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La Limace Mystique We travel different! Off the beaten track, far from the madding crowd. Unusual tours in Italy. So much to enjoy, to admire and to inspire you.

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Where do you run among the vineyards in Italy? In Piedmont in Santo Stefano in Belbo (Cn) there is the Moscato Trail, among the vineyards of the Langhe, a Unesco heritage site. The Chianti Classico…

Where do you run among the vineyards in Italy? In Piedmont in Santo Stefano in Belbo (Cn) there is the Moscato Trail, am...

Where do you run among the vineyards in Italy? In Piedmont in Santo Stefano in Belbo (Cn) there is the Moscato Trail, among the vineyards of the Langhe, a Unesco heritage site. The Chianti Classico Ecomarathon starts from the spectacular Castello di Brolio and Castelnuovo di Berardenga. In Sicily in November, in the province of Palermo there is the "Run through the vineyards"....

Where do you run among the vineyards in Italy? In Piedmont in Santo Stefano in Belbo (Cn) there is the Moscato Trail, among the vineyards of the Langhe, a Unesco heritage site. The Chianti Classico…

"Buy yourself a piece of land", it was once said. Having it done a few years ago, especially if there was a vineyard abo...

"Buy yourself a piece of land", it was once said. Having it done a few years ago, especially if there was a vineyard above it, we would have made the deal of our lives. This can be seen from a survey by Wine News which shows that the prices of some Italian vineyards have reached top prices: first and foremost Barolo and those of Brunello di Montalcino....

“Buy yourself a piece of land”, it was once said. Having it done a few years ago, especially if there was a vineyard above it, we would have made the deal of our lives. This can be seen…


There are many good places to go trekking in Umbria, but one of the best is 'Il cammino dei borghi silenti' or, in English, 'a walk through quiet hamlets.' This is a circular walk of about 90 km on mostly unpaved tracks winding through woods of holm oak and chestnut trees, a combination of nature, history and breath-taking views. It could be compared to the walk of Santiago di Compostela or the Via Francigena, and only very fit trekkers should undertake it since it is quite difficult, with many climbs up and down mountainsides....

Rosalind Oliver Fino a pochi anni fa la regione Umbria era sconosciuta alla maggior parte delle persone che vivevano fuo...

Rosalind Oliver Fino a pochi anni fa la regione Umbria era sconosciuta alla maggior parte delle persone che vivevano fuori dall'Italia. La Toscana era spesso chiamata Chiantishire per via dei molti stranieri che vi avevano casa. Poi l'Umbria ha cominciato ad attirare i giornali, per esempio il britannico "Telegraph" che suggerisce "Immergetevi nel fascino medievale, seguite le orme di San Francesco, esplorate gli antichi villaggi..." o il New York Times: "L'Umbria, il segreto culinario meglio custodito d'Italia, sta germogliando...

Until a few years ago the region of Umbria was unknown to most people living outiside Italy. Tuscany was often called Ch...

Until a few years ago the region of Umbria was unknown to most people living outiside Italy. Tuscany was often called Chiantishire because of the many foreigners who had homes there. Then Umbria began to attract newspapers, for example the British 'Telegraph' which suggests “Soak up medieval charm, follow the footsteps of St. Francis, explore the antique villages...” or the New York Times: “Umbria,Italy's Best-Kept Culinary Secret is budding...

By Rosalind Oliver Until a few years ago the region of Umbria was unknown to most people living outiside Italy.   Tuscany was often called Chiantishire because of the many foreigners…

Nel 1278 Giovanni e Nicola Pisano inseriscono scene di vendemmia nella fontana di Maggiore di piazza IV novembre di Peru...

Nel 1278 Giovanni e Nicola Pisano inseriscono scene di vendemmia nella fontana di Maggiore di piazza IV novembre di Perugia. E alla fine del ‘400 il vino orvietano era talmente apprezzato che per gli affreschi nel Duomo il pittore Luca Signorelli, chiese come paga un vitalizio in vino locale. Anche altri pittori umbri tra cui Pietro Vannucci detto il Perugino e Bernardino di Betto detto il Pinturicchio chiesero che parte del compenso per le opere del Duomo fosse conferito in vino buono....

Nel 1278 Giovanni e Nicola Pisano inseriscono scene di vendemmia nella fontana di Maggiore di piazza IV novembre di Perugia. E alla fine del ‘400 il vino orvietano era talmente apprezzato che per g…

In 1278 Giovanni and Nicola Pisano inserted grape harvest scenes in the Fontana Maggiore in Perugia's Piazza IV Novembre...

In 1278 Giovanni and Nicola Pisano inserted grape harvest scenes in the Fontana Maggiore in Perugia's Piazza IV Novembre. And at the end of the 15th century, Orvieto's wine was so highly prized that for the frescoes in the cathedral, the painter Luca Signorelli asked for local wine as a payment. Other Umbrian painters including Pietro Vannucci known as Perugino and Bernardino di Betto known as Pinturicchio also asked that part of the payment for the works in the Duomo should be given in good wine....

In 1278 Giovanni and Nicola Pisano inserted grape harvest scenes in the Fontana Maggiore in Perugia’s Piazza IV Novembre. And at the end of the 15th century, Orvieto’s wine was so highl…

L'Umbria venne abitata ad est del Tevere dagli Umbri, e ad ovest dagli Etruschi. Terni viene fondata nel 672 a.C. mentre...

L'Umbria venne abitata ad est del Tevere dagli Umbri, e ad ovest dagli Etruschi. Terni viene fondata nel 672 a.C. mentre Orvieto, Velz-na (poi Volsinii), la più antica e florida città etrusca, il cui nome sembra richiamare etimologicamente la parola vino, era sede del santuario federale etrusco che richiamava uomini e merci dall’Etruria e dalla Grecia. Nel 295 a.C. dopo la battaglia di Sentino queste zone furono conquistate dai Romani, che vi stanziarono alcune colonie e ne attraversarono il territorio con la via Flaminia (220 a.C.)....

L’Umbria venne abitata ad est del Tevere dagli Umbri, e ad ovest dagli Etruschi. Terni viene fondata nel 672 a.C. mentre Orvieto, Velz-na (poi Volsinii), la più antica e florida città etrusca…

Umbria was inhabited to the east of the Tiber by the Umbrians, and to the west by the Etruscans. Terni was founded in 67...

Umbria was inhabited to the east of the Tiber by the Umbrians, and to the west by the Etruscans. Terni was founded in 672 B.C. while Orvieto, Velz-na (later Volsinii), the oldest and most flourishing Etruscan city, whose name seems to etymologically recall the word wine, was the seat of the Etruscan federal sanctuary that drew men and goods from Etruria and Greece....

Umbria was inhabited to the east of the Tiber by the Umbrians, and to the west by the Etruscans. Terni was founded in 672 B.C. while Orvieto, Velz-na (later Volsinii), the oldest and most flourishi…


Le vacanze arrivano e come ogni anno sarà una lotta per non mettere quache chilo in più. Noi della Limace amanti della buona tavola vi auguriamo di mangiare solo le cose migliori. Ma ci raccomandiamo: restate in forma perché presto vi vogliamo tonici e pimpanti nei nostri tour. Ecco qualche consiglio Ecco alcuni consigli Durante la cena della vigilia e il pranzo di Natale non vanno apportate troppe restrizioni ma fatte porzioni piccole Se le portate sono numerose, sarebbe opportuno evitare di spizzicare il pane, anche se eliminarlo del tutto sarebbe ancora meglio....

The Christmas holidays are coming and like every year it will be a struggle not to put on a few extra kilos. We at Limac...

The Christmas holidays are coming and like every year it will be a struggle not to put on a few extra kilos. We at Limace, who love good food, hope you eat only the best things. But we recommend that you stay in good shape, because we want you toned and fit on our tours, very soon. Here are some tips....

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Viaggiare è uno dei modi migliori per uscire dalla propria zona di comfort. Aiuta a mantenere la mente aperta ai cambiam...

Viaggiare è uno dei modi migliori per uscire dalla propria zona di comfort. Aiuta a mantenere la mente aperta ai cambiamenti e migliora la concentrazione su ciò che conta davvero nella tua vita. Che senso ha comunque passare il tempo libero seduto su un divano? E magari continuare a guardare la vita degli altri in tv, mentre tu puoi vivere la tua e magari fare da apripista agli altri?...

Viaggiare è uno dei modi migliori per uscire dalla propria zona di comfort. Aiuta a mantenere la mente aperta ai cambiamenti e migliora la concentrazione su ciò che conta davvero nella tua vita. Ch…

Travelling is one of the best ways to get out of your comfort zone. It helps keeping your mind open to changes and it im...

Travelling is one of the best ways to get out of your comfort zone. It helps keeping your mind open to changes and it improves your focus on what really matters in your life. What’s the point of spending your free time sitting on a couch anyway? And maybe keep watching other people’s lives on a TV, while you can live yours and maybe lead the way to others?...

Travelling is one of the best ways to get out of your comfort zone. It helps keeping your mind open to changes and it improves your focus on what really matters in your life. What’s the point of sp…

A very interesting conversation with Richard Hodges, archaeologist.

A very interesting conversation with Richard Hodges, archaeologist.

The opinion of Richard Hodges, archaeologist. Professor what can amphorae tell an archaeologist?They can tell more than any other object of the ancient world: marble, painting, jewelry, glass. The …


Il Sarcofago degli Sposi (530-510 a. C.), Museo Nazionale Etrusco, Roma Il territorio etrusco Gli Etruschi sono una delle più antiche civiltà vissute in Italia tra l'VIII secolo a.C. e agli inizi del III secolo a.C., nelle zone geograficamente attribuibili oggi a Toscana, Lazio e Umbria, note come Etruria propriamente detta, e nel territorio compreso tra i fiumi Tevere e Arno....


Le Sarcophage des Époux (530-510 av. J.-C.), Musée National étrusque, Rome Le territoire étrusque Les Étrusques sont l'une des plus anciennes civilisations qui ont vécu en Italie entre le VIII siècle avant JC. et au début du III siècle avant JC, dans les zones géographiquement attribuables aujourd'hui à la Toscane, au Latium et à l'Ombrie, connues sous le nom d'Etrurie proprement dite, et sur le territoire compris entre les fleuves Tibre et Arno....

When art meets wine labels!

When art meets wine labels!

The combination of wine and painting comes from far away. Not only for the love that many artists have shown for the fruit of the vine, painting it in their works. But also when they used their int…

Look who's back: the dragon! This time on Mount Amiata...

Look who's back: the dragon! This time on Mount Amiata...

There in front of the fireplaces of mount Amiata’s villages, during the long winter evenings, stories and legends of old times are told. Among the most famous is the tale Santa Fiora’s dragon (or of the “Cifero serpent”, as tradition says). The friars of Selva’s monastery, near Santa Fiora...

Let's talk about wine under a different perspective... (chapter 2)

Let's talk about wine under a different perspective... (chapter 2)

Which is the most precious wine in the world and what makes a wine a collector’s item? The paternity of the finest wines still belongs to France, but in recent years even American, Australian…

Let's talk about wine under a different perspective... (chapter 1)

Let's talk about wine under a different perspective... (chapter 1)

Is it worth buying at online wine auctions?  The answer is yes but with precautions. The best known auctions via the web are Wine Bid, Wine Gavel, Zachis, Spectrum and the Munich Wine Company.…


2022 was a blast. And we actually haven’t started yet! Thanks to who believed in our professionalism and to us three for the marvelous times we’ve had. Looking forward to 2023 and beyond. Let’s fly…

Unexpected encounters in Santa Fiora...

Unexpected encounters in Santa Fiora...

Who would have thought that by walking through Santa Fiora and entering the Pieve you would have been able to admire some masterpieces of Italian Renaissance art? The polychrome terracottas by Luca…

The beauty of our Country according to Professor Luigi Moio...

The beauty of our Country according to Professor Luigi Moio...

The beauty of our Country according to Professor Luigi Moio Professor Moio do you share the idea that Italian landscapes were also designed by vineyards?Viticulture has given a very important contr…


In 2010 an exhibition dedicated entirely to the Dragons of the Tiber’s valley took place, dedicated to the presence of the dragon and the ruler in medieval iconography, in the sculptures of S…

Come and hunt the dragon together with us in an almost unknown territory of Umbria!

Come and hunt the dragon together with us in an almost unknown territory of Umbria!

In 2010 an exhibition dedicated entirely to the Dragons of the Tiber’s valley took place, dedicated to the presence of the dragon and the ruler in medieval iconography, in the sculptures of S…

Did you know? There is always something to discover while touring around in Italy...

Did you know? There is always something to discover while touring around in Italy...

There is a beautiful love story that concerns Prato della Contessa, a large plateau at 1400 meters above sea level on the slopes of Mount Amiata, surrounded by majestic beech trees and fir trees th…

Under the moon light. Lost in wonder

Under the moon light. Lost in wonder



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