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www.kurd-sky.com Specialized in information technology, VSAT - VOIP - WiMax - WiFi - Broadcasting- wide Area Network Thereby helping people stay connected anytime, anywhere.

Kurd-Sky Specialized in information technology, Wide Area Network (WANs) and Local Area Network (LANs). Today, networks are an essential part of business, education, government and home communications. Kurd-Sky, provides and delivers advanced networks and communications solutions that make these networks possible, giving individuals, companies' easy access to information anywhere at anytime by pro

viding a broad range of services, including technical support and advanced services. Kurd-Sky pioneered the use of Internet via satellite in its own business practice and offers consulting services based on its experience to assist other organizations. We deals with greatest international, internet service providers (Teleports) based on satellite communications for both data
and voice, to helping people stay connecting with the high quality, cost-effective and efficient communication services across the satellite communications. Kurd-Sky provides advanced solutions (designing, analyzing and implementing) the Wide Area Network (WANs) and Local Area Network (LANs) infrastructure for enterprises, medium, small and home users, depending on worldwide leader in the networks and software's products manufacturers, to ensure the high and efficient connectivity. We have a vision to reach a unique landmark � a billion user's network. Our mission is to provide high quality, cost-effective and efficient networking and communication technology solutions to customers to enjoy the advantage of the information technology. Our Vision

Our vision is to create long-term value and through our well-known expertise in establishing and developing ISP operations is an added benefit to our clients, covering technological innovations, management, marketing and distribution.

Our Mission

To provide global connectivity and managed communications solutions, with unequalled flexibility and scalability, ensuring reduced total cost of ownership.



-Administration documents follow up.
-Online company clients management.
-Prepare tenders documents and gather needed Info.
-Manage company online portal (invoices and payments).
-Advise online opportunities through email follow up.

Newtec HUB6000

Newtec HUB6000

Eutelsat E21B satellite coverage

Eutelsat E21B satellite coverage

Find satellite direction

Find satellite direction

Perfect networking LAN and WAN

Perfect networking LAN and WAN

GVF VSAT professional certificate

GVF VSAT professional certificate

GVF certificate obtained

GVF certificate obtained

Field tools

Field tools

New wireless technology has been tested that is 100 times stronger than Wi-Fi.It is called Li-Fi and it could revolution...

New wireless technology has been tested that is 100 times stronger than Wi-Fi.

It is called Li-Fi and it could revolutionise the way we interact online.

The technology, which transmits information using visible light communication, is being tested in offices and other workplaces in Tallinn in Estonia.

Tests in the lab have revealed that Li-Fi can be up to 100 times quicker than Wi-Fi - it uses visible light and transmits messages through binary code.

Because visible light cannot pass through walls, it is thought the system will be more secure.

But there are no plans to replace the Wi-Fi we know and love and sometimes hate just yet - researchers want to combine the two technologies together.

Li-Fi was invented in 2011 by Professor Harald Haas from the University of Edinburgh; he showed that more data could be transmitted than a cellular tower by flickering light through a singled LED.

Researchers have reported that, in recent tests, Li-Fi has achieved data transmission of 1GB per second, making it 100 times faster than Wi-Fi.

Its lab record of 224 gigabits per second mean it could download 18 movies of 1.5GB each every second.

“We are doing a few pilot projects within different industries where we can utilise the VLC (visible light communication) technology,” Deepak Solanki, chief executive of Estonian tech company, Velmenni, told the International Business Times.

“Currently we have designed a smart lighting solution for an industrial environment where the data communications is done through light.

“We are also doing a pilot project with a private client where we are setting up a Li-fi network to access the internet in their office space.”

Other companies, including one created by Professor Haas and a French firm, are working to bring Li-Fi to the public.

Televes SMATV headend supply and installation for IPTV over ADSL in Erbil city.

Televes SMATV headend supply and installation for IPTV over ADSL in Erbil city.


Call Center
What Is A Call Center?

Call centers special offices that are purpose-built to handle a large volume of phone calls. Call centers typically handle customer service, support, telemarketing, telesales and collections functions. The employees who staff call centers are referred to as “agents” or “customer service representatives” (frequently abbreviated as CSRs). Call centers range from very small informal operations to massive, highly optimized sites with hundreds or even thousands of agents.
Call centers use specialized telephone equipment to maximize productivity. Specialized telephony switching systems called “Automatic Call Distributors” or ACDs are used to queue and route inbound calls to agents based on a wide variety of criteria. Outbound calls are frequently generated by an automated system called a “Predictive Dialer” that monitors the status of agents and places calls on their behalf. Other common call center tools include desktop integration (frequently referred to as “screen pop”), Interactive Voice Response (IVR) applications, call recording solutions, productivity monitoring utilities, workforce planning systems and various methods of historical and near real-time reporting.
Automatic Call Distributor (ACD)
An ACD is a specialized phone system that routes (distributes) incoming calls to teams of agents assigned to various call queues. Queues are simply ordered list of calls to be dispatched to agents. The ACD oversees the process of placing incoming calls into the proper queue, assigning priority to those calls based on various factors (the order of their arrival, the importance of the caller, the urgency of the caller’s situation), and ultimately dispatching those calls to an available agent. The algorithm by which calls are dispatched is called the queue strategy.
Queue Strategies
A simple ACD system consists of a source of calls (a pool of lines, trunks or virtual trunks), a FIFO (first-in, first-out) queue and a pool of agents who are selected using a “ring-all” strategy. In this case, when a call arrives the system rings the phones of all agents who are not already on a call. The first agent to answer the call is connected with the calling party. All the other phones stop ringing.
A more complex (and likely more useful) configuration would have the call offered to the agent who had been in the idle state longest. This “most idle” strategy is frequently used when all agents are considered equally qualified to handle a task. Other common strategies include round robin, linear hunt, least-recently-called, fewest calls and random. In some cases, the ACD can weight its selection based on the caller’s need (generally collected using an IVR application) and a list of skills associated with each agent. This is generally referred to as “skills-based routing”.
Caller Experience
While waiting in queue, callers generally hear a combination of marketing messages, queue status messages and music. Marketing messages are simply audio recordings that are piped into the queue on a periodic basis. Status messages provide the caller with specific information about their status — the number of callers ahead of them in the queue, the estimated wait time and sometimes alternatives to waiting in queue. Some more advanced call queueing systems support virtual queueing. A virtual queueing system allows callers to provide a callback number, then disconnect. Their position in the queue is preserved and when an agent becomes available the system places an outbound call to the caller.
Outbound call centers frequently use a dialer application to connect agents with targets. Dialers can be simple desktop applications that implement a basic “click-to-call” function, or much more advanced systems
Desktop Dialer
Desktop dialer applications are generally integrated with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software or other business applications. When an agent needs to make a call, the click a button or link in the dialer application rather than manually entering the digits on the keypad of their phone. The dialer application then places the call on their behalf by sending a command to the phone (known as “first person” integration) or to the phone system (known as “third person” integration). Automating the dialing process reduces errors and increases productivity.
Power Dialer
Large-scale cold-calling operations commonly associated with tele-sales, collections and political campaigns, require more aggressive dialer systems. Some of these are simply “power dialers” which essentially place one outbound call for each available agent. When an agent hangs up, the system automatically dials another call and connects it to the agent’s phone. This pattern continues as long as the agent remains logged into the system. Power dialers allow an outbound call center to place far more calls than could be accomplished manually. However, there is still some agent time wasted handling calls that do not connect, reach answering machines or otherwise fail to reach the target.
Predictive Dialer
Predictive dialers are essentially smarter power dialers. They carefully monitor the average handle time for each agent and attempt to predict when an agent will become available. Rather than placing calls on a one-agent-to-one-call basis, they place more calls than there are agents available. When a call is answered the system uses various methods to determine if the answering party is a human or an answering machine. Answering machines are either dropped or fed a pre-recorded message while live answers are handed off to agents.
Robo Dialer
Sometimes dialer systems are completely automated. These place calls then play messages to the answering party or machine. These systems are commonly used for notification purposes (i.e. reminder of a doctor’s appointment, notice that school has been cancelled) as well as marketing and political messaging. Some automatic dialer systems support additional features like surveys or transfers to live agents.
Dialer Considerations
In most jurisdictions there are many laws governing the use of dialers. Before deploying a dialer be certain to review these to avoid significant penalties or even criminal charges.
Adjunct Technologies
While ACDs and dialer systems are quite powerful on their own, interconnecting them with a number of related technologies has the potential to increase the efficiency and in some cases improve customer experience.
Automated Attendant
Automated attendant systems have long been paired with ACDs, allowing callers to route themselves into the appropriate call queue. Automated attendants are simply menu systems that prompt callers to indicate their preference using the keys on their phone or, in some cases, by speaking keywords. Callers are generally willing to accept up to two levels of menu before reaching a live agent. More than two levels tends to annoy most callers and can result in an increase in abandoned calls.
Interactive Voice Response
Interactive Voice Response or IVR applications are another technology frequently integrated with ACDs. IVR systems prompt callers for data items — things like account numbers, prescription refill codes or package tracking numbers — and use those values to look up caller-specific information from remote data sources. In some cases the IVR application can handle an entire transaction without human intervention. In other cases the IVR feeds data to the ACD to help it route the call appropriately.
CTI / Screen Pop
To increase agent productivity, desktop business applications are frequently integrated with the ACD in such a way that data related to the caller is automatically displayed when a call is delivered. This is commonly referred to as either “Computer-Telephony Integration” or simply as a “screen pop”. There are several ways to accomplish this. In some cases the business applications support a CTI standard like TAPI or TSAPI. In other cases the applications are custom and communicate directly with the ACD or a “CTI server” that acts as a proxy for the ACD.
Call Recording
Call centers frequently record calls either to monitor the performance of their agents or for regulatory compliance. Call recording systems handle the process of capturing the audio from all participants in the call, mixing it, storing it and producing an index that allows administrators or regulators to locate and review recordings. A properly built recording system makes it easy to pinpoint conversations using common keys including Caller ID, date, time and agent ID.
Asterisk In The Call Center
Asterisk is a powerful tool for building call center systems and solutions. With support for call queues, IVRs, outbound dialing, recording, live monitoring and reporting, Asterisk includes virtually everything you need to create a working call center. Small and informal call centers can be built using a single Asterisk server or deployed from a turn-key IP PBX. Enterprise call centers generally make use of a cluster of Asterisk systems structured to scale as the business grows. Call centers with legacy ACD systems frequently use Asterisk as an adjunct, acting as the IVR front-end to a skills-based routing solution.


- Iraq (Dohuk and Erbil) city PSTN international traffic routed via VSAT and management as a No. of 36E1’s connected to London telehouse to terminate/generate VoIP calls to/from people to international voice gateways.
- Halasat IPS in Baghdad we manage their VSAT bandwidth as well as offer technical support 24/7 , and assist to troubleshoot their network issues.
- Manage more than 60 stations (VSAT) connected to different teleports through Kurd-Sky Co. ,
- Also a capacity of dedicated bandwidth of 200 Mbps is distributed to mentioned links as SCPC/SCPC and SCPC/DVB-S2.


We are able to offer fiber optic cable installations using:
• Direct cable pulling
• In building FO cable install
• Termination deferent ODF size and capacity using Fujikora fusion splicing machines.
• Winching
• Rodding and roping
• OTDR testing
• Fusion splicing and ensure ZERO loss for each connected pair
• Fiber optic cable Pedcap jointing



نجاح إطلاق القمر الصناعي يوتلسات 25ب/ سهيل 1
القمر الصناعي المشترك بين يوتلسات وسهيل سات على طريقه إلى الموقع المداري 25.5 درجة شرقا لخدمة المستخدمين في جميع أنحاء الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا وآسيا الوسطى

أطلاق القمر الصناعي "سهيل 1" بنجاح يوم 29 أغسطس 2013 م عبر صاروخ أريان 5 ، وهو على طريقه إلى المدار الثابت بالنسبة للأرض. في الساعة 20:30 بالتوقيت العالمي أطلق القمر الذي يزن 6.3 طن عبر الصاروخ آريان ، وتجري الإستعدادات لتشغيل القمر من المدار 25.5 درجة شرقا إبتداءا من نهاية شهر أكتوبر.
السيد/ علي بن أحمد الكواري علق قائلا : "نحن فخورون جدا بمشاهدتنا من كورو لميلاد نجم جديد فوق قطر عبر نجاح إطلاق القمر الصناعي القطري سهيل 1. برنامج سهيل سات يلعب دورا استراتيجيا هاما حيث تعمل دولة قطر على تلبية احتياجات قطاع الإتصالات المتنامي في المنطقة . وبتحقيق وجود سهيل 1 فقد تم تحقيق الخطوة الأولى في مهمتنا وذلك لنصبح مركز متميز في المنطقة وتطوير صناعة فضائية وطنية مستدامة . القمر الصناعي القطري الأول سيوفر لشركائنا الإستراتيجيين والعملاء التجاريين الخدمات الساتلية المتقدمة من إستقلالية البث التلفزيوني وجودة الخدمة والتغطية الجغرافية الواسعة. نحن نهنئ اريان سبيس على تقديم صورة مثالية للإطلاق ، ونتطلع إلى العمل مع فريق عمليات يوتلسات لتقديم سهيل 1 في الخدمة ".

مبني على منصة شركة سبيس سيستمز/ لورال "SSL-1300" سهيل 1 مصمم لخدمة البث التلفزيوني والقطاع التجاري والعام في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا وآسيا الوسطى عبر قدرات النطاق الترددي "كي يو" (Ku) و"كي أي" (Ka) . وسيحل محل القمر الصناعي يوتلسات 25C في الموقع المداري 25.5 درجة شرقا لتقديم كل من التغطية الجغرافية الواسعة وزيادة القدرة على تلبية الطلب المتزايد لأسواق الإتصالات الرقمية.

Norsat has also launched the GLOBETrekkerTM 2.0, a newer, more feature rich ver- sion of the popular fly-away satellite ...

Norsat has also launched the GLOBETrekkerTM 2.0, a newer, more feature rich ver- sion of the popular fly-away satellite terminal, now capable of HD quality broadcast with H.264/MPEG-4 AVC and optional MPEG-2 video (up to 24Mbps) and available in Ku, X, Ka, and multi-band versions.

Norsat has also launched the GLOBETrekkerTM 2.0, a newer, more feature rich ver- sion of the popular fly-away satellite terminal, now capable of HD quality broadcast with H.264/MPEG-4 AVC and optional MPEG-2 video (up to 24Mbps) and available in Ku, X, Ka, and multi-band versions.

New design .....www.kurd-sky.com

New design .....

Specialized in information technology, Wide Area Network (WANs) and Local Area Network (LANs). Today, networks are an essential part of business, education, government and home communications. Kurd-Sky, provides and delivers advanced networks and communications solutions that make these ne...



EION Wireless, a division of EION Inc., is a global provider of Broadband Wireless Access products that enable effective, economic and secure wireless high-speed communications solutions. The company’s licensed and unlicensed frequency products are used by wireless ISPs, private network operators, a...



As the only annual event in the Iraqi telecommunications industry, the conference gathers over 300 senior level executives from over 30 countries to discuss investment opportunities in the sector and setting up the roadmap for investors.



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