
AbruzzoExpress Everything about Abruzzo This region will also astonish you with its hospitality, the old fashioned artisans products and much more.

Abruzzo panoramic views will leave you breathless and capitivated for a long time, Abruzzo wines will amaze you with their body, Abruzzo food will surprise you with its bold flavors, Abruzzo extra virgin olive oil will impress you for its sweetness and smoothness. Abruzzo lies in south-central Italy on the eastern coast just beneath the gentle outward curve that is Le Marche. Its western border is

less than 50 miles from the capital of Italy. One-third of the region is made up of national parks, it’s incredibly mountainous, and it is home to some of the country’s best-preserved medieval and Renaissance hill towns. Because Abruzzo has no big cities or major monuments it is untouched and undiscovered for most tourists, these picturesque hill towns remain mostly unseen by non-Italians

The region is popular for its hiking, rock climbing, and horseback riding in the summer, and its skiing in the winter (135km of skiing slopes). In fact, with Abruzzo being so close to Rome it’s not uncommon for the capital’s residents to take day trips or long weekends into the Abruzzo parks for a break from city life. Abruzzo is also known for its beaches of 140km, it's the only region that has beaches and mountains an hour from each other. So you can have a swim in the morning and in the afternoon you can go to the Mountains for some more outdoors fun.

Surrounding of my home town in Italy smile emoticon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6K0JV-9U1kk

Surrounding of my home town in Italy smile emoticon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6K0JV-9U1kk

Il comprensorio della Costa dei Trabocchi è situato nella parte più a sud dell'Abruzzo, nel centro dell'Italia ed è costeggiata dalla S.S. 650 Fondovalle "Tr...

Evento di soop box rally a monteodorisio il 09/08/2014

Evento di soop box rally a monteodorisio il 09/08/2014


AbruzzoExpress's cover photo


nuova data : Il fotografo Londinese R.Cleveland Aaron organizza corso fotografico il 28 e 29 settembre a Monteodorisio... il corso si svolgerà nell'alto Vastese e sarà incentrato sulla fotografia Manuale-Luce-forma-composizioni e altro/suddiviso in 4 ore teoriche Sabato 28 e 4 ore pratiche Domenica 29 per un max.di 8 perone.. €110 ( 8 Ore ) per qualsiasi info contattare il 3204859127 o email [email protected] (Lorenzo)


Timeline Photos


Cleveland Aaron

I'm due to restart the photography workshops in Abruzzo, Italy. For bookings and information contact Lorenzo Marrollo here on facebook (or [email protected]).


it was nearly +26C hot today :)


Photo course with R.Cleveland Aaron


Photo-Course in Monteodorisio


Protezione Civile


Traditional Italy


80 Square meter house for 70'000 euros:)


Via Roma

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