Our most popular information security and hacking training goes in-depth into the techniques us ed by malicious, black hat hackers with attention gettig lectures and hands-on lab exercises. While these hacking skills can be used for malicious purposes, this class teaches you how to use the same hacking techniques to perform a white-hat, ethical hack, on your organization. You leave with the abilit
y to quantitatively assess and measure threats to information assets; and discover where your organization is most vulnerable to hacking in this network security training course. The goal of this course is to help you master a repeatable, documentable pe*******on testing methodology that can be used in an ethical pe*******on testing or hacking situation. The most current, up-to-date Ethical Hacking training available anywhere! Black Hat hackers are always changing their tactics to get one step ahead of the good guys. NYK Technology updates our course materials regularly to ensure that you learn about the most current threats to your organization's networks and systems. Learn from Experts in the field of Information Security:
We don't just have great instructors, our instructors have years of industry experience and are recognized as experts. NYK Technology instructors have authored two of the top Network Security and Ethical Hacking books