www.machinebank.in is an revolutionary infrastructure e-commerce platform that intends to seamlessly integrate various stake holders (Govt., EPC or Project Companies, Manufacturers, Financial Institutions, Job Seekers, etc.,) within infrastructure sector and deliver real time, optimum solutions whether someone is looking for tenders, advisory services, buying New / Old equipment & / spare parts, s
eeking project / equipment finance, scouting for that right skilled / unskilled manpower, e-auction, etc. Machine Bank is a JV between Quippo Construction & Equipment Ltd (An Associate of SREI Infrastructure Finance Ltd) & Luharia e-solutions private limited. SOLUTIONS @ MACHINE BANK:
About Industry: Now, one can access and keep oneself updated about latest happenings / news about Infrastructure sector across the Globe at a click of a button. Save Time, Save Money and Earn Convenience. Tenders: Post, View, Download & Bid for sector specific tenders and filter sector wise, country wise, project size wise; all at your convenience. Advisory Solutions: Access that niche expertise to make you stand out, qualify for project tenders in today’s competitive world, search out right technical partner for your project, design and avail right financial mix to save cost of capital and manage your resources efficiently, should buy a new / used equipment, what specification, should hire equipment, at what price & from where, ensure your project is managed well and is executed within stipulated time frame, etc.; Strategic, Transactional & Ex*****on phase services; now at a click of a button. Our experts ensure that you just need to have the vision to undertake a project, while the mission to execute same at most optimum level, is ensured by our advisory team. Effective, Efficient & Economical Project Management Solutions – Machine Bank. Manufacturers: Reach out to every stake holder who could be your prospective buyer and is currently suspecting you or is unable to reach you; through our dedicated micro site option and also get your inventory listed with us; so that buyers not only can trade off, but also buy your assets online. In short, save on your sales acquisition cost and reach out to all stake holders on a common platform that would attract anyone who is directly / indirectly related to infrastructure sector. Financial Institution / Insurance: Reach out to every stake holder who could be your prospective customer and is currently suspecting you or is unable to reach you; through our dedicated micro site option; so that customers not only can trade off, but also avail your services (Project Finance / equipment Finance / Insurance) online. BUY / SELL / LEASE / HIRE: Now, you can SELL / BUY / LEASE / HIRE new / used equipment’s and spare parts through our unique sales engine / algorithm that ensures that you access required asset and compare across price point, availability point, distance between your project site and asset availability point & also get USED assets that are valued & certified – all at just one click. E-Auction: Realize the true potential of your assets through our e-auction platform that can attract all stake holders of infrastructure industry, globally. Manpower Solutions: Now, access relevant profiles (skilled and unskilled) for your human resource requirement, only at Machine Bank and also post your manpower requirements and let target candidates apply / reach directly to you. Dashboard: One can do business; but one can sustain and continue growing by carrying same business if it’s effectively, efficiently and economically managed. Through our unique dashboard, you can now manage your business and its departments / verticals, make your resources accountable & responsible; all at a click of a button and at a convenience to monitor same from anywhere across the world. Reach out to your world, through www.machinebank.in; reach out to your GOALS! Please contact us at [email protected] and experience the power of seamless infra solutions.