VENISTILE - Sparkling Glass


Il brand VENISTILE nasce nel 2007 grazie alla grande passione per il vetro artistico da parte del suo titolare che ha voluto coniugare la sua lunga esperienza nell’ambito della sperimentazione e ricerca di innovazioni, applicandola al vetro di Murano. Con la tradizionale tecnica della Vetrofusione, VENISTILE realizza manufatti artigianali di arredo e decoro in Vetro Originale di Murano dal gusto e

stile contemporaneo che donano all’ambiente un’atmosfera preziosa e raffinata. La pasta vetrosa, disponibile in tutti i colori del Vetro di Murano, è contraddistinta dall’inclusione di piccole bolle d’aria che, grazie a un sistema brevettato, vengono illuminate tramite l’applicazione di luce a LED. La luce, intrappolata nel vetro in minuscole gocce scintillanti, è il sogno che realizziamo per chi desidera circondarsi di luminosa bellezza, per creare arredi, decori e oggetti di design. Il vetro é impreziosito includendo materiali pregiati come l’oro, l’argento e le murrine, conferendo al risultato finale l’eleganza e il pregio che ci contraddistingue. Fedeli ad ogni richiesta della creatività, adattiamo spessori, colori, tagli, forature e curvature, per rendere il sogno una realtà perfetta e seducente. VENISTILE Sparkling glass - Customised artistic glass for furnishing
The brand VENISTILE was founded in 2007 thanks to the great passion for the art glass by its owner Mr Ezio Borghetto who wanted to combine his long experience in the field of testing and research innovations, applying it to the Murano glass. With the traditional technique of glass fusing, VENISTILE realizes handicraft furnishing and decorative elements of original Murano Glass , with at the same time a contemporary taste and style that gives a precious and refined touch at the surroundings. The glass paste, available in any of the colors of the Murano glass, is characterized by the inclusion of small air bubbles which, thanks to a patented system, are illuminated by the application of LED light. The light, trapped into the glass in tiny sparkling drops, offers the dream effect for those who want to surround themselves with fpieced of furniture and design objects of a luminous beauty. The glass is enriched by including precious materials such as gold, silver and Murrinas, that give a final result of elegance and quality, details that characterize us
Faithful to any request of creativity, we adapt thicknesses, colors, cuts, punctures and curvatures, in order to make the dream a perfect and seductive reality.

Tray in Murano glass - Gold leaf 24 ktFIAMMIFERO

Tray in Murano glass - Gold leaf 24 kt

We have carefully combined Italian designwith traditional Venetian craftsmanship,to create works of aesthetic, sentiment...

We have carefully combined Italian design
with traditional Venetian craftsmanship,
to create works of aesthetic, sentimental,
technological and cultural value. By tapping
into the wisdom and experience of master
craftsmen and adding the care and good
taste of contemporary design, we achieve
aesthetics that are innovative while being
rooted in history.

Design works that combinecraftsmen experience of Venetian traditionwith the contemporary style of expressiveforms

Design works that combine
craftsmen experience of Venetian tradition
with the contemporary style of expressive

Piece of art in Murano glass - CRYSTAL LIGHT -Lighted glass for home decor. Softly lighted....Powerfully moving.

Piece of art in Murano glass - CRYSTAL LIGHT -
Lighted glass for home decor. Softly lighted....Powerfully moving.

Column for store furnishing

Column for store furnishing

Tray in Murano glass - Gold leaf 24 ktSENTIERO

Tray in Murano glass - Gold leaf 24 kt

Venistile - VENISTILE realizza manufatti artigianali di arredo e decoro in Vetro Originale di Murano dal gusto e stile contemporaneo che donano all'ambiente ...

Based on special materials and patentedtechnologies, Venistile conceives, developsand produces solutions of design, furn...

Based on special materials and patented
technologies, Venistile conceives, develops
and produces solutions of design, furnishings,
architecture and special components.

Piece of art in Murano glass - BLACK LIGHT - Lighted glass for home decor. Softly lighted....Powerfully moving.

Piece of art in Murano glass - BLACK LIGHT -
Lighted glass for home decor. Softly lighted....Powerfully moving.

Piece of art in Murano glass - LA SCARPA DI AIDA - Lighted glass for home decor. Softly lighted....Powerfully moving.

Piece of art in Murano glass - LA SCARPA DI AIDA -
Lighted glass for home decor. Softly lighted....Powerfully moving.

Based on special materials and patentedtechnologies, Venistile conceives, developsand produces solutions of design, furn...

Based on special materials and patented
technologies, Venistile conceives, develops
and produces solutions of design, furnishings,
architecture and special components with
its own brand and it avails itself of the
collaboration with firms and skilled craftsmen
so as to be able to apply its own technologies
to different objects, systems or productions.

Tray in Murano glass - Gold leaf 24 ktDOMINO

Tray in Murano glass - Gold leaf 24 kt

Piece of art in Murano glass - FLORA - Lighted glass for home decor. Softly lighted....Powerfully moving.

Piece of art in Murano glass - FLORA -
Lighted glass for home decor. Softly lighted....Powerfully moving.

OperaLucis is formed of tiles in Murano glassand 24 karat gold leaves. These exclusive andprecious materials and the cra...

OperaLucis is formed of tiles in Murano glass
and 24 karat gold leaves. These exclusive and
precious materials and the craftsmanship of
every single piece give a unique artistic value
to the fi nished product. OperaLucis integrates
the technology of LED lights which splendidly
highlight the characteristic impact of Murano
glass and the luminosity of the gold leaf.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Sparkling new year!!

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Sparkling new year!!

Piece of art in Murano glass - LE VELE - Lighted glass for home decor. Softly lighted....Powerfully moving.

Piece of art in Murano glass - LE VELE -
Lighted glass for home decor. Softly lighted....Powerfully moving.

Tray in Murano glass - Gold leaf 24 ktNINE TRAY

Tray in Murano glass - Gold leaf 24 kt

Piece of art in Murano glass - ABETE - Lighted glass for home decor. Softly lighted....Powerfully moving.

Piece of art in Murano glass - ABETE -
Lighted glass for home decor. Softly lighted....Powerfully moving.

Piece of art in Murano glass - CITY LIGHTNING - Lighted glass for home decor

Piece of art in Murano glass - CITY LIGHTNING -
Lighted glass for home decor

Piece of art in Murano glass - LA DONNA - Lighted glass for home decor

Piece of art in Murano glass - LA DONNA -
Lighted glass for home decor

Tray in Murano glass - Gold leaf 24 kt

Tray in Murano glass - Gold leaf 24 kt

Piece of art in Murano glass - IL CAVALLO ARABO -Softly lighted....Powerfully moving.

Piece of art in Murano glass - IL CAVALLO ARABO -
Softly lighted....Powerfully moving.

Piece of art in Murano glass - FLORA -Softly lighted....Powerfully moving.

Piece of art in Murano glass - FLORA -
Softly lighted....Powerfully moving.




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