Today in Florence, the Scoppio del Carro , or the "Explosion of the Cart" to celebrate Easter Sunday with a centuries-old fireworks show.
The big cart called the "brindellone" has already arrived to the Piazza, brought by four white decorated oxen.
This video captures the moment the priest rubs 3 flints together to light the Easter candle and then in turn to light the small rocket shaped like a Dove, the "Colombina".
The Dove will fly out of the Cathedral into the cart and start the "explosion ", or rather, the fireworks show.
#italy #italy2024 #tuscany #toscana #italytour #bestofitaly #italianstyle #italygram #traveltoitaly #visititaly #beautifulitaly #easter #scoppiodelcarro2024 #florence #dove #colombina #traditions #folklore #duomo
Fall Harvest in Tuscany Small Group Tour 2023
Visited a linen mill that has produced handcrafted fabrics from linen/flax, wool, and cotton since 1842. The mill has been owned by the same family for eight generations - keeping traditions alive.
#italy #exploreitaly #underthetuscansun #tour #fallharvest #discoveritaly #fallharvesttour2023 #italytravel #tuscanytour #italyadventures #smallgrouptravel #travelwithme #smallgrouptour #localproducts #discovertuscany #linenfabric #fabricmill #linens #fabricweaving #traditions #weaversofinstagram #madeinitaly #madeinitalydesign #Artisanal #artisan #handcrafted #fabric
Wonderful tenor opera entertainment at our wine-pairing dinner.
Fall Harvest in Tuscany small group tour 2023.
#fallharvesttour2023 #tuscanytour #tour #discoveritaly #italytravel #discoveritaly #oiltasting #italytravel #fallharvest #italiancuisine #smallgrouptravel #foodandwineexperience #winepairing #cortona #winepairingdinner #winetour #exploreitaly #tuscanfood #underthetuscansun #Italy #smallgrouptour #italyadventures #magicalmoment #serendipity #magicalmoments #italy2023 #tuscany #tenor #opera #operasinger #entertainment
A grayish kind of day in Florence, but we have the bells!!
#italy #bestofitaly #visititaly #italytour #toscana #tuscany #beautifuldestinations #beautifulitaly #traveltours #traveltoexplore #TuscanyItaly #florence #firenze #firenze🇮🇹 #smallgrouptours #duomo #bells #belltower #smallgrouptours #smallgrouptravel #customtours
Flag throwers.
Festival of Autumn
#italy #italia #italy🇮🇹 #tuscany #toscana
#italyrightnow #renaissancefaire #renaissance #autumn #medieval #artisanmarket #fall #artisan #customtours #fallharvest #medievalfestival #festival #discovertuscany #discoveritaly #tour #tuscanytour #travelwithme #flagthrowers #bandiera #sbandieratori
Our wine pairing lunch in Chianti came with a surprise!
#magicalmoment #chiantiwine #organicfarm #yoga #underthetuscansun #winepairing #italy2023 #chianti #smallgrouptour #discovertuscany #mindfulness #tavel #serendipity #chiantiwine #chianti #italyadventures #Italy #italy🇮🇹 #discoveritaly #exploreitaly #tuscany #tuscanylovers #italytour #italytravel #bestofitaly #visititaly #traveltoitaly #beautifulitaly #chiantiwine #organicfarm #italy2023 #chianti #smallgrouptour #discovertuscany #chianti #winepairing #italyadventures #discoveritaly #exploreitaly #tuscany #tuscanylovers #italytour #tuscany #tuscanyitaly #lunch #singalong
Peaceful protests today in the Piazza of the Milan Duomo against war, nationalism, communism, Putin, etc.
Protests are common on Labor Day (May 1).
Making Parmigiano is very labor intensive and you need hands of asbestos to withstand being in the constant hot well as arms of steel to lift these big babies of formed cheese curd solids.
Join us next spring 2023 on our tour to the Emilia-Romagna region to discover all the food specialties of the area including the making of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. 🧀
Today our group had the special privilege to watch the Florentine Easter tradition of the "Scoppio del Carro" ( Explosion of the cart) in the Piazza del Duomo, just outside the Cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore. The group enjoyed this spectacular event from VIP seating while sipping some celebratory prosecco.
The large cart is pulled through streets of Florence by 4 large white oxen adorned with spring flowers in a parade of medieval costumed individuals including flag throwers and drummers.
The cart, rigged with hundreds of fireworks is then deposited in front of the Cathedral. At precisely 11:00am, 'Gloria' is sung out from inside the Cathedral and the Archbishop lights a fuse-propelled Colombina( Dove) at the altar which races down a wire to the awaiting cart, and sets off the "explosion of the cart" in a dramatic spectacle.
Unfortunately this tradition had been postponed fir the last two years.
Holy Saturday in Florence
Love listening to the bells chime!
Holy Saturday at Basilica di Santa Maria Novella
Holy Saturday in Florence