Guarneri Technology

Guarneri Technology 50 years experience in calender manufacturing for textiles and technical textiles
World-wide exclusivist for NIPCO® Technology


Nipco L RW 3.400 mm. final test at our Customer Co. in Brazil

5 Bowled Nipco MultiFlex (Michey Mouse) calender Roller Width 2.600 mm. Excellent condition Ready to be delivered. For m...

5 Bowled Nipco MultiFlex (Michey Mouse) calender Roller Width 2.600 mm. Excellent condition Ready to be delivered. For more info please contact Mr. Ettore Guarneri [email protected]

Ricerca addetto Spare Parts & Service La persona che stiamo cercando verrà affiancata da un nostro esperto del reparto S...

Ricerca addetto Spare Parts & Service
La persona che stiamo cercando verrà affiancata da un nostro esperto del reparto Spare Parts and Service, garantendo una formazione continua con possibilità di crescita. La persona che stiamo cercando sarà un punto di riferimento dei nostri clienti. Inserimento in azienda tramite contratto indeterminato e incentivi al raggiungimento degli obiettivi.
Richiesta conoscenza lingua tedesca e inglese parlata e scritta, spiccate attitudini relazionali, determinazione e capacità di comprensione dei bisogni sia dei Clienti che quelli dell'azienda


Another magnificence commissioning of our Nipco L calender RW 2.000 mm. @ Auro Textiles India

Guarneri Technology means passion for our work, it means generations of the Guarneri family who are dedicated to present...

Guarneri Technology means passion for our work, it means generations of the Guarneri family who are dedicated to presenting Hi-Tech product, it means respect and tradition for our collaborators and above all, Commitment to Excellence. Proud to present our Nipco Technology Family


It's Nipco Time Another installation in Bangladesh Run Baby Run

Nipco Y 5 bowled calender - Nipco Y the only technology with 3 independent pressure lines.

Nipco Y 5 bowled calender - Nipco Y the only technology with 3 independent pressure lines.

See U at CAITME Exhibition in Tashkent Uzbekistan from September 07 to 09 2022 Booth J10 Hall 3

See U at CAITME Exhibition in Tashkent Uzbekistan from September 07 to 09 2022 Booth J10 Hall 3

Summer Time @ Guarneri Technology  On stage: Nipco I HT with 15 Independent Pressure Zones

Summer Time @ Guarneri Technology
On stage: Nipco I HT with 15 Independent Pressure Zones

GuarneriTechnology Nipco TechnologySee u @ Techtextil North America May 17 - 19 2022 Atlanta Georgia                    ...

GuarneriTechnology Nipco Technology
See u @ Techtextil North America May 17 - 19 2022 Atlanta Georgia

Proud to Announce the Acquisition of Nipco Technology

Proud to Announce the Acquisition of Nipco Technology


New Technical Textile line


Technical Textile Calender Double Nipco I HT - Roller Width 3.800 mm. with 15 Independent Pressure Zones


Via Stefano Ferrario 4 B
Busto Arsizio


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