Palermo Sicily Best Experience

Palermo Sicily Best Experience Join us in Palermo Sicily

Do you know THE LEGEND BEHIND SICILIAN CERAMIC HEADS 👩🏻🧔🏽??‘Testa di Moro’ are head-shaped pots which are very popular i...


‘Testa di Moro’ are head-shaped pots which are very popular in Sicily. The legend behind these figures comes from the XI century when the Moors dominated Sicily.

One day, a girl who lived in the Arab district of Palermo, the Kalsa, was taking care of some plants and flowers on the balcony of her house. Suddenly, a dark-skinned merchant passed by and they immediately fell in love with one another. They began their love story together until the young girl discovered that her lover already had a wife and children waiting for him back in his home country.

One night while he slept, the girl, crazed with jealousy, thought of a way to make him stay with her forever! Without blinking an eye she cut off his head and decided to use it as a vase to grow her beautiful basil.

As people would walk by her balcony, they began to become jealous of her thriving basil 🌿, and so they began creating colorful vases with clay heads. Today there are many different styles of ceramics heads, but the most traditional are a man of color and a beautiful girl.

//„Testa di Moro” to donice w kształcie głowy, które są bardzo popularne na Sycylii. Legenda stojąca za tymi postaciami pochodzi z XI wieku, kiedy w Sycylii panowali Maurowie.

Pewnego dnia piekna dziewczyna mieszkala w arabskiej dzielnicy Palermo, Kalsa, podlewala rośliny na balkonie swojego domu. Zauważył ją przechodzący ulicą młody Maur i od razu się w sobie zakochali. Niestety, ich szczęście nie trwało długo, ponieważ młoda dziewczyna odkryła, że ​​jej kochanek ma już żonę i dzieci, które czekają na niego w jego rodzinnym kraju.

Pewnej nocy, gdy spał, dziewczyna, oszalała z zazdrości, wymyśliła sposób, by został z nią na zawsze! Bez mrugnięcia okiem odcięła mu głowę, z której stworzyła donicę. Donicę-głowę postawiła na balkonie i posadziła w niej bazylie 🌿. W ten sposób zatrzymała go dla siebie.

Gdy ludzie przechodzili obok jej balkonu, zaczęli zazdrościć jej kwitnącej bazylii i zaczęli tworzyć kolorowe wazony z glinianymi główkami. Obecnie istnieje wiele różnych stylów ceramicznych głów, ale najbardziej tradycyjne to kolorowy mężczyzna i piękna dziewczyna.//

WHY PALERMOPalermo is a hot destination in Italy for good reason. If you are an explorer who loves culture, food, archit...


Palermo is a hot destination in Italy for good reason. If you are an explorer who loves culture, food, architecture and history, Sicilian capital will not dissapoint you.

Here’s 5 reasons why Palermo should be on your travel bucket list:
1. Fascinating History and architecture
2. Sicilian Food - my must try are: pistachio and prawn linguine, gelato🍦, sea food, parma ham and melon)
3. Street markets - the fruit and vegetables, fish, spices - all fresh and amazing
4. Mondello beach - crystal clear water, miles of sandy beach and breathtaking views of the mountains on both sides are hard to beat
5. Night life and the vibe. Palermo never sleeps, there are plenty of restaurants to go to in the evening, many with live music on, buzzing Vucciria which turns from a food market through the day to a bar

In the meantime at Palermo airport… 🥰

In the meantime at Palermo airport… 🥰

Who doesn’t love the Sicilian markets  🍊🍅 🍆 with their smells and sounds, splashes of brilliant colours, noisy street ve...

Who doesn’t love the Sicilian markets 🍊🍅 🍆 with their smells and sounds, splashes of brilliant colours, noisy street vendors and the mouth-wateringly powerful aroma of sizzling street food…

When in Palermo, make sure you check out at least one of the 3 main ones :

✔️ Capo
✔️ Ballaro
✔️ Vucciria

You will find there fruit and veg, sea food, spices and even clothes and Sicilian fabric 😍
In Palermo you will see the influence of the Arab world and nowhere this is more evident than in the markets.

Each of the four historic quarters of Palermo has its own market, but the Capo, Ballarò and Vucciria are the big three in terms of historical charm and popularity with locals and tourists.

The Mercato di Capo
Visit for: meat carcasses swing from hefty meat hooks, fresh, glistening tuna and swordfish, cheese, olives, colourful fruits and fresh, glossy vegetables. You can also try some street food and snacks.

The Mercato del Ballarò
The Mercato del Ballaro. Visit for fruit and veg, olives, and even clothes. It’s a fascinating mix of noises, smells and street life, and it really is the cheapest place for everything from underwear to fresh produce, fish, meat, olives and cheese.

The Mercato della Vucciria
Visit for street snacks, stalls full of fresh produce and loud stallholders pushing their wares. In the evening Vucciria turns into a party district.

DAY TRIPS FROM PALERMO 1. Cefalù2. Mondello beach3. Monreale4. Capo Gallo 5. Agrigento and Scale dei Turchi6. San Vito L...


1. Cefalù
2. Mondello beach
3. Monreale
4. Capo Gallo
5. Agrigento and Scale dei Turchi
6. San Vito Lo Capo beach
7. Corleone
8. Segesta
9. Trapani

Check out our „Palermo Sicily Best Experience Community” group and use the little search box 🔍 to find more info. To join follow the link below

Anything else you would add to the list on the West side of the island?

Palermo’s favourite beach - Mondello 😍😍😍

Palermo’s favourite beach - Mondello 😍😍😍

Wherever you are in the world, we hope you have a beautiful day ☀️🌊🏝

Wherever you are in the world, we hope you have a beautiful day ☀️🌊🏝

5 Life-Changing Tips for Your First Day in Palermo🇮🇹Whenever we arrive in a new city, the first day is always without a ...

5 Life-Changing Tips for Your First Day in Palermo🇮🇹

Whenever we arrive in a new city, the first day is always without a plan, right? We need to familiarize ourselves with the new place, and we end up making mistakes that cost us time and often money too.

Here’s our top 5 tips I would recommend doing right after you set foot in town.

1. Withdraw some cash (some of the smaller shops, cafes, markets don’t take cards)

2. Don’t bring different currency to exchange. There isn’t many exchange offices and going to an Italian bank might cost you hours in a queue

3. Rent a car if you are staying for longer. You will be able to reach beautiful places without relaying on public transport, which is not great. Ideally, find an apartment where you can park for free outside of the ZTL (restricted traffic area), but still walkable distance to old town ( check out our SO COSY apartment). If you are in ZTL, you will need a daily ticket which you can only activate having an Italian number (I know!). If you have a car and you are in the strict old town, ask your hotel/ host to activate your ZTL pass for you or buy an Italian SIM card(but really - avoid it if you can)

4. Plan your itinerary

5. Ask for recommendations (yep, you are in a right place here, with lots of people who have already visited Palermo and have good tips to share - use this group to ask any questions you might have).

If you are visiting Palermo, join our group and ask any questions you might have, the Palermo community always has the answers 😉


MONREALE - HALF DAY TRIP IDEAMonreale is a town on a hill, 7km (4miles) from Palermo. Monreale Cathedral is a one of sev...


Monreale is a town on a hill, 7km (4miles) from Palermo.

Monreale Cathedral is a one of several buildings named in a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is the biggest church in the world with mosaics😮

We are talking about 6400 square meters of handmade, shiny golden mosaics. If you can’t grasp how big this is, it’s like a football pitch.

Cous Cous festival in San Vito Lo Capo 😍

Cous Cous festival in San Vito Lo Capo 😍

APERITIVO AND APERICENA - THE ITALIAN SOCIAL PHENOMENON 🇮🇹Aperitivo was born as a social phenomenon — a light drink to e...


Aperitivo was born as a social phenomenon — a light drink to end one’s work day and begin the evening. To this day, aperitivo is still an integral part of Italian culture. With the right company and atmosphere, you’re guaranteed a great aperitivo.

Typically aperitivo is served with small nibbles such as cheese, cold cuts, and crostini — enough to indulge, without ruining your appetite for dinner.

Nowadays, aperitivo is becoming aperi-cena, a mix of aperitivo and dinner. You’ll find most Italian bars serving a buffet of antipasti, pizza and pasta to accompany your drink. This is a convenient way to enjoy dinner at a small price, an average of €10 for an open buffet and drinks.

Our favourite apericena in Palermo - La Loggia. Have you had a great aperitivo/ apericena that you could recommend??

ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER BEACH…🏖 We are often asked - besides Mondello, where is a good beach to go to? Even using public tr...


We are often asked - besides Mondello, where is a good beach to go to? Even using public transport, the possibilities are endless. One of the options is TERRASINI.

Terrasini is a town situated between Capo Rama and Capo San Vito.

The Terrasini coast stretches between Ciucca Beach and San Cataldo Beach in Trappeto. Terrasini has a few small beaches with lots of local restaurants on the beach front.

The most famous beach is Praiola, which is located right next to the city center and is a picturesque cove between the cliffs. La Praiola is a free beach, beautiful both through the day and at sunset. From the city center, you can take the long steps down to reach this beach which has golden sand and a sea with crystal clear water.

Among the most beautiful stretches of the coast is also Cala Rossa, named from the color of the high red cliffs that surround the little coves. Cala Rossa is the perfect place for those who love snorkeling or diving.

How to get to Terrasini from Palermo? Take a Segesta bus from Stazione Centrale, journey takes approximately 50 minutes and the ticket costs € 3.20.

CAPO GALLO 🌊🐠☀️If you are looking for beautiful views, nature and peace - you should visit the Capo Gallo Reserve.  You ...


If you are looking for beautiful views, nature and peace - you should visit the Capo Gallo Reserve. You can get there by bus that goes to Mondello (bus 806, I recommend using Moovit app).

Capo Gallo Reserve, is just 12 km from the center of Palermo. You will find there picturesque landscapes, turquoise water, magical places, beautiful plants and amazing views.

The Nature Reserve is located between Mondello and the fishing village of Sfferacavallo, (which is also worth visiting - a train from Stazione Centrale goes there).

The reserve covers the Monte Gallo mountain and ends at the Capo Gallo headland.

Capo Gallo consists of two parts: one at the seaside and the other at the top.

An absolute masterpiece is the lighthouse, which you will surely notice when taking a walk through the reserve. The lighthouse is covered with glass and stone mosaic made by the artist who lives there.

In the reserve, it is worth paying attention to the fauna and flora. The Capo Gallo Nature Reserve is home to a variety of animal species. It is an area of ​​great importance for migratory birds both as a route and as a temporary resting place.

There are many caves and grottos in the reserve, which in almost all cases used to be inhabited by people (archeological findings).

One of the most important caves is Grotta Regina with hundreds of inscriptions and drawings from different periods, going back to the 6th century.

You can get to Capo Gallo and Grotto Regina by sea (boat trips from Palermo).

If you want to spend a day in nature and enjoy beautiful views, get yourself to the reserve

19th July 1992, exactly 30 years ago, Italian judge Borsellino was killed by a car bomb in Via D'Amelio, near his mother...

19th July 1992, exactly 30 years ago, Italian judge Borsellino was killed by a car bomb in Via D'Amelio, near his mother's house in Palermo, less than two months after the death of his good friend Falcone.
You can see the below mural of the two men who were not affraid of mafia in port Cala.

// Dokładnie 30 lat temu, 19 lipca 1992, włoski sędzia Borsellino został zabity przez bombę samochodową na Via D'Amelio, niedaleko domu swojej matki w Palermo, niecałe dwa miesiące po śmierci swojego dobrego przyjaciela Falcone.
W porcie Cala możecie zobaczyć poniższy mural dwóch mężczyzn którzy nie bali się mafii i niestety za swoją walkę przeciwko mafii przepłacili życiem //

MONDELLO BEACH 😍❤️ One of the most beautiful sandy beaches in SicilyMondello Beach is one of Palermo’s most visited spot...


One of the most beautiful sandy beaches in Sicily

Mondello Beach is one of Palermo’s most visited spots. Only 10 miles from the capital of Sicily, with it’s amazing white sand and crystal clear water, Mondello is known as the Caribbean of Sicily ☀️☀️☀️🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🍹🍹🍹🍹🌴🌴🌴.

Like any other Sicilian beach, it can be crowded during the summer months so best time to visit is before June or mid September.

How to get there: take a bus 🚌 806 from Libertà Croci. The bus runs frequently so you don’t have to worry to much about the timetable. The single ticket costs €1.40 and the journey takes around 30mins (if you don’t stay close to the route of bus 806, you can take another bus to get you to Libertà Croci, from our SO COSY apartment - bus 104. You only need one ticket which is valid 90min from validation - don’t forget to validate on the bus).
Mind that especially during August the bus can get very crowded so it’s best to get on at it’s fist stop (mentioned above).

Note that you will be dropped off right next to the the beach in, but will need to make your way to the road running parallel to find the bus stop to get back to Palermo.

// Plaza w Mondello 😍❤️

Jedna z najpiekniejszych piaszczystych plaz na Sycylii

Plaża Mondello to jedno z najczęściej odwiedzanych miejsc przez turystów odwiedzających Palermo. Zaledwie 12km od stolicy Sycylii, ze wspaniałym białym piaskiem i krystalicznie czystą wodą, Mondello jest znane jako Karaiby Sycylii ☀️☀️☀️🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🍹🍹🍹🍹🌴🌴🌴.

Jak każda inna sycylijska plaża, w miesiącach letnich może być zatłoczona, więc najlepszy czas na wizytę to okres przed czerwcem lub połową września.

Jak się tam dostać: autobusem 🚌 806 z Libertà Croci. Autobus kursuje często, więc nie musicie się zbytnio martwić rozkładem jazdy. Bilet 90-minutowy kosztuje 1,40 €, a podróż trwa około 30 minut (jeśli nie macie blisko do przystanku Libertà Croci, możecie wziąć inny autobus z przesiadka - na tym samym bilecie, z naszego apartmentu autobus 104). Należy pamiętać, że szczególnie w sierpniu autobus może być zatłoczony, więc najlepiej wsiąść na pierwszym przystanku (wspomnianym powyżej).

Uwaga! Autobus z Palermo wysadzi was tuż obok plaży (jest kilka przystanków wzdłuż plazy) ale spowrotem musicie udać się w na sam koniec lub sam początek plaży aby znaleźć przystanek autobusowy z powrotem do Palermo. //


A couple of pictures from Dolce&Gabbana fashion show in Sicily 😍😍😍

A couple of pictures from Dolce&Gabbana fashion show in Sicily 😍😍😍

Who loves fresh fruit and veg markets?? When in Palermo, make sure you check out at least one of the 3 main ones : ✔️ Ca...

Who loves fresh fruit and veg markets??

When in Palermo, make sure you check out at least one of the 3 main ones :

✔️ Capo
✔️ Ballaro
✔️ Vucciria

You will find there fruit and veg, sea food, spices and even clothes and Sicilian fabric 😍

Did someone say pizza 🍕 ??Our few favourite pizzerias in Palermo:🍕 Arte e Tradizione, Via Santa Teresa 2, 90133 Palermo....

Did someone say pizza 🍕 ??

Our few favourite pizzerias in Palermo:

🍕 Arte e Tradizione, Via Santa Teresa 2, 90133 Palermo. Our favorite pizza place in Palermo! We were lucky to found this place a few years back because it was just around the corner from where we stayed. The food is great, the staff is friendly, location also is nice (close to La Kala port and Foro Italico) and prices are reasonable.

🍕 DG Di Giovanni, Via Imera 67-65. Very affordable and make amazing pizza 😍😋. They only have a few tables so it’s more of a takeaway option (unless you are lucky to grab one of the 6 tables there 😉). Also - this one is super-convenient for the guests that are staying in our apartment as it’s just few minutes walk

🍕Pizzeria Frida, Piazza Sant’Onofrio. If you feel like something a bit more fancy -they offer classic pizzas, filled crust, or gourmet pizzas where the filling is put on the pizza after cooking. Good choice of starters and desserts too 😋 oh, and they have a nice vibe about the place. A bit pricier than the 2 above.

// 🇵🇱 🍕Arte e Tradizione, Via Santa Teresa 2, 90133 Palermo. Nasze ulubione miejsce na pizzę w Palermo! Mieliśmy szczęście, że znaleźliśmy to miejsce kilka lat temu, ponieważ było tuż za rogiem od miejsca, w którym mieszkaliśmy. Jedzenie jest świetne, personel przyjazny, lokalizacja tez fajna (blisko portu La Kala - po jedzeniu można pójść na wieczorny spacer wzdłuż portu), a ceny są rozsądne.

🍕 DG Di Giovanni, Via Imera 67-65. Bardzo przystępna cenowo i robiąca świetna pizzę - czego więcej do szczęścia trzeba 😄 Mają tylko kilka stolików, więc jest to raczej opcja na wynos (chyba że macie szczęście i złapiecie się na jeden z 6 stolików na miejscu 😉). Jest to super wygodna opcja dla gości przebywających w naszym apartamencie, ponieważ to tylko kilka minut spacerkiem od mieszkania.

🍕 Pizzeria Frida, Piazza Sant’Onofrio. Jeśli macie ochotę na coś bardziej wymyślnego i kolacje w miłej atmosferze - pizzeria Frida oferuje klasyczne pizze, pizzę z nadziewanym crustem lub pizze gourmet, w których nadzienie nakłada się na pizzę po wyjęciu z pieca. Maja tez dobry wybór przystawek i deserów i win 😋 //

Praetorian Fountain (Italian: Fontana Pretoria) - a stunning fountain in Piazza Pretoria in the historic center of Paler...

Praetorian Fountain (Italian: Fontana Pretoria) - a stunning fountain in Piazza Pretoria in the historic center of Palermo 😍

The fountain was created in Florence and transported to Palermo in XVI century. In order to transport it, the fountain was disassembled in 644 pieces 😳 The legend says that because of the nudity of the statues, the square has been named by the nuns from the nearest church as a “Square of Shame”

// Fontanna Pretoriańska (po włosku: Fontana Pretoria) - wspaniała fontanna na Piazza Pretoria w historycznym centrum Palermo 😍

Fontanna powstała we Florencji i została przetransportowana do Palermo w XVI wieku. Aby ją przetransportować, fontannę rozebrano na 644 kawalkow 😳 Legenda głosi, że z powodu nagości posągów plac został nazwany przez zakonnice z pobliskiego kościoła „Placem Wstydu” //

RETURN FLIGHTS TO SICILY FOR £70??Yesssss! And we are not talking about February but JULY - best time for enjoying that ...


Yesssss! And we are not talking about February but JULY - best time for enjoying that well deserved beach time 🏖

We have last minute availability in the vibrant city of Palermo apartment in the first half of July 😍😍😍

Pizza 🍕 pasta 🍝 Aperol Spritz 🍹or fresh coconut on the beach anyone 🥥 ??

FANCY PALERMO IN JULY?Fly from Edinburgh or London to Palermo (in July!) for as little as £70 😳😍And we have last minute ...


Fly from Edinburgh or London to Palermo (in July!) for as little as £70 😳😍

And we have last minute availability in our apartment 😎🍊☀️ so you can enjoy a week holiday for less than £200 pp (flights+accommodation) !!

You will not see a better deal this week 🤩🤩

SCALA DEI TURCHI😍🌊❤ Idea for a day out from Palermo - Scala dei Turchi and Agrigento archeological park. We organise gui...


Idea for a day out from Palermo - Scala dei Turchi and Agrigento archeological park.

We organise guided trips or transfers - ask for details.

//Schody Tureckie 😍🌊❤

Pomysł na wycieczkę z Palermo - Schody Tureckie i Park Archeologiczny w Agrigento.

Pytajcie, organizujemy wycieczki z przewodnikiem lub transfery//




Our flat has just became available 1/07-12/07 😍😍 Book now ☀️☀️

//Nasze mieszkanie właśnie się zwolniło w terminie 01/07-12/07 😍😍
Kto ma ochotę na wakacje na Sycylii?? ☀️☀️//


The most beautiful beach I've seen in Sicily was ... 🏖

ISOLA DELLE FEMMINE Isola Delle Femmine Beach 🏖 is a large public beach west of Palermo. The beach here is near the town...


Isola Delle Femmine Beach 🏖 is a large public beach west of Palermo. The beach here is near the town’s centre and boasts blue waters and a white sandy shore. You will get there by train. The ticket costs €2.80 and it takes 25mins to get there to Palermo.

//Isola Delle Femmine Beach 🏖 to duża publiczna plaża na zachód od Palermo. Plaża znajduje się w pobliżu centrum miasta i szczyci się błękitna woda i białym piaszczystym brzegiem. Dojedziecie tam pociągiem. Bilet kosztuje €2,80 a dojazd z Palermo zajmuje 25 minut.//

Mondello beach near Palermo 😍😍😍 You will get there taking a bus 806 from the city centre //Plaza w Mondello niedaleko Pa...

Mondello beach near Palermo 😍😍😍
You will get there taking a bus 806 from the city centre

//Plaza w Mondello niedaleko Palermo 😍😍😍
Dojedziecie tam miejskim autobusem 806//

SICILIAN RETATO MELONSSicily has been flooded with melons 😍😍😍 When you’re here, you definitely have to try !!  This type...


Sicily has been flooded with melons 😍😍😍
When you’re here, you definitely have to try !!
This type is characterized by a green skin and an exceptionally aromatic, sweet orange flesh. Named Retato because of the mesh with the skin divided into segments.
Did you know that melons consist of 90% of water, counteract the harmful effects of free radicals (skin aging), they have very little calories and (especially the Sicilian ones) are delicious!!
Win win 🏆

Kochani na Sycylii wysyp melonów 😍😍😍 Koniecznie sprobujcie!! Ta odmiana charakteryzuje się zielona skorka oraz wyjątkowo aromatycznym słodkim miąższem w kolorze pomarańczowym. Nazwany Retato ze względu na obecną na skórze siateczkę z segmentami.
Wiecie ze melony składają się w 90% z wody, przeciwdziałają szkodliwemu działaniu wolnych rodników (starzeniu się skory), maja bardzo mało kalorii i (zwłaszcza te sycylijskie) są przepyszne??
Win win 🏆

LAST MINUTE OFFER! Who’s still waiting to book their summer holidays ☀️🕶🌊 ?? We still have some availability for July 😍😍...


Who’s still waiting to book their summer holidays ☀️🕶🌊 ??
We still have some availability for July 😍😍😍

Get in touch and start packing today 😁😎


Kto jeszcze zwleka z rezerwacja letnich wakacji ☀️🕶🌊 ??
Mamy ostatnie wolne terminy w lipcu 😍😍😍

Pytajcie o wolne terminy i pakujcie okulary 😎

Do zobaczenia na Sycylii !!!//

Via Chiavetteri at night time 🌙

Via Chiavetteri at night time 🌙

Mondello beach 😍😍 30mins by bus from Palermo

Mondello beach 😍😍 30mins by bus from Palermo

Welcome to SO COSY Palermo.Located at the edge of Palermo’s historic city centre, just 10 mins walk from Palermo Cathedr...

Welcome to SO COSY Palermo.

Located at the edge of Palermo’s historic city centre, just 10 mins walk from Palermo Cathedral and 5 mins from Zisa Castle, it’s an ideal starting point to experience the vibe of the hectic city of Palermo, while enjoying a comfortable stay (and a good night sleep!). There is a free parking too!

Wake up every morning to the mountain view and enjoy your coffee on the balcony before heading to explore the city.

The flat has been recently refurbished, and it’s located on the 3rd floor of traditional building, without a lift. Ideal for couples, families and professionals, for both short and long term stays.

The apartment consist of: master bedroom with a luxury queen bed and a mountain view balcony, large living room with a double sofa bed, dining table and fully equipped kitchen and a bathroom with shower.

In the kitchen you will find all you need to prepare your meals, Lavazza coffee
machine, traditional coffee mokka and a kettle.

The flat is equipped with all the amenities to meet the needs of a modern traveller: reliable Wi-Fi, aircon in each room, 43 inch smart TV, washing machine, iron and hairdryer.

To get to Mondello beach, you can take a bus (from our apartment you can walk or take bus 101 to Libertà Croci bus stop. From there it’s bus 806, ticket costs €1.40).

Remember that staying with us you can always count on our help and recommendations to make your holidays in Palermo and Sicily the best experience.

// Zapraszamy do apartamentu SO COSY Palermo. Położony na obrzeżach zabytkowego centrum Palermo, zaledwie 10 minut spacerkiem od Katedry i 5 minut od zamku Zisa, jest to idealna miejscówka do zwiedzania Palermo, oraz świetna baza wypadowa do waszych wakacji na Sycylii (bezpłatny parking poza strefa ZTL).

Jeśli macie ochotę budzić się każdego ranka i delektować się kawą na balkonie z widokiem na góry, przed wyruszeniem na zwiedzanie miasta, to jest to miejsce dla was!

Mieszkanie jest po generalnym remoncie, znajduje się na 3 piętrze tradycyjnej kamienicy bez windy. Idealny dla par lub rodzin (max 4 osoby) zarówno na krótkie, jak i długie pobyty.

Apartament składa się z: sypialni głównej z wygodnym łóżkiem małżeńskim i balkonem z widokiem na góry, dużego salonu z rozkładaną sofą dwuosobową, stołem jadalnym i w pełni wyposażonej kuchni oraz łazienki z prysznicem.

W kuchni znajdziecie wszystko, czego potrzebujecie do przygotowania posiłków, ekspres do kawy z kawa Lavazza, tradycyjna mokke do parzenia kawy i czajnik.

Mieszkanie jest wyposażone we wszystkie udogodnienia, które zaspokoją potrzeby nowoczesnego podróżnika: niezawodne Wi-Fi, klimatyzacja w każdym pokoju, 43-calowy smart TV, pralka, żelazko i suszarka do włosów.

Pamiętacie że wynajmując u Nas zawsze możecie liczyć na naszą pomoc. Chętnie damy wam namiary na rejsy, wycieczki, transfery z lotniska, oraz podzielimy się naszymi ulubionymi miejscówkami jeśli chodzi o restauracje, bary, kawiarnie (uwaga- nie zarabiamy na poleceniach, po prostu dzielimy się miejscówkami które skradły nasze serca).

Do plaży w Mondello jeździ autobus 806 z przystanku Liberta Croci ( z naszego mieszkania weźcie 101 a potem przesiadka na Liberta Croci na 806). Koszt biletu 1,40€ ważny 90 minut od czasu skasowania. //

Holiday season is booking up ☀️🕶🌊Who’s thinking about Sicily this year??// Terminy na wakacje powoli się wypełniają ☀️🕶🌊...

Holiday season is booking up ☀️🕶🌊

Who’s thinking about Sicily this year??

// Terminy na wakacje powoli się wypełniają ☀️🕶🌊

Kto marzy o Sycylii w tym roku??//

The view from Chiesa di Santa Caterina 😍 //Punkt widokowy z Chiesa di Santa Caterina 😍//

The view from Chiesa di Santa Caterina 😍

//Punkt widokowy z Chiesa di Santa Caterina 😍//

Sometimes Palermo reminds me of Cinderella. You need to look through the dirt to notice its real beauty 😉 // Czasami Pal...

Sometimes Palermo reminds me of Cinderella. You need to look through the dirt to notice its real beauty 😉

// Czasami Palermo przypomina mi bajkę o Kopciuszku. Żeby zobaczyć jego prawdziwe piękno, trzeba przymknąć oko na zaniedbane i brudne aspekty tego miasta 😉 //

Update: Water is back ☺️ For anyone in Palermo now, there will be no water in the city centre between 6am-6pm today (25t...

Update: Water is back ☺️

For anyone in Palermo now, there will be no water in the city centre between 6am-6pm today (25th May).

Read below for details ⬇️

// Dla tych którzy są dziś w Palermo (25go Maja), w godzinach 6-18 nie będzie wody w centrum PAlermo ze względu na prace przy głównych wodociągach//

: Al fine di consentire un intervento di manutenzione su una delle tubazioni di alimentazione dei Distretti cittadini "Politeama" e "Centro Storico", è stato programmato un intervento che prevede la sospensione dell'erogazione dalle ore 6:00 alle ore 18:00 di mercoledì 25 maggio.
L'interruzione potrà determinare disservizi all'erogazione idrica nella zona delimitata tra via Duca della Verdura, via Notarbartolo, via Malaspina, piazza di Camporeale, Via Colonna Rotta e nelle aree dei 4 Mandamenti.

L'erogazione sarà ripristinata al termine dell'intervento e si normalizzerà nelle 24 ore successive, salvo imprevisti.

La ripresa dell'erogazione potrebbe determinare un lieve aumento della torbidità delle acque in distribuzione che, comunque, tenderà a rientrare rapidamente nella norma.

Eventuali aggiornamenti saranno disponibili sul sito aziendale


Via D'Ossuna, Palermo PA



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