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The world  is not worried thousands of thoughts about greater and top meanwile how exactly they are after old age

When translated to English, Sanatana refer to Eternal, Perennial, Never Beginning nor Ending, Abiding, Universal, Ever-present, Unceasing, Natural, and Enduring while Dharma refers to Harmony, The Way, Righteousness, Compassion, Natural Law, Truth, Teachings, Tradition, Philosophy, Order, Universal, Flow, Religion, Wisdom, Divine Conformity, Cosmic Norm, Blueprint, Inherent Nature, Law of Being, and Duty.

** अब हर कोई कमायेगा 4 करोड यहॉ से - सिर्फ 10 रू. लगा कर ***विश्वा/स नहीं हो रहा ना परन्तु  ये सच है ‘’ खुद में कमाने का...

** अब हर कोई कमायेगा 4 करोड यहॉ से - सिर्फ 10 रू. लगा कर ***
विश्वा/स नहीं हो रहा ना परन्तु ये सच है ‘’ खुद में कमाने का विश्वा1स होना चाहिये ‘’

❌1. कंपनी को रूपए नहीं जमा करना है.
❌2. कंपनी को Rupay भी नही देना है
❌3. कंपनी को कोई फण्ड ट्रांसफर नहीं करना है

mind click 💡💡

यदि कंपनी के पास फंड कलेक्ट होगा ही नही तो भागेगी भी नहींं.😝😝😝

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mind click💡💡💡

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❌ सीनियर ने फ़ोन नहीं पिक किया...या बंद कर दिया तो

❌ 10 rupay लेने के बाद सीनियर ने सपोर्ट नही किया तो

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Step one ...

✔1. लिंक पर क्लिक करके फ्री ज्वाइन होना है.(

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है न शानदार प्लान

Mind Click..💡💡

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Beauty and Charm flawless:

Beauty define many ways.wisdom of beauty search its self.Many good peoples all entire universe loves to  express beauty of smile.Yes it is ...


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Apple's iPhone 7 is expected to launch in 2016, bringing a new designand new features.

Apple's iPhone 7 is expected to launch in 2016, bringing a new designand new features.


just propaganda theme


To see a person's specialities rather than their weaknesses is an act of co-operation

To see a person's specialities rather than their weaknesses is an act of co-operation



Beauty define many ways.wisdom of beauty search its self.Many good peoples all entire universe loves to  express beauty of smile.Yes it is ...


Good things come to those who believe, better things cometo those who are patient, and the best things come to those who don't give up.


There are real angelsright here on Earth,Though they can not see their own true worth.They live in love and gratitude,luminescence theyexude to show the wayto ones own truths.Sensitive and often hurtit does not hinder theirgreat work.Precious gifts to all aroundwings enshrouddivine angels on the ground.Thank you


To quantify climate change, researchers need to know the Transient Climate Response (TCR) and Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS) of Earth. Both values are projected global mean surface temperature changes in response to doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations but on different timescales. TCR is characteristic of short-term predictions, up to a century out, while ECS looks centuries further into the future, when the entire climate system has reached equilibrium and temperatures have stabilized.

There have been many attempts to determine TCR and ECS values based on the history of temperature changes over the last 150 years and the measurements of important climate drivers, such as carbon dioxide. As part of that calculation, researchers have relied on simplifying assumptions when accounting for the temperature impacts of climate drivers other than carbon dioxide, such as tiny particles in the atmosphere known as aerosols, for example. It is well known that aerosols such as those emitted in volcanic eruptions act to cool Earth, at least temporarily, by reflecting solar radiation away from the planet. In a similar fashion, land use changes such as deforestation in northern latitudes result in bare land that increases reflected sunlight.

But the assumptions made to account for these drivers are too simplistic and result in incorrect estimates of TCR and ECS, said climate scientist Gavin Schmidt, the director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York and a co-author on the study. "The problem with that approach is that it falls way short of capturing the individual regional impacts of each of those variables," he said, adding that only within the last ten years has there been enough available data on aerosols to abandon the simple assumption and instead attempt detailed calculations.

In a NASA first, researchers at GISS accomplished such a feat as they calculated the temperature impact of each of these variables--greenhouse gases, natural and manmade aerosols, ozone concentrations, and land use changes--based on historical observations from 1850 to 2005 using a massive ensemble of computer simulations. Analysis of the results showed that these climate drivers do not necessarily behave like carbon dioxide, which is uniformly spread throughout the globe and produces a consistent temperature response; rather, each climate driver has a particular set of conditions that affects the temperature response of Earth.

The new calculations reveal their complexity, said Kate Marvel, a climatologist at GISS and the paper's lead author. "Take sulfate aerosols, which are created from burning fossil fuels and contribute to atmospheric cooling," she said. "They are more or less confined to the northern hemisphere, where most of us live and emit pollution. There's more land in the northern hemisphere, and land reacts quicker than the ocean does to these atmospheric changes."

Because earlier studies do not account for what amounts to a net cooling effect for parts of the northern hemisphere, predictions for TCR and ECS have been lower than they should be. This means that Earth's climate sensitivity to carbon dioxide--or atmospheric carbon dioxide's capacity to affect temperature change--has been underestimated, according to the study. The result dovetails with a GISS study published last year that puts the TCR value at 3.0°F (1.7° C); the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which draws its TCR estimate from earlier research, places the estimate at 1.8°F (1.0°C).

"If you've got a systematic underestimate of what the greenhouse gas-driven change would be, then you're systematically underestimating what's going to happen in the future when greenhouse gases are by far the dominant climate driver," Schmidt said.


Happpppppy new year to all


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