger Touch Sign (For DeafBlind) Landuage.
7. Basics of teaching methods.
8. Participation in Art and Craft workshops.
9. Participation in Candle making project.
10. Participation in teaching of Deaf and Blind children.
11. Participation in recreational and extracurricular activities.
12. Volunteer's experience and talent in any field, which is beneficial to the students is specially welcome. Opportunity to Volunteer in other local NGO's/Charities/Institution can also be arranged depending upon the time available with the Volunteers. The Volunteers will be taken and familiarized with the following as well:
~ Public Schools
~ Goverment Schools
~ Various other centers of Education
~ Voluntary service in the Local Govt Hospital
~ Voluntary service in Orphanage
~ Voluntary Service in Old Age Home
Apart from all this, fun and recreational visit and overnight stays will also be arranged to the Village and Farm in the rural areas to learn more about the rich Culture and Traditions.