A wise Sage once said: “It is not without reason that the heart is regarded as the symbol of love, for the Anāhata Chakra is the seat of love. When our heart opens to Divine love, our love becomes infinite. To really send loving feelings to someone we must open the Heart Chakra and allow love and light to radiate from our inner Self.
The Jīvātmā or soul lives joyfully in the liberated feeling of Divine love and heavenly bliss when it has found its way to its true Self in the Anāhata Chakra. Bhakti Yogis, especially, who follow the path of devotion to God, linger here for a very long time. In the infinite space of the heart they are constantly discovering something new, fascinating and attractive. Anāhata means “infinite.” In the Anāhata Chakra we hear Anāhata Nāda, the constant, fundamental sound of the Universe, the eternal vibration of the Self. Its sound is SO HAM or HAM SA – “That I am, I am That”. We perceive it as a subtle rhythmic melody similar to a heartbeat, but much softer and more wonderful.
The poet, Srī Kabīrdās, was inspired by this melody within the heart chakra to write the following verse:
“The flute of the infinite is played without ending, and its sound is love. When love renounces all boundaries it arrives at the truth.” To open the Anāhata Chakra in the spiritual sense means the realisation of an all-embracing Divine love towards all beings.
So the heart is not only a pump. The heart is a seat of divine life. It is the seat of the Universal Mother Principle. That Principle manifests in the heart as love and compassion. When we love somebody, though the current comes from the brain, it centralizes in the heart. Every organ in the body is a counterpart or a vehicle of the Infinite Life and Mind. The Infinite Presence of God as manifested in our body is secreted in the subtle divine centre of God-consciousness in the brain. From there, It radiates Its various qualities throughout the whole being through specialized functions in six subtle centers, sub dynamos, in the cerebrospinal axis. Every organ in the body, relative to the specialized functions in these divine centers, is thus an instrument, or conduit, of the Infinite Life and Mind of God.
Behind the heart is the Love Principle of God. And behind the brain is the Wisdom Principle of God. Cultivating pure love and true wisdom greatly enlivens the heart and brain — physically as well as spiritually. And the harmonization of the Love Principle in the heart and the Wisdom Principle in the brain creates a magnetic force that draws healing energy in our entire body.
The greatest love you can experience is in communion with God in meditation. The love between the soul and Spirit is the perfect love and this is the love that we are all seeking. When we meditate, love grows. Millions of thrills will pass through our heart. If we meditate deeply, a love will come over us such as no human tongue can describe. We will then know true Divine love, and we will be able to give that pure love to others............”