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The Frog Way - My name is MARCO DONATO! Liguria Trekking Guide - Italy! 🐸Guided Trails, Adventure and Experiences

Un groupe extraordinaire, quatre jours merveilleux à la découverte du parc national des Cinque Terre, classé au patrimoi...

Un groupe extraordinaire, quatre jours merveilleux à la découverte du parc national des Cinque Terre, classé au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco, et des panoramas à couper le souffle du parc de Portofino.
Convivialité, esprit d'aventure et amour de la nature !

🏞️🥾 Explore the Cinque Terre through our picturesque hiking trails!I lead your groups along ancient trails that wind thr...

🏞️🥾 Explore the Cinque Terre through our picturesque hiking trails!

I lead your groups along ancient trails that wind through the colorful villages of the Cinque Terre, offering breathtaking views of the sea and terraced hills covered in vineyards. Each step will lead you to discover the rich history and natural beauty of this unique region.

From the picturesque narrow streets of Manarola to the majesty of the cliffs of Vernazza, from the terraced vineyards of Corniglia to the wild beaches of Monterosso, our routes offer a complete immersion in the wonders of the Cinque Terre.

With our tailored experiences, we guarantee your clients an authentic immersion in the local culture and scenic wonders of the Cinque Terre. We offer personalized assistance, expert guides, and flexible itinerary options to meet each group's needs.

Contact me today to create an unforgettable Cinque Terre trekking adventure for your group!

Marco Donato
Hiking Guide

🌊✨ Explore the Enchantment of Sestri Levante and the Majesty of Punta Manara! ✨🌊🌅 Feeling tired of the daily hustle and ...

🌊✨ Explore the Enchantment of Sestri Levante and the Majesty of Punta Manara! ✨🌊

🌅 Feeling tired of the daily hustle and bustle? It's time for a restorative hike to the unspoiled nature of Punta Manara, where the rising sun gently kisses the landscape and the scent of the sea envelops you in an embrace of tranquility.

🐚 Discover Coastal Secrets: Imagine walking along hidden paths where waves caress the cliffs and reveal enchanting marine treasures. Each step brings you closer to breathtaking views and unique sensations that only Liguria can provide.

👣 Dream, Explore, Live: It's time to leave the ordinary behind and embrace adventure! Join us for an unforgettable journey to discover the true spirit of Liguria. Contact us now and prepare to be captivated by the charms of Punta Manara!

🌿 Dream with us and be carried away by the enchantment of Punta Manara! 🌿

Day 3:  The frogs reached the 5 terre wineyard path between Manarola and Corniglia villages!

Day 3: The frogs reached the 5 terre wineyard path between Manarola and Corniglia villages!

Day 2: Frogging around in Portofino Park and jumping down to the spectacular San Fruttuoso di Camogli by boat!

Day 2: Frogging around in Portofino Park and jumping down to the spectacular San Fruttuoso di Camogli by boat!

Day 1:  Santuaries path in 5 Terre park between Monterosso and Vernazza with my adventurous frogs!!!www.trekkingliguria....

Day 1: Santuaries path in 5 Terre park between Monterosso and Vernazza with my adventurous frogs!!!

Sciopero dei treni? The Frog salta sul suo mezzo elettrico alla faccia di tutto e tutti :)Let's keep posted!

Sciopero dei treni? The Frog salta sul suo mezzo elettrico alla faccia di tutto e tutti :)
Let's keep posted!

Tre giorni intensi e stupendi con un gruppo fantastico di medici dalla bella Sicilia!Alla scoperta di Genova, Portofino ...

Tre giorni intensi e stupendi con un gruppo fantastico di medici dalla bella Sicilia!
Alla scoperta di Genova, Portofino e le Cinque Terre!
Grazie alla collega Viviana Bobbio per la sua enorme professionalità!

Let's jeep frogging around!

Tre giorni intensi e stupendi con un gruppo fantastico di medici dalla bella Sicilia!Alla scoperta di Genova, Portofino ...

Tre giorni intensi e stupendi con un gruppo fantastico di medici dalla bella Sicilia!
Alla scoperta di Genova, Portofino e le Cinque Terre!
Grazie alla collega Viviana Bobbio per la sua enorme professionalità!

Let's keep frogging around!

The good side of frogging around in Liguria! :)

The good side of frogging around in Liguria! :)

Hoy super excursion en el parque genoves del righi con un super grupo de toda Espana!Seguimos adelante!www.trekkingligur...

Hoy super excursion en el parque genoves del righi con un super grupo de toda Espana!
Seguimos adelante!

Three intense days, three splendid days! discovering the Ligurian Riviera and its wonders! From the wild views of the po...

Three intense days, three splendid days! discovering the Ligurian Riviera and its wonders! From the wild views of the portofino promontory, to the sunny Punta Manara and Sestri Levante, from the magic of the Cinque Terre and its vineyards, to the path of infinity leading to Portovenere!

Trois jours intenses, trois jours splendides ! à la découverte de la Riviera ligure et de ses merveilles ! Des vues sauvages du promontoire de Portofino, au soleil de Punta Manara et de Sestri Levante, de la magie des Cinque Terre et de ses vignobles, au chemin de l'infini menant à Portovenere !

Good morning Santa!

Good morning Santa!

Welcome!This project has as its mission to enhance the natural beauty of Liguria, raise awareness of the fragility of it...


This project has as its mission to enhance the natural beauty of Liguria, raise awareness of the fragility of its habitats, and delve into its closely related aspects of land, environment, traditions, and landscape!

As an environmental guide and as a Ligurian, I am pleased to present some hiking proposals such as walks, experiential activities or outdoor adventures, all led by a professional in the field.

The proposals are aimed at all those who want to experience Liguria from a more authentic perspective or who wish to organize, for themselves, for their own group or for their own clientele, as in the case of an Agency or Tour Operator, an experience of visiting this wonderful land, with a focus on hiking activities.

Today super Happy group of hikers on Genoa heights!Let's Frog around!Trekking

Today super Happy group of hikers on Genoa heights!
Let's Frog around!

Good morning Portofino!

Good morning Portofino!

Explore the magic of the Riviera di Levante along the trail from Levanto to Monterosso via Punta Mesco. Between ancient ...

Explore the magic of the Riviera di Levante along the trail from Levanto to Monterosso via Punta Mesco. Between ancient towns, the waves of the Ligurian Sea, and majestic cliffs, you'll experience a two-hour epic immersed in history and unspoiled nature. Starting in Levanto, with its cobblestone alleys and vibrant colors, you will embark on a journey through olive groves and Mediterranean scrub, accompanied by birdsong and the scent of wild sage. Along the way, Punta Mesco will give you breathtaking views: sheer cliffs, hidden caves and wild beaches will paint themselves before your eyes, while the sun will tint the sky with golden hues at sunset. Here, among the ruins of the ancient hermitage of St. Anthony, history and spirituality blend with the beauty of the surrounding nature. Before reaching Monterosso, you can opt for the path leading to the Sanctuary of Madonna di Soviore and continue on to Vernazza and the Cinque Terre. For lovers of adventure and the peace of unspoiled places, this trip is an unmissable opportunity to immerse yourself in the magic of Liguria and create indelible memories.

" Quatre jours, une aventure sans pareille ! 🌊🌿 J'ai eu le privilège de conduire un groupe extraordinaire à travers les ...

" Quatre jours, une aventure sans pareille ! 🌊🌿 J'ai eu le privilège de conduire un groupe extraordinaire à travers les enchanteresses Cinque Terre et le magnifique parc de Portofino. Un grand merci à chacun des participants pour avoir rendu cette expérience si spéciale ! 🙌✨ Les rires, les émotions, les vues à couper le souffle resteront dans nos cœurs pour toujours. Merci pour votre énergie, votre enthousiasme et votre positivité !
💫 "

"Four days, an adventure without equal! 🌊🌿 I had the privilege of leading an extraordinary group between the enchanting Cinque Terre and the magnificent Portofino Park. Many thanks to each and every participant for making this experience so special! 🙌✨ The laughter, the emotions, the breathtaking views will remain in our hearts forever. Thank you for your energy, enthusiasm, and positivity!💫

Group super, 4 jours super!

Group super, 4 jours super!

🏞️🥾 Explorez les Cinque Terre grâce à nos sentiers de randonnée évocateurs !Je conduis vos groupes sur d'anciens sentier...

🏞️🥾 Explorez les Cinque Terre grâce à nos sentiers de randonnée évocateurs !

Je conduis vos groupes sur d'anciens sentiers qui serpentent à travers les villages colorés des Cinque Terre, offrant des vues imprenables sur la mer et les collines en terrasses couvertes de vignobles. Chaque étape vous fera découvrir la riche histoire et la beauté naturelle de cette région unique.

Des ruelles pittoresques de Manarola à la majesté des falaises de Vernazza, des vignobles en terrasse de Corniglia aux plages sauvages de Monterosso, nos itinéraires offrent une immersion totale dans les merveilles des Cinque Terre.

Avec nos expériences sur mesure, nous garantissons à vos clients une immersion authentique dans la culture locale et les merveilles des Cinque Terre. Nous offrons une assistance personnalisée, des guides experts et des options d'itinéraires flexibles pour répondre aux besoins de chaque groupe.

Contactez-moi dès aujourd'hui pour créer une aventure de trekking inoubliable dans les Cinque Terre pour votre groupe !

Marco Donato
Guide de randonnée en Ligurie

🌿🌊 Découvrez la magie de la Riviera Ligure di Levante grâce à nos excursions guidées !Êtes-vous prêt à guider vos groupe...

🌿🌊 Découvrez la magie de la Riviera Ligure di Levante grâce à nos excursions guidées !

Êtes-vous prêt à guider vos groupes à travers des paysages à couper le souffle, une histoire millénaire et une riche biodiversité ? Bienvenue sur la Riviera Ligure di Levante, où la mer cristalline rencontre les sommets montagneux et où la culture fusionne avec la nature dans une union intemporelle.

En tant que guide de randonnée écologique, j'ai l'honneur de vous proposer des expériences authentiques et passionnantes qui vous feront découvrir les trésors cachés de cette région enchanteresse. Nos itinéraires sont conçus pour satisfaire tous les types d'explorateurs, des voyageurs aventureux aux curieux de l'histoire et de la culture locales.

🌄 Excursions entre terre et mer : nous vous emmènerons le long d'anciens sentiers serpentant à travers des oliveraies séculaires et des forêts odorantes, jusqu'à des villages médiévaux nichés dans les collines. Le long de la côte, nous découvrirons des plages isolées et des criques cachées, où vous pourrez vous détendre et profiter de la tranquillité de la Méditerranée.

🏞️ Réserves naturelles protégées : Grâce à nos excursions, vous aurez l'occasion d'explorer les réserves naturelles de la Riviera Ligure di Levante, des oasis de biodiversité où vous pourrez observer des espèces rares de flore et de faune et vous immerger complètement dans la beauté intacte de l'environnement.
Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour vivre une expérience inoubliable sur la Riviera Ligure di Levante !

Marco Donato
Trekking Guide

🌿🌊 Discover the magic of the Eastern Ligurian Riviera with our guided hikes!Are you ready to lead your groups through br...

🌿🌊 Discover the magic of the Eastern Ligurian Riviera with our guided hikes!

Are you ready to lead your groups through breathtaking landscapes, thousands of years of history, and rich biodiversity? Welcome to the Riviera Ligure di Levante, where the crystal clear sea meets the mountain peaks and culture blends with nature in a timeless union.

As an environmental hiking guide, I have the honor of offering you authentic and compelling experiences that will lead you to discover the hidden treasures of this enchanting region. Our trails are designed to satisfy every type of explorer, from adventurous travelers to those curious about local history and culture.

🌄 Excursions between Land and Sea: We will lead you along ancient paths that wind through centuries-old olive groves and fragrant forests to medieval villages nestled among the hills. Along the coast, we will discover remote beaches and hidden coves, where you can relax and enjoy the tranquility of the Mediterranean.

🏞️ Protected Nature Reserves: Through our excursions, you will have the opportunity to explore the nature reserves of the Riviera Ligure di Levante, oases of biodiversity where you can spot rare species of flora and fauna and fully immerse yourself in the unspoiled beauty of the environment.
Contact us today for an unforgettable experience in the Riviera Ligure di Levante!

Marco Donato
Hiking Guide

Oggi Portofino stile Trondheim ... Brrrr

Oggi Portofino stile Trondheim ... Brrrr

Today Urban Trekking in Genoa, the Frog jumped on the red Sant' Anna historic funicular in order to enjoy authentic hidd...

Today Urban Trekking in Genoa, the Frog jumped on the red Sant' Anna historic funicular in order to enjoy authentic hidden corners of la Superba!
The oldest Farmacy in Town and beautiful views...
Stay tuned!

Liguria, located in the northwestern area of Italy, a rugged and changeable land where the mountains face directly into ...

Liguria, located in the northwestern area of Italy, a rugged and changeable land where the mountains face directly into the Mediterranean Sea, is a true paradise for lovers of outdoor activities and offers a variety of environmental and naturalistic riches that will not fail to fascinate visitors.
As an environmental hiking guide, I will be happy to accompany you in the discovery of these hidden treasures. Liguria is also a land of rich traditions and can surprise you with gastronomic recipes all waiting to be discovered. I will be happy to help you have anauthentic experience for you and your group in search of thearea's crafts and cuisine.





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