Cayman Charter

Cayman Charter Cayman Charter è una società nella quale ospitiamo le migliori barche a vela, le Dufour 470!

🌊 ESPERIENZA UNICA A BORDO DELLA NUOVA DUFOUR 470 - 2023! 🛥️Hai sempre sognato di solcare le onde Siciliane a bordo di u...

Hai sempre sognato di solcare le onde Siciliane a bordo di una barca elegante e all'avanguardia? Questa è la tua occasione! Salpa con noi il 26/08 e torna il 01/09 per una settimana indimenticabile sulla nuovissima Dufour 470.
Un'opportunità unica ti aspetta a un prezzo imperdibile durante l'ultima settimana del mese. Abbiamo riservato un'offerta speciale per te, affinché tu possa vivere l'emozione di navigare sulle acque cristalline con la Dufour 470, un gioiello di tecnologia e stile.
L'avventura è ancora più bella quando condivisa con gli amici e i cari. Riunisci un gruppo da 10 a 14 persone e preparati a vivere un'esperienza indimenticabile.
Niente avvicina le persone come un buon pasto. Durante questa crociera, goditi pranzi a sacco preparati con cura, gustando prelibatezze mentre sei cullato dalle onde. E la magia continua con un'elegante apericena al tramonto, rendendo ogni sera un'occasione speciale.
Non preoccuparti della navigazione! Un esperto skipper ti accompagnerà in questa avventura marina, guidandoti attraverso le rotte più affascinanti e raccontandoti le storie nascoste di ogni luogo che visiteremo. Potrai rilassarti e goderti ogni istante senza stress.
Non lasciarti sfuggire questa opportunità di vivere una settimana all'insegna del lusso, dell'amicizia e dell'esplorazione a bordo della Dufour 470. Contattaci al più presto per garantirti un posto in questa esperienza unica!
Prenotazioni aperte fino a esaurimento posti. Offerta valida solo per l'ultima settimana di agosto. 🌅🛥️

📢 Esplora Marsala con Cayman Charter!🌊Se stai cercando un'esperienza indimenticabile a Marsala, non cercare oltre! Con C...

📢 Esplora Marsala con Cayman Charter!🌊

Se stai cercando un'esperienza indimenticabile a Marsala, non cercare oltre! Con Cayman Charter, puoi scoprire le meraviglie di questa affascinante località in modo unico e avventuroso. 🚤⚓

🏝️ Aventurati nelle acque cristalline: I panorami mozzafiato delle coste di Marsala ti aspettano! Le nostre barche private ti porteranno verso baie appartate e spiagge segrete, dove potrai rilassarti e goderti il sole dorato della Sicilia.

🐠 Immersioni nel blu: Marsala è famosa per le sue ricche acque marine. Con Cayman Group Charter, potrai immergerti in uno dei migliori siti di immersione della zona, ammirando la variegata vita marina e i relitti storici sommersi.

🌅 Tramonti magici: Non perderti uno dei momenti più magici della giornata! Le nostre escursioni serali ti porteranno alla scoperta dei tramonti più incantevoli, mentre il sole si tuffa lentamente nel mare di fronte a te.

🍷 Tour enogastronomici: Marsala è famosa per i suoi vini pregiati. Approfitta della nostra esperienza per visitare le rinomate cantine locali e assaporare vini deliziosi mentre ti immergi nella cultura vinicola della regione.

Per vivere queste incredibili avventure a Marsala, prenota ora sul nostro sito ufficiale: 🌐 🌐 Prenotare è semplice e veloce, e il nostro team sarà pronto a garantirti un'esperienza indimenticabile.

Non vediamo l'ora di darti il benvenuto a bordo per un'avventura mozzafiato a Marsala! 🏖️🌞

Immagina la tua vacanza da sogno in Sicilia, navigando su una maestosa Dufour 470, una nave di rara bellezza ed eleganza...

Immagina la tua vacanza da sogno in Sicilia, navigando su una maestosa Dufour 470, una nave di rara bellezza ed eleganza. Presso Cayman Group Charter, ti offriamo itinerari stupendi, organizzati al meglio per farti vivere un'esperienza indimenticabile.

Naviga lungo le coste mozzafiato della Sicilia, scoprendo incantevoli baie, spiagge nascoste e pittoreschi villaggi marinari. Con la nostra flotta di imbarcazioni di prima classe, potrai goderti il mare in totale relax e comfort.

Ti sentirai in sintonia con la natura, abbracciato dalla brezza marina e circondato da panorami mozzafiato.

Visita il nostro sito per scoprire i dettagli degli itinerari disponibili e prenotare la tua vacanza in barca a vela in Sicilia. Non aspettare oltre, regalati un'avventura unica che rimarrà nel cuore per sempre!

🌴 Rilassatevi e godetevi il tour in Sicilia! 🌴Siete pronti a vivere un'avventura indimenticabile nella meravigliosa isol...

🌴 Rilassatevi e godetevi il tour in Sicilia! 🌴

Siete pronti a vivere un'avventura indimenticabile nella meravigliosa isola della Sicilia? Preparatevi a rilassarvi e lasciare tutte le preoccupazioni a noi, perché abbiamo tutto sotto controllo per il vostro viaggio perfetto!

🌅 I panorami mozzafiato
Immaginatevi di passeggiare per le incantevoli strade di Taormina, ammirando i suoi antichi teatri e il magnifico panorama sul mare. Oppure godetevi la vista spettacolare sull'Etna mentre viaggiate lungo le strade panoramiche della regione. La bellezza naturale della Sicilia vi lascerà senza fiato e noi ci assicureremo di mostrarvi i luoghi più suggestivi e suggestivi dell'isola.

🏰 Storia e cultura
La Sicilia è ricca di storia e cultura, e non vediamo l'ora di condividere con voi i suoi tesori. Da Palermo, con i suoi palazzi storici e le sue chiese, a Siracusa, con il suo antico teatro greco e la pittoresca isola di Ortigia, ogni tappa del nostro tour sarà un'immersione nella storia e nell'arte. Potrete ammirare i mosaici di Piazza Armerina, scoprire la Valle dei Templi ad Agrigento e perdervi nelle stradine medievali di Erice. Lasciatevi trasportare indietro nel tempo mentre noi ci prendiamo cura di ogni dettaglio.

🍽️ Esperienze culinarie
La Sicilia è anche famosa per la sua cucina deliziosa e unica. Avrete l'opportunità di assaporare prelibatezze come la pasta alla norma, gli arancini, il cannolo siciliano e tanto altro ancora. Vi condurremo in autentici ristoranti locali, dove potrete gustare piatti tradizionali preparati con ingredienti freschi e genuini. Il nostro obiettivo è farvi innamorare dei sapori siciliani e farvi vivere un'esperienza culinaria indimenticabile.

🏨 Il comfort del viaggio
Nel nostro tour in Sicilia, il vostro comfort è una priorità assoluta. Ci occuperemo di tutte le prenotazioni e gli arrangiamenti necessari, in modo che possiate concentrarvi solo sul vostro relax.

🌟 Penseremo a tutto noi, il cliente deve rilassarsi! 🌟

Imagine the feeling of freedom as you sail the crystalline waters of Sicily on a sailboat. Dream of being cradled by the...

Imagine the feeling of freedom as you sail the crystalline waters of Sicily on a sailboat. Dream of being cradled by the gentle wind, exploring hidden bays, and discovering marine treasures. It's time to dive into this unique adventure!

Book your sailboat experience in Sicily and let yourself be captivated by the wonders of the Mediterranean Sea. Enjoy the warm sun on your skin, the scent of the sea, and the breathtaking view of enchanting coastlines. Embrace the thrill of sailing towards boundless horizons and let the wind carry you to magical places.

Imagine evenings spent by the seaside, admiring spectacular sunsets and sharing smiles and laughter with your crew of adventurers. Dream of swimming in crystalline waters, exploring sea caves, and savoring local culinary delights.

Don't wait any longer, book your unforgettable sailboat experience in Sicily now. Dive into this unique adventure and create memories that will last a lifetime. The voyage awaits, ready to make you experience emotions you will never forget.

🌴🛥️ Dream vacations in Sicily! Book your sailing holiday in Sicily on 🌊🌞Are you ready to experienc...

🌴🛥️ Dream vacations in Sicily! Book your sailing holiday in Sicily on 🌊🌞

Are you ready to experience an unforgettable adventure in one of the most fascinating places in the Mediterranean? Let me tell you about Cayman Group Charter, the website that will make your sailing holiday in Sicily a dream come true!

Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily is a breathtaking destination, rich in natural and cultural treasures. And what better way to explore it than by sailing through its crystal-clear waters, embraced by the sea breeze, and captivated by the picturesque landscapes that unfold on the horizon?

Cayman Group Charter is the perfect partner to turn this vision into reality. With our fleet of luxury boats and highly qualified staff, you can enjoy a tailor-made vacation, customized to your desires and needs.

Whether you are an experienced sailor or a curious beginner, has the perfect vessel for you. You can choose from a wide range of options, from elegant sailboats to modern motor yachts. Each boat is equipped with exclusive comforts and provides ample space for you and your travel companions.

Imagine waking up every morning surrounded by the deep blue sea and deciding which corner of paradise to explore. From the natural reserves of the Riserva dello Zingaro to the historical wonders of Agrigento and Syracuse, Sicily offers a perfect mix of natural beauty and cultural treasures.

And don't worry if you have no sailing experience! Cayman Group Charter will provide you with a professional crew that will take care of everything. You can simply relax, be pampered, and enjoy every moment of this worry-free experience.

Booking your sailing holiday in Sicily with is easy and convenient. Our intuitive website will guide you through the booking process, allowing you to select dates, choose your preferred vessel, and add any desired extras. Additionally, our customer service is always available to answer all your questions and provide personalized assistance.

Don't wait any longer! Visit and book your sailing holiday in Sicily today. Treat yourself to the luxury of exploring the Sicilian coastline, admiring breathtaking views, and creating unforgettable memories. It will be an adventure that will stay in your heart forever!

🌴🛥️ - Your gateway to the wonders of Sicily.

Explore the Enchanting Egadi Islands with Cayman Group Charter!If you're looking for a dream destination for your next v...

Explore the Enchanting Egadi Islands with Cayman Group Charter!

If you're looking for a dream destination for your next vacation, the Egadi Islands in Sicily are the perfect choice. With their crystal-clear waters, breathtaking landscapes, and relaxed atmosphere, these islands will provide you with an unforgettable experience. And with Cayman Group Charter, you can book your luxury adventure to explore this corner of paradise in an exclusive way.

Cayman Group Charter is the leading company in the luxury charter and yacht rental services. Our experts will accompany you on a tailor-made journey, ensuring comfort, safety, and an unforgettable sailing experience. Our website,, offers you a wide selection of luxury boats to choose from, with different options to suit your needs and preferences.

The Egadi Islands consist of three natural gems: Favignana, Levanzo, and Marettimo. Favignana is the largest of the three islands and is famous for its white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters. Here, you can swim in hidden coves, explore sea caves, and savor the local cuisine based on fresh seafood.

Levanzo, the smallest of the three islands, is an oasis of tranquility with a charming fishing village and a wild, unspoiled coastline. Here, you can hike along scenic trails, visit the famous Grotta del Genovese, known for its prehistoric paintings, and enjoy delicious traditional dishes.

Marettimo, the furthest island, is a natural paradise with rich marine life and untamed nature. You can go snorkeling in its crystal-clear waters, explore its secluded bays, and admire the majestic cliffs.

Booking your charter with Cayman Group Charter will allow you to explore these islands in total comfort and style. You can sail along the coast, discover hidden bays, take refreshing dives in the clear waters, and enjoy breathtaking views. With a wide range of available boats, from luxury yachts to elegant sailboats, Cayman Group Charter will provide you with a tailor-made sailing experience.

Visit the website to book your adventure in the Egadi Islands and start dreaming about your next unforgettable vacation.

Discover the pleasure of sailing in luxury! Embark on a week-long adventure in August aboard our 14-meter sailing yacht....

Discover the pleasure of sailing in luxury! Embark on a week-long adventure in August aboard our 14-meter sailing yacht. For only 6,000 euros per week, accommodating a maximum of 10 guests, you'll enjoy unparalleled comfort and breathtaking views. Request our informational brochure and immerse yourself in the excitement of a world-class vacation!

🌊 Esplora le Profondità o Conquista la Terra! 🏞️Stai cercando un'avventura indimenticabile in Sicilia? Non cercare oltre...

🌊 Esplora le Profondità o Conquista la Terra! 🏞️

Stai cercando un'avventura indimenticabile in Sicilia? Non cercare oltre! Che tu desideri l'emozione di guidare un quad o la tranquillità di esplorare il mondo sottomarino, siamo qui per te.

🚵‍♂️ Salta su uno dei nostri potenti quad e intraprendi un viaggio adrenalinico attraverso i paesaggi accidentati della Sicilia. Senti l'adrenalina mentre conquisti sentieri sterrati, ti inoltri tra boschi e scopri tesori nascosti lungo il percorso. I nostri esperti guide si assicureranno che vivrai un'esperienza in quad sicura ed entusiasmante come nessun'altra!

🤿 Se preferisci immergerti nelle affascinanti profondità del mare, unisciti a noi per una straordinaria avventura subacquea. Tuffati nelle acque cristalline della Sicilia e scopri la vibrante vita marina che prospera sotto la superficie. Dai colorati fondali di corallo agli affascinanti relitti, i nostri istruttori di immersione professionisti ti guideranno in un'esplorazione indimenticabile.

📆 Non perdere l'opportunità di prenotare la tua esperienza in quad o immersioni subacquee con noi! Che tu sia un appassionato di adrenalina o un amante della natura, la Sicilia offre il campo perfetto per l'avventura che desideri. Contattaci oggi stesso e lascia che creiamo un'esperienza straordinaria che ti lascerà ricordi indelebili.

🌟 Prenota ora e intraprendi un viaggio incredibile con noi! 🌟

🌴 Set sail in Sicily aboard the Dufour 470! 🛥️Holidays are the perfect opportunity to relax and enjoy the crystal-clear ...

🌴 Set sail in Sicily aboard the Dufour 470! 🛥️

Holidays are the perfect opportunity to relax and enjoy the crystal-clear sea, and what could be better than sailing along the stunning Sicilian coast aboard a luxury boat? 🌊

We are delighted to introduce the Dufour 470, an elegant and comfortable boat that will allow you to have an unforgettable experience. With its exceptional performance and refined design, you will truly feel like a seasoned sailor.

Whether you are an experienced sailing enthusiast or a beginner eager to learn, the Dufour 470 will offer you a unique sailing experience. With its wide range of comforts, including spacious cabins, a fully equipped kitchen, and a cozy lounge area, you will feel the comfort of a true floating home.

But the wonders of Sicily don't end there! Dock in picturesque harbors, explore charming coastal towns, and discover hidden beaches that seem to come straight out of a postcard. Marvel at the majestic Mount Etna as you glide through the waves and dive into the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

To book your maritime adventure in Sicily aboard the Dufour 470, call us and our dedicated team will be happy to assist you in planning your perfect vacation.

Don't miss this opportunity to discover the timeless beauty of Sicily and experience a unique adventure on the open sea. Book your vacation today and get ready to sail the waves and create unforgettable memories.

We look forward to welcoming you aboard the Dufour 470 for a dream sailing experience! ⚓️🌞

🌴 Book your sailing holiday with us in Sicily! 🌊Dreaming of an unforgettable vacation in one of the most enchanting plac...

🌴 Book your sailing holiday with us in Sicily! 🌊

Dreaming of an unforgettable vacation in one of the most enchanting places in the Mediterranean? Want to experience a unique sailing adventure surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the sea and the Sicilian landscape? Then you've come to the right place!

At our agency, we strive to provide you with the utmost relaxation, maximum support, the ultimate experience, and the highest level of comfort during your sailing trip. We're here to make your seaside dreams come true, offering you a tailor-made experience that will meet all your expectations.

🌟 Maximum relaxation: No stress, just the sound of waves and the sea breeze to pamper you. We'll help you disconnect from your daily routine, allowing you to fully relax and enjoy every moment of your sailing holiday. The crystal-clear waters of Sicily will be your haven of peace.

🌟 Maximum support: Our experienced team will be at your disposal throughout the journey. From providing advice on the best destinations to offering navigation guidance, we're here to ensure a worry-free experience. You can count on us to solve any issues and make sure your trip is unforgettable for all the right reasons.

🌟 Ultimate experience: We know Sicily like the back of our hands and will guide you to the most charming spots on the island. From the stunning Aeolian Islands archipelago to the majesty of the Sicilian coastline, you'll discover enchanting places and hidden secrets guarded by the sea. Each day will be a new adventure filled with excitement and surprises.

🌟 Maximum comfort: On board our sailboat, you'll find all the necessary comforts to make your journey pleasant and relaxing. Our boats are equipped with spacious cabins, cozy common areas, and everything you need to ensure a comfortable stay. You'll feel at home but with a breathtaking view!

Don't miss the opportunity to experience a unique sailing adventure in Sicily. Book with us and discover the beauty of this Mediterranean paradise. We're ready to welcome you on board and create unforgettable memories together.

Contact us today and book your sailing adventure in Sicily! 🌊🌴


🌊Discover the magic of Sicily and its enchanting islands with an irresistible offer! 🏝️
Book your maritime adventure in July and set sail to breathtaking landscapes aboard the spectacular Dufour 470! For only €5,400 with up to 10 berths, enjoy a unique experience in the Mediterranean.
Embark on this luxurious sailboat, equipped with all the necessary comforts for an unforgettable cruise. With spacious and comfortable accommodations, the Dufour 470 offers luxury lodging for you and your travel companions. Soak up the sun and wind on the bow, relax in the elegant salon, or savor a delicious dinner on the panoramic terrace.
Depart from Marsala and easily reach any destination you wish to visit.
Each stop on your journey will be an opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich history, culture, and gastronomy of Sicily. Taste the authentic flavors of local cuisine, from fresh seafood dishes to exquisite Sicilian desserts such as cannoli and cassata.
Don't miss the opportunity to live an unforgettable experience aboard the Dufour 470 and explore the wonders of Sicily and its islands. Book now and get ready to sail towards an adventure that will stay in your heart! 🌅🌴

Dear adventurous sailing enthusiasts, are you ready for a breathtaking experience exploring the beautiful Sicily? 🌊⛵️Ima...

Dear adventurous sailing enthusiasts, are you ready for a breathtaking experience exploring the beautiful Sicily? 🌊⛵️

Imagine yourself sailing along shimmering coastlines, feeling the sea breeze in your hair, and being mesmerized by the spectacular views that this wonderful island has to offer. With our sailing experience, you can live all of this and more!

Sicily, with its golden sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and hidden bays, is a paradise for sea lovers. During your sailing trip, you'll have the opportunity to explore stunning coastlines, take dips in turquoise waters, and relax under the sun on the boat's deck.

But that's not all! Sicily is a land rich in history and culture. During your journey, you'll have the chance to visit ancient archaeological sites, explore charming coastal towns, and savor the delicious Sicilian cuisine. You'll wander through picturesque streets and discover millennia-old traditions that make this land truly unique.

Our sailing experience will offer you a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in Sicily's timeless beauty, away from the crowds and in complete freedom. Our expert guides will lead you to hidden spots and share fascinating stories, enriching your travel experience.

Whether you're a couple seeking a romantic getaway, a family craving for adventure, or a group of friends in search of thrills, our sailing boat will be your home away from home during this unforgettable vacation.

Don't miss the chance to book your sailing experience and enjoy a dream vacation in Sicily. Contact us now for more information and secure your spot on our boat.

Get ready to sail the seas, discover the wonders of Sicily, and create precious memories that will last a lifetime. We're waiting for you on board! ⛵️🌴

If you're planning a vacation in Sicily and are a diving enthusiast, we recommend considering an underwater excursion to...

If you're planning a vacation in Sicily and are a diving enthusiast, we recommend considering an underwater excursion to the Egadi Islands. These three islands, Favignana, Levanzo, and Marettimo, are famous for their natural beauty and the richness of marine fauna.

Favignana is the largest island among the three and is considered the diving capital of the Egadi. Here, you can explore numerous diving sites, including the famous Grotta Azzurra (Blue Grotto) and the wreck of the Ausonia ship. Levanzo, the smallest of the three islands, offers a wide range of marine species, including groupers, bream, and lobsters.

Lastly, Marettimo, the most remote and wild island, is a true paradise for diving enthusiasts, with crystal-clear waters and a wide variety of marine species, including seahorses and octopuses.

On each island, there are many diving schools that offer excursions and courses for all levels of experience. So, even if you're not an experienced diver, you can still enjoy the beauty of the Egadi.

Don't miss the opportunity to explore the underwater beauty of the Egadi Islands during your next vacation in Sicily.

Favignana is a beautiful Sicilian island located off the western coast of Sicily, in the heart of the Egadi archipelago....

Favignana is a beautiful Sicilian island located off the western coast of Sicily, in the heart of the Egadi archipelago. The island is famous for its beautiful beaches, crystal-clear waters, and untouched nature. If you are looking for an unforgettable experience in Sicily, you should definitely visit Favignana.

There are many ways to explore the island of Favignana, but the best way is through an organized tour. With a tour, you will have the opportunity to visit all the most beautiful and interesting places on the island, in the company of an expert guide who will provide you with information on the history and local culture.

If you're looking for an unforgettable vacation filled with sea, nature, and relaxation, then the Egadi Islands are the ...

If you're looking for an unforgettable vacation filled with sea, nature, and relaxation, then the Egadi Islands are the perfect destination for you! And what could be better than exploring them aboard a magnificent Dufour 470?

With a 10% discount on the boat rental, you can enjoy the wonders of the Egadi Islands in total comfort and style. The Dufour 470 is a spacious and comfortable boat equipped with all the necessary equipment for a successful vacation.

You can navigate between the three main islands of the archipelago - Favignana, Levanzo, and Marettimo - and discover hidden beaches, secluded bays, and crystal clear waters.

Are you ready for a vacation full of relaxation, fun, and adventure? Then don't miss the opportunity to experience an un...

Are you ready for a vacation full of relaxation, fun, and adventure? Then don't miss the opportunity to experience an unforgettable journey aboard a sailing boat in the beautiful Egadi Islands!

Our 7-day, 6-night tour will take you to discover the natural beauty of the Sicilian archipelago, with stops at each island to admire dreamy beaches, enchanted caves, and crystal-clear waters. On board our comfortable sailing boat, you can enjoy all the necessary comforts and services to make your vacation unique and unforgettable.

The boat is equipped with all the necessary gear to ensure a safe and comfortable sailing experience, with one cabin for each couple and common spaces to socialize and relax. You can taste local cuisine prepared by our onboard chef and enjoy a wide range of activities, including diving, snorkeling, hiking, and much more.

Moreover, with our special 10% discount offer, you can experience this incredible adventure at an even more affordable price. Don't miss the chance to live a dream vacation aboard a sailing boat in the Egadi Islands. Book your adventure now and get ready for an experience that will stay in your memories forever!

Summer is around the corner, and it's time to start planning your vacation. If you're looking for a destination that off...

Summer is around the corner, and it's time to start planning your vacation. If you're looking for a destination that offers both natural beauty and cultural richness, look no further than the enchanting island of Sicily and the Egadi Islands!

Exploring the beaches of Sicily and the Egadi Islands is an unforgettable experience. With crystal-clear waters and breathtaking landscapes, it will feel like paradise. For those who love hiking, climbing the nearby mountains offers incredible views of the coast and surrounding landscape.

Book your excursion on your Dufour 470 now!

Sailing on a sailboat is a unique experience that deserves to be captured and preserved forever. Take lots of photos, ma...

Sailing on a sailboat is a unique experience that deserves to be captured and preserved forever. Take lots of photos, make videos, and write a logbook to remember the highlights. If you want to experience this adventure, contact us for more details.

If you have ever dreamt of setting sail on the open sea on a sailboat, then you cannot miss the opportunity to explore t...

If you have ever dreamt of setting sail on the open sea on a sailboat, then you cannot miss the opportunity to explore the captivating interiors of the Dufour 470. In addition to the unique experiences that the sea offers, you will also discover an amazing world inside our sailboat.


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