Basilicata Holiday House

Basilicata Holiday House
Holiday stay in township of San Fele, Basilicata Italy. Incredible views with a beautiful old world charm of Southern Italy.

Basilicata in southern Italy, is a region that has not yet been discovered by the average tourists. The great Hollywood director Frances Ford Coppola has ties to this region. His family originally came from Bernalda, and he describes the region of Basilicata as , "...undisturbed, the way it Italy once really was...pure". San Fele is the perfect base for tourists with many sights and attractions ne

arby. The rediscovered and beautiful waterfalls of the "Uatteniere" is a short 5 minute drive away. The ancient 1000 year old church of 'The Madonna di Pierno' is one of the oldest countinuously running churches that has been running with the same Christian denomination in all that time in Italy. From San Fele, the skyline is dominated by a patchwork of wheat farms and vineyards shadowed by the grandeur of Mount Vulture, an extinct volcano that last erupted over 80,000 years ago. The fertile volcanic soil produces a unique wine 'Vino Aglianico' that has won many international awards.


In bicicletta attraverso l'Europa - Nella frenesia del mondo moderno, dove la vita si svolge a un ritmo frenetico e il tempo sembra sempre scarseggiare, c'è qualcosa di incredibilmente affascinante...

Young German Lutz during his journey by bike around Europe stop in San Fele where he received a warm welcoming and celeb...

Young German Lutz during his journey by bike around Europe stop in San Fele where he received a warm welcoming and celebrate his birthday!

In bicicletta attraverso l'Europa - Nella frenesia del mondo moderno, dove la vita si svolge a un ritmo frenetico e il tempo sembra sempre scarseggiare, c'è qualcosa di incredibilmente affascinante...


ROOTS in is born in Basilicata, one of the Italian regions with the highest XXth century emigration rate. We want to focus on this specific segment of tourists: curious and passionate travellers of Italian origin, driven by very deep motivations to explore their territories of origin, creating new virtuous connections.
ROOTS in - Borsa Internazionale del Turismo delle Origini
Save the date 📌20-21 November 2022


In Basilicata ci sono luoghi noti e famosi che conservano una varietà di luoghi segreti e poco conosciuti, uno di questi è lo splendido Parco dei Palmenti di Pietragalla, la cui costruzione risale al XIX secolo. Si tratta di un complesso di grotte, scavate nella roccia arenarie in cui, fino agli anni sessanta, avveniva la pigiatura delle uve la fermentazione del mosto

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San Fele


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