BC Sea Kayak Leader Training
Course Date: 19th-21st of May
Coaches: Alex LaLonde & Gudni Pall Viktorsson
Arnarstapi offers the perfect environment and range of conditions for the training and assessment of the BC Sea Kayak Leader Award.
As a prerequisite to the award, you should be at or above the BC Sea Kayak /Coastal Sea Kayak Award level.
You should be an asset to the group and feel comfortable in up to force 4 winds and 2 Knots of tide.
The course is designed to train you up to the BC Sea Kayak Leader level. Equally, if you feel you are paddling at this standard feel free to contact us to discuss where you fit into the BC qualification process.
The BC Sea Kayak Leader Training Course - we will make the best use of forecast conditions and will include:
•Boat handling skills – in moderate wind and waves, tidal streams, rock gardens, small surf (based on conditions)
•Group management skills in moderate sea conditions – skills for leaders and experienced group members
•Safety and rescue techniques in moderate water – managing priorities, and dealing with common problems.
• Coastal navigation skills – tidal planning, weather factors, venue choice, trip planning
Our leadership courses are practical and active – be ready to spend full days outdoors and afloat. We’ll explore skills and tactics in a wide variety of sea kayaking situations – this course is ideal for any sea kayaker wishing to develop independence, safety, and leadership skills.
At the end of the course, trainees will have the opportunity to complete a personalized action plan with their coaches. This provides an opportunity to discuss areas that require attention and ways in which to improve on these.
Price per person: 61.900 isk
Equipment included if needed.
(All courses require a minimum of 4 people to run)
For the BC Sea Kayak Leader Training guidance notes and syllabus please see
And more
https://paddlesuptraining.com/courses/sea-kayak-leader-tidal/ -content
Registration and more info
[email protected]
Guðni Páll