DEA Contract

DEA Contract Interior Design & Furnishing Dea Contract is a highly qualified in the design and production of interior design projects for the niche market of luxury.

Dea Contract has always based its vision of the project on the pursuit of quality. Business and techniques skills allow Dea Contract to provide systems and furnishing accessories for any space project contract: complements, wardrobes, beds, sofas and all the accessories required. Dea Contract is a highly qualified in study of major projects around the world, creating furnishings for hotels and acc

ommodations, restaurants, residences, shops and boutiques, cruise ships and offices. Each group of support to architects and technical consultants can work together in a constructive and dynamic designers and construction companies or shipbuilders for development and creation of interior furnishings with help of standard projects adapted to the specific requests or custom projects served basis. Team Dea Contract provides all necessary assistance for the success of project, including the package "ready to use". Direction: an important feature of the three companies is a clear distinction between ownership and management. It is an active steering committee consisting of senior managers from our different offices. The committee is responsible for all strategic and operational decision-making. Our customers are usually large companies at international level and, as such, they require a more flexible management approach, rather than the traditional system of centralized power in owner’s figure. The responsibility assigned to each manager allows an organization that is extremely dynamic, flexible and above all, customer-oriented. Production strictly Italian: all products in the catalog of Dea Contract are manufactured in Italy, mainly for socio-ethical reasons, but also because we firmly believe that only by using Italian products we can guarantee the quality required by customers and then operate in top range of the market . We guarantee the best quality at competitive prices through efficient management of production cycles rather than the use of cheap labor abroad. Qualified Personnel: we believe that is a company’s responsibility to be of benefit at whole group instead of just a few individuals. All our staff are employed under permanent contracts, as we consider a huge advantage to have the resources available to firm with an established degree of experience and expertise. Many important positions are occupied by women.


Interior Design & Furnishing




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