the ireland : iceland project this is a creative collaborative project connecting Ireland to Iceland this is a collective experiment this is a cultural collaboratory the ireland : iceland project
this is a creative collaborative project connecting Ireland to Iceland
this is a collective experiment
the ireland : iceland project is a cultural movement involving
Irish and Icelandic artists, social architects, and ideas people to illuminate the exceptional times we live in. This project envisions Ireland and Iceland as two island nations living on the edge of a brave new world. In 2011, we will host a series of collaborative projects, sleepovers, installations, expeditions, pilgrimages, rites of passage, site-specific performances and curated events in Ireland & Iceland filtering the ideas and spirit of the times we live in. VISION
The project will provide a space where these artists can draw on their cultural backgrounds and creative voices .The project will provide a time line focused on harnessing collective ideas into creative projects. An exploration of the ancestral connections to the current synchronicities between Ireland & Iceland is a vital part of the collaborative journey. This collaborative cultural exchange includes ideas people, architects performance artists, music collectives, theatre makers, visual artists, filmmakers, writers, choreographers, designers and innovators .We want to tap into the potency and intelligence of the collective and connect into the synergy of collaboration. The Ireland : Iceland connection
The shared history and experience of these two island races involve intimate connections stretching back to the birth of Iceland as a populated entity. Popular legend has it that the first humans to tread the shores and volcanic terrain of Iceland were Christian monks from the northwest of Ireland, in the eighth century. col·lec·tive (noun)
Of, relating to, characteristic of, or made by a number of people acting as a group: a collective decision. ex·per·i·ment (noun)
scientific test, try out new things, doing something new, use of repeated tests and trials