Property and Land in Italy - Projects - Investments

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  • Property and Land in Italy - Projects - Investments

Property and Land  in Italy - Projects - Investments The initiative tells about a territory, talks about its excellence and proposes purchases and investments in Italy. Инвестиции в недвижимость

Italian House Design предлагает целый ряд инвестиций в недвижимость, переговорныe услуги и юридическую поддержку в заключении сделки. Вы можете инвестировать напрямую в основные проекты по недвижимости в Италии. Мы работаем как с жилищной недвижимостью, так и с коммерческой. Сотрудничаем с различными типами клиентов : частными, коммерческими, инвесторами и инвест фондами.

The unchanged charm of a Medieval Village is an element that attracts more and more people, who decide to invest in buyi...

The unchanged charm of a Medieval Village is an element that attracts more and more people, who decide to invest in buying a house far from the smog and stress of the city. But there is more: what moves hearts towards the decision to buy a house in an Ancient Village is the search for a broader balance. Fewer cars, of course, as well as more human and less exhausting rhythms. But also, and above all, the desire to find a more welcoming and harmonious daily dimension. Liguria is a privileged place from this point of view. Nature, culture, a way of life still uncontaminated by the frenzy of modern life combine perfectly with slices of ancient history that, in addition to representing the basis of Italian and European culture, become the ideal place to live one's life to the full. Paths on which the foot rests in search of the best road towards a new inner balance. Towards that peace that the city is no longer able to guarantee. I feel like encouraging the choice of buying a house in a medieval village: I know from experience that it is a decisive step in the life of many: today I will talk to you about Cosio D’Arroscia.
It all depends on doing it with full knowledge of the facts and with the right information at hand. For this reason, I have created this little guide designed to help in this splendid but delicate step.

Liguria, Italy.Property undergoing renovation on 2 floors plus basement and mezzanine for a surface area of 110 square m...

Liguria, Italy.
Property undergoing renovation on 2 floors plus basement and mezzanine for a surface area of 110 square meters. The attics, part of the partitions and the roof have been redone. Rustic asking price 35,000 euros, estimate of work with specifications to be customized starting from 85,000 euros. I can send photos and plans by email. Purchase directly from the construction company.
The Borgo is located in the upper valley of the Arroscia stream, in the province of Imperia, in a strategic position between the Ligurian Alps and the sea, 35 km from Imperia, 37 km from Alberga, 50 from Ceva, less than twenty kilometers from the mountain border with France and the nearest train station is only 15 km away. It presents itself as a compact village, dominated by the Romanesque bell tower in the center of the town, characterized by its narrow streets that wind between the houses, joined together by the typical archivolts.

Meglio evitare confusione sull'Argomento

Meglio evitare confusione sull'Argomento

Quali sono i vantaggi di una casa mobile posta su un terreno agricolo? Uno su tutti: poter vivere a stretto contatto con la natura in posti da sogno senza dover necessariamente passare per le strettoie burocratiche (ed economiche) della costruzione di una nuova struttura.

Interesting investment opportunity in the Province of Cuneo, with the rent-to-buy formula.In an area with a growing tour...

Interesting investment opportunity in the Province of Cuneo, with the rent-to-buy formula.
In an area with a growing tourist vocation, it is possible to recover a surface area of approximately 300 square meters of property between the residential part and porches, with adjoining land of relevance. Convenient to all services, it is located on the road front. The land borders a stream. The property is in good structural condition, although it is not currently habitable. There are no systems but the utilities are all on the roadside. It can be recovered as a main residence, second home or tourist accommodation facility. On this property it is possible to negotiate the transfer of ownership with the rent-to-buy formula. An initial deposit of 20,000 euros is required. Since this is a property to be renovated (works to be paid by the future buyer) in the face of a metric calculation and an estimate of costs, we can study with the buyer an adequate and controlled monthly rent, to meet the needs of those who will have to start the renovation work. More information and photos can be sent by email to those interested. Thank you

Your second home in Italy. Our green building homes are a great choice for those looking for not only a safe and eco-sus...

Your second home in Italy. Our green building homes are a great choice for those looking for not only a safe and eco-sustainable second home, but also an excellent investment, in one of the areas with the greatest tourist vocation in Piedmont. Designed and built to measure, all you have to do is choose the area and the type of construction. Today's proposal is in the municipality of Villar San Costanzo, province of Cuneo, in a hilly area with excellent exposure and lots of green space. Although in an isolated context on the edge of the Valle Varaita forest, you will be convenient to services and the main sports centers. Excellent as an investment, should you decide to include your property in the short-term rental circuit. You can purchase by customizing the surfaces starting from €115.000. Contact us for more information.

Record tourist presences confirm the trend of Langhe Roero and Monferrato

Record tourist presences confirm the trend of Langhe Roero and Monferrato

L’Intelligenza Naturale al centro del palinsesto che, in 9 weekend, ha visto 90mila ingressi al Mercato mondiale del Tartufo ad Alba, sempre all’insegna della sostenibilità


🌿✨ Il turismo nelle Langhe Monferrato Roero punta tutto sulla sostenibilità! ✨🌿

Il direttore dell'ATL Langhe Monferrato Roero, Bruno Bertero, traccia un bilancio dell’anno turistico, evidenziando come la qualità sia il vero punto di forza del territorio. 🍷🏞

📊 Crescita costante:
Confrontando il periodo 2019-2023, i numeri parlano chiaro: aumento del 22,5% nelle presenze, con oltre 667.500 arrivi registrati nel 2023. Un successo che dimostra come il territorio sia sempre più apprezzato per le sue eccellenze paesaggistiche, enogastronomiche e culturali.

🌍 Verso un futuro "Smart":
Ad Alba è stata presentata la convenzione "Smart Land" in collaborazione con Tecno World Group, un progetto che punta a migliorare i servizi e l’esperienza turistica, rendendo i visitatori veri protagonisti del territorio. Innovazione, sostenibilità e tecnologia sono le chiavi per una gestione più equilibrata e inclusiva dei flussi turistici. 🚲📱

🏡 Nuove tendenze:
Il boom degli affitti turistici stile Airbnb dimostra il cambiamento nelle abitudini dei visitatori, sempre più alla ricerca di esperienze autentiche e legate alla comunità locale.

“La qualità vince sui numeri.”
Un messaggio forte per un territorio che si impegna a valorizzare ogni singolo angolo, distribuendo i flussi turistici in modo uniforme e preservando l’autenticità che lo rende unico.

📍 Langhe Monferrato Roero: dove tradizione, innovazione e sostenibilità si incontrano.

La Stampa La Stampa Cuneo

Numeri a favore del Turismo made in Piemonte

Numeri a favore del Turismo made in Piemonte

Ad Asti si sono registrate più di diciannovemila presenze rispetto alle circa 17mila del 2023


🗓️ Martedì 24 Settembre, dalle ore 10 alle ore 13, presso la sede dell’Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani ( ), saremo presenti insieme ad E.A.R.T.H. Academy per parlare di come le Comunità Energetiche possano rappresentare la vera alternativa al dissesto ambientale e allo sfruttamento del territorio.

🌱 L’evento segnerà la nascita di , la prima delle fondazioni di partecipazione, promossa da Albatros Rete e Aci Sassari che garantirà autonomia gestionale e regolamentare alle singole configurazioni, in modo gratuito e senza senza oneri di costituzione.

🎤 Un ringraziamento particolare al presidente facente funzione di , Roberto Pella, da sempre attento alle piccole realtà, affiancato al tavolo dei relatori da profili del calibro di (Presidente ACI), Antonino La Spina (Presidente UNPLI), Barbara Magi (Assessore Ambiente Siena), Umberto Bebo Ruggerone (Presidente Assologistica), (Direttore AC Sassari) e (Responsabile Autoconsumo e CER per il GSE).

📹 Per partecipare in diretta all’evento, clicca sul link:

Good morning. Ours is a small company that works between lower Piedmont and Liguria. I personally follow the search for ...

Good morning. Ours is a small company that works between lower Piedmont and Liguria. I personally follow the search for the rustic buildings that we buy, a team of professionals helps us with the design. When requested, we directly carry out the construction and renovation work. I take the liberty of sending you the file with all our proposals. At present, the rustic buildings are classified as collapsing. By paying the urbanization charges, it is possible to recover the built surface. For those who are passionate about old mountain houses, costs permitting, it is possible to recover the existing ones. I recommend demolishing and building on the new. Lower costs and better work. Always, after the sale of a property, my personal consultancy service follows the customer, in all his choices: from the design to the choice of materials, to the choice of consultants in the area. My consulting service has no costs. The properties you see in the file are purchased directly from the company, there are no intermediation costs . Over 35.000 square meters of hilly land. In the land registry, approximately 25.000 are registered as arable land and pasture, 4.300 square meters as vineyard. The land has been uncultivated for over 10 years, it is necessary to recover the land with good maintenance. Excellent exposure. Thanks, see you soon Giacomo Verrua

Friends who already follow our pages will have had the opportunity to read in recent months, posts that talk about the p...

Friends who already follow our pages will have had the opportunity to read in recent months, posts that talk about the possibility of participating in the purchase of rustic buildings, as a form of investment, with shares starting from 10,000 euros. This new activity has taken shape, which has materialized with the formula of the purchasing group, similar to crowdfunding, also allowing small savers to invest in real estate.
By applying a common strategy to aggregate individuals or companies, interested in investing in bricks and mortar, we purchase individual rustic buildings or villages, with the aim of starting a redevelopment project and reselling them in fractions.
The real estate purchasing group is an intentional group with specific objectives (the recovery of old rustic buildings, villages, historic villas) not an aggregative community where everyone shares everything.
I have selected small abandoned villages, independent properties and groups of rustic buildings at very interesting prices, available in Val Casotto, Val Corsaglia, Valle Maira (Province of Cuneo) and in the province of Imperia. Areas with a tourist vocation, where there is greater interest from foreign customers (Northern Europe). The period of outdoor activities, the proximity to Alba and the distance to the Ligurian beaches, create optimal conditions for an annual use of the property. Conditions favorable to the success of the operations in a reasonably rapid time.

Why are these properties unsold and off the market today? The fragmentation of the funds prevents their sale. A comprehensive purchase, the subsequent subdivision with a redevelopment of the spaces, is a preparatory activity for the renovation, which will be the subject of intervention by the future buyer and not by the purchasing group.

In which sectors can we operate? It is possible to purchase a unit as an investment, divide it up and resell it (quotes starting from 10,000 euros), or purchase, renovate and insert the property into the short-term rental circuit while maintaining ownership (quotes starting from 50,000 euros).
We are addressing those who would like to buy a second holiday home, develop agricultural activities (with the purchase of land and rustic buildings), tourist accommodation activities, or sports. A business model that allows each individual investor, in the different mechanisms of each project, to use a part of it, to manage it together with the other buyers or to resell. Available for sending by email, a brochure with the list of proposals. Return on investment between 10% and 20%. Thank you Giacomo Verrua





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