#ideavuoto #signlanguage #deafculture #deaf #tourist #milan #travel #enjoy #tredesindemarz
mystery panettone of 3 february
mystery panettone of 3 february
#ideavuoto #signlanguage #deafculture #deaf #tourist #milan #travel #enjoy #explore #panettone
Chinese happy new year
Chinese happy new year
#ideavuoto #signlanguage #deafculture #deaf #tourist #milan #travel #enjoy #chinatownmilano
Vins Triolo Lyno Corallo
altrenativa godzilla a Milano....
altrenative godzilla in Milano...
#ideavuoto #signlanguage #deafculture #deaf #tourist #milan #travel #enjoy #godzilla #art #artstreet Lyno Corallo Vins Triolo
benvenuto ottobre - bocca della verita
benvenuto ottobre - la bocca della verità
welcome octobre - mouth of truth
#ideavuoto #signlanguage #deafculture #deaf #tourist #milan #travel #enjoy Lyno Corallo Vins Triolo
Eruzione dell'Eyjafjallajökull del 2010 - Islanda 🇮🇸
2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption - Iceland 🇮🇸
#travel #iceland #signlanguage #deaf #tourist #eruption #curious
The mystery of yoda
The mystery of yoda
#ideavuoto #ideavuotonordic #signlanguage #deafculture #deaf #tourist #travel #enjoy
Luca Coraci Vatnajökull Lyno Corallo Vins Triolo
Welcome to our new partner at IDEA VUOTO Nordic!!
Welcome to our new partner at IDEA VUOTO Nordic!!
#ideavuoto #ideavuotonordic #signlanguage #deafculture #deaf #tourists #travel #enjoy
La vita è un cerchio e dove c'è innovazione, non muore... nasce di nuovo! IDEA VUOTO vuole condividere con voi queste meravigliose sensazioni.
The life is a circle & where there is innovation, it doesn't die... it is born again! IDEA VUOTO wants to share these wonderful feelings with you.
Solo la cultura può fermare la guerra, presso in Cortile Grande di Palazzo Reale da sabato 23 a lunedì 25 aprile ospita un’installazione singolare che rappresenta in carro armato sommerso da libri bianchi. Solo la cultura può fermare la guerra è il titolo dell’installazione ideata da Simona e Lorenzo Perrone.
Only culture can stop the war, in the Cortile Grande of Palazzo Reale from Saturday 23th April to Monday 25th April hosts an unusual installation representing a tank submerged by white books. Only culture can stop the war is the title of the installation conceived by Simona and Lorenzo Perrone.
#libribianchi #lorenzoesimonaperrone #comunedimilano #libricontrolaguerra #palazzorealemilano #milanocultura
#installazione #ideavuo #signlanguage
1 year of IDEA VUOTO
DEAR FOLLOWERS, in view of the annual review we would like to thank you for your support with follows, likes and shares.
Our team is continuing powerfully and expanding to new ideas...
stay tuned!
#ideavuoto #signlanguage #deafculture #deaf #tourist #milan #travel #enjoy
Did you know that Milan has a Walk of Fame like Hollywood?
where the handprints of some famous faces from Italian and world TV are imprinted.
#ideavuoto #milano #walkoffamemilano
Vins Triolo Lyno Corallo