Rediscover Italy

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  • Rediscover Italy

Rediscover Italy Rediscover Italy is an unusual itinerary through the provinces of Bologna, Ferrara, Mantova, Modena,

News, information, events but especially curiosity about life, tradition, gastronomy, personality, myths and legends about this area of Italy between the regions of Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia Romagna. A special attention to the whole beautiful architecture and landscapes so important to be recognized as World Heritage by UNESCO.

50th years of passion

50th years of passion

Per festeggiare i 50 anni

Would you like to play the game? enjoy on

Would you like to play the game? enjoy on

E' arrivato il momento di giocare insieme! Conoscete le regole del gioco... Quante differenze ci sono fra queste due immagini? Godetevi Mantova (Lombardia), gioiello del Rinascimento -->

It's time to play together!! You already know the rules of the game!! How many differences can you find in these pictures? Enjoy Mantua (Lombardy), gem of the Renaissance -->

Visit Mantova Mantova Tourism Relax in Lombardia


...and this is the 10th reason to come to Bologna! Do you agree?

Mantova and Sabbioneta Unesco World Heritage Sites    . Don't forget to visit this area.You can find more photos and inf...

Mantova and Sabbioneta Unesco World Heritage Sites . Don't forget to visit this area.
You can find more photos and info in our album

Mantova e Sabbioneta sono da luglio 2008 Patrimonio Mondiale dell'Umanità. A Quebec City, in Canada, nell'ambito del 32° Comitato mondiale dell'UNESCO, gli S...


The vote on the third Instagram competition is over and we can happly and proudly announce that this month we have two winners due to the same number of votes received In addition, as previously mentioned, this month we have the “special jury mention” for the best shot. With 148 votes each the winners are: “Bismantova in giallo” by Gianluca Ugoletti [] and “Geometrie” by Francesca Fabbri [] Special jury mention: “Andavo a cento all'ora per veder la bimba mia…” by Andrea Bonavita [] Congrats to our winner and a big thank you to all the participants and the authors of the finalist pics: the original post (italian) is here:

19 years ago, Roland Ratzenberger and Ayrton Senna  were fatally injured during the tragic week  of San Marino GP. It re...

19 years ago, Roland Ratzenberger and Ayrton Senna were fatally injured during the tragic week of San Marino GP. It remains Formula 1's blackest weekend. We were at Imola circuit in the heart of Motor Valley. A special thanks to Ayrton and Ronald for their common passion and for the unique emotions they gave us.

Ducati is a great manufacturer of stylish Italian motorcycles. Founded in the 1920's as a company that manufactured radi...

Ducati is a great manufacturer of stylish Italian motorcycles. Founded in the 1920's as a company that manufactured radio parts, it wasn't until the mid 1940's that the Ducati brothers started to produce the motorcycles for which they are internationally known. Discover the Ducati world by a fantastic Virtual tour

But we suggest you to directly visit the Ducati museum in Bologna

In this picture you can find a famous person from Italy. He is well-known all over the world . Here some tags that could...

In this picture you can find a famous person from Italy. He is well-known all over the world . Here some tags that could be associated to him: Ocean, Italy, Bologna, Cornwall, … , S, cables. What is his name? and which one is in the picture?


Visita guidata del centro medievale meglio conservato d’Europa...e se hai la Bologna Welcome Card è gratis!

Guided tour of the Europe’s best-preserved medieval city centre...with the Bologna Welcome Card it's free!

(Photo credit: Emanule Pighetti via Flickr

The week end is coming. Are your legs ready for Cycling around Ferrara? Here some suggestions rem...

The week end is coming. Are your legs ready for Cycling around Ferrara? Here some suggestions

And remember you can participate to contest sending pics and captions about the awakening of the nature in Emilia Romagna region.

Appennino e Verde Emilia Romagna

A tribute to Parmigiano Reggiano a symbol of Italian gastronomy.

A tribute to Parmigiano Reggiano a symbol of Italian gastronomy.

Uno dei simboli della gastronomia Made in Italy: il Parmigiano Reggiano, una qualità immutata da 8 secoli!

One of the symbols of Made in Italy gastronomy: Parmigiano Reggiano, quality that has remained the same for 8 centuries!

Parmigiano Reggiano Turismo Emilia Romagna Emilia Romagna Tourism Città di Modena Visit Mantova IAT Reggio Emilia - Ufficio informazione e accoglienza turistica Bologna Welcome Relax in Lombardia

BEEFCARPACCIO WITH ARTICHOKES Another dish from Theo Randall menu.INGREDIENTS2 small artichokes 8 Parmigiano - Reggiano ...

Another dish from Theo Randall menu.

2 small artichokes
8 Parmigiano - Reggiano shavings
100g washed rocket
5 ml of aged Balsamic vinegar
1 small unwaxed lemon

Remove the outer leaves of the artichoke leaving the young tender ones. Cut the top off and using a teaspoon remove the choke. Place artichoke in some cold water with some parsley stalks ( the parsley will stop the artichoke from oxidising) Season the carpaccio with olive oil salt and black pepper. Slice the artichokes as thinly as possible and toss with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon. Scatter over the carpaccio. Toss the rocket leaves with some oil and scatter on top. Then drizzle the balsamic vinegar all over evenly then finish with the Parmigiano-Reggiano.

A fantastic idea for a day looking at the sky near Ferrara.

A fantastic idea for a day looking at the sky near Ferrara.

April 25-28 International Kite Festival. Vulandra, Ferrara
The 34th edition of the festival presents a rich programme of events linked to kite-making, hobby-modeling and acrobatic kite flight. Find out more here:
Pic by

Thank you for the interactive map

Thank you for the interactive map

Stippled by italia_it

Enjoy the nature in the Comacchio Valley, Po Delta Park. Thank you to Emilia Romagna Tourism

Enjoy the nature in the Comacchio Valley, Po Delta Park. Thank you to Emilia Romagna Tourism

Some pics from our PhotoWalk between Comacchio and the Valley of the Po Delta Park with ItineraDelta [April 13th]

HONEY CAKEThe third dish of Theo Randall menu.INGREDIENTS300g flour1tsp salt6g fresh yeast40g sugar6 eggs150g soft butte...

The third dish of Theo Randall menu.

300g flour
1tsp salt
6g fresh yeast
40g sugar
6 eggs
150g soft butter
200 grams of raw honey
50 millilitre of orange liquor
Zest of two oranges

Put flour, salt, yeast and sugar in a kitchen blender and using the paddle beat in four eggs and 75 grams of softened butter, then two eggs and finally the remaining butter. Mix on high speed until smooth.
Divide into muffin trays and leave until cakes have risen to the top of the tray. Bake for 15 minutes at 160 degrees centered.
While cooking add liter of cold water and one kilo of sugar to a saucepan and simmer, then add 200 grams of raw honey, 50 milliliters of orange liquor, the peeled of zest of two oranges.
Simmer for 5 minutes.
Take the cakes out of the oven and pour the syrup while still warm.

Cakes will burst sideways if a skin forms on top during rising, so if you want to prevent this you can:
spray occasionally with water and/or cover with upturned gastro
bake for a few minutes on half steam.
Using melted butter may help to stop skin forming during rising

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well” [cit.] Enjoy the cousin in Mantova. Thanks to ...

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well” [cit.]

Enjoy the cousin in Mantova. Thanks to Visit Mantova for this video.


(foto: via Pieter Arnolli 500px)

A good suggestion from The Guardian. The Guardian

A good suggestion from The Guardian. The Guardian

The historic city of Mantua is often overlooked by foreign visitors but as John Brunton finds out it offers sumptuous cuisine… and one rather surprising ingredient


Ok fans. What is your favorite italian dessert? Lets'go on page and leave your vote.

Risotto of yellow and red pepper with Parmigiano ReggianoThe second dish of Theo Randall menu.The choice of a good rice ...

Risotto of yellow and red pepper with Parmigiano Reggiano
The second dish of Theo Randall menu.
The choice of a good rice is the key of a good risotto. Travelling through the Po Delta River (Rovigo area) and the Province of Mantua you can find one of the best quality of rice
Parmigiano Reggiano Dop is one of the most well-known cheese in Italy and abroad. It is typical from Mantova, Bologna, Parma, Modena and Reggio Emilia
Serves 6

300g risotto rice
1 white onion
3 sticks celery
4 ripe plum tomatoes (skinned, deseeded and finely chopped)
200g parmigiano reggiano
75g unsalted butter
2 red peppers
2 yellow peppers
2 litres chicken stock
A handful of fresh basil (ripped)
Olive oil
Half a glass of white wine

Char grill red and yellow peppers until black, place in bowl, cover with cling film and leave to rest. Peel off black skin and wash off seeds, chop finely and set aside.
In a large saucepan soften onion and celery then add rice and cook for 5 minutes. Add white wine then stock and stir continuously adding stock ladle by ladle.

When rice is almost ready add chopped peeled peppers, tomatoes, parmesan, basil and
butter and stir vigorously to obtain a lovely creamy consistency.
Season with salt & pepper

Theo Randall designs a menu for RediscoverItaly project This menu has been conceived in order to cover the UNESCO quadri...

Theo Randall designs a menu for RediscoverItaly project This menu has been conceived in order to cover the UNESCO quadrilateral places through different ingredients that ideally design a “gourmand” itinerary. • Each recipe include one or more local traditional ingredients that inspired Theo Randall genius.

Don’t miss the  ###III Edition  of C.A.M.E.R. the Vintage Car Trade Fair in  Reggio Emilia (RE)  April, 06-07Trade fair ...

Don’t miss the ###III Edition of C.A.M.E.R. the Vintage Car Trade Fair in Reggio Emilia (RE) April, 06-07
Trade fair of vintage cars, motorcycles, cycles, spare parts and accessories.
It is one of the most important national expositions in its field with more than1,600 exhibitors and many visitors. Visitors can find motorcycles, cars, cycles, and vintage accessories and spare parts, along with a wide range of high quality motorcycle and automobile gear. All the info here

Thank you Nadia :-)

Thank you Nadia :-)

LONDON (Reuters) - Nadia Santini, the head chef of the Michelin-starred Dal Pescatore restaurant in a village in northern Italy, was named Best Female Chef by the World's 50 Best Restaurants awards on

Po in the lands of countess matilde. This itinerary develops along the righ bank of the Po, chiefly on bankside roads pa...

Po in the lands of countess matilde. This itinerary develops along the righ bank of the Po, chiefly on bankside roads partly closed to traffic. Must-sees: The natural reservations "palude di Ostiglia" and "Isola Boscone" in Carbonara di Po; churches and fortified structures and buildings dating back to Countess Matilde's times spread all over the territory. Water supply is not available outside cities and towns. Don’t miss Villa Bisighini at Carbonara Po, the Chiesa dell`Assunzione of Beata Vergine Maria in Felonica, and the TRU.MU (Truffle Museum) is in Bonizzo, Borgofranco.

In Emilia Romagna, Lombardy and Veneto, in the midst of culinary traditions lost in the mists of time, unique flavours a...

In Emilia Romagna, Lombardy and Veneto, in the midst of culinary traditions lost in the mists of time, unique flavours and protected products: 2,300 km of gastronomic itineraries for those whose idea of travel is discovering an area’s most truly genuine foods

The experience at the Lamborghini Academy has been classified between the 25 Epic Adventures by Travel Bloggers in 2012 ...

The experience at the Lamborghini Academy has been classified between the 25 Epic Adventures by Travel Bloggers in 2012 from TRAVELING CANUCKS - Travel & Adventure Blog

The Lamborghini Academy is for the serious car lovers... and me, it seems. Here's what it's like to spend a day on the track with a new Lamborghini!

Happy Easter from RediscoverItaly. We suggest you the  Pagnotta Pasquale. This tipical sweet from Sarsina in Emilia is h...

Happy Easter from RediscoverItaly.
We suggest you the Pagnotta Pasquale. This tipical sweet from Sarsina in Emilia is held to celebrate this day


Hello our friends, we wish you a great week from Bologna, city of porticoes and towers - Emilia Romagna
Among Bologna's most important symbols are its famous porticoes, those covered sidewalks lined by colonnades that unite street, tower and palazzo. Just in the center the porticoes extend to approximately 23.6 miles.
Also characteristic of the city are its towers, offering tourists the opportunity to to admire a marvelous panorama from on high, the most important being the Towers of Garisenda and Asinelli. The towers belonged to a complex of over 100 Medieval towers, of which only about 20 remain today.

Cari amici vi auguriamo una magnifica settimana da Bologna, la città dei portici e delle torri - Emilia Romagna
Fra i simboli più importanti di Bologna i suoi caratteristici portici, ovvero dei camminamenti coperti che uniscono strade, torri e palazzi e che solo nel centro raggiungono la lunghezza complessiva di circa 38 kilometri.
Caratteristiche della città sono poi le sue torri, che offrono ai turisti l’opportunità di ammirare dall’alto un meraviglioso panorama. Fra le più importanti, Torre di Garisenda e Torre degli Asinelli, appartenevano a un complesso di un centinaio di torri medievali, di cui rimangono attualmente solo una ventina di esemplari.

WHO IS THIS MYTH ?Ferdinand Porsche called ****  : "The greatest driver of the past, the present, and the future."Ferrar...

Ferdinand Porsche called **** : "The greatest driver of the past, the present, and the future."
Ferrari: said "Nobody else like **** join an incredible sensitivity of the car with an inhuman courage"
Writes Ferrari: "At the first bend, I had the clear sensation that **** had taken it badly and that we would end up in a ditch; I felt myself stiffen as I waited for the crunch. Instead, we found ourselves on the next straight in perfect position. I looked at him: his rugged face was calm, just as it always was, and certainly not a face of someone who had just escaped a hair raising spin."
Montanelli (a famous Italian journalist) wrote: "While **** was covered with the laurel of the winner, some thousands of amazed blue eyes (german) were fixing his exhausted car. They were seeking vainly the technical reasons of that absurd victory. They didn't find it and they found relief in invoking 'der Teufel', the devil."

A new brasilian community on Emilia Romagna Turismo? Good idea.

A new brasilian community on Emilia Romagna Turismo? Good idea.

ERt agora também fala Português!!
ERt now speaks also Portuguese!! :D
Follow our new brasilian community on Emilia Romagna Turismo

You can't leave Emilia without tasting our  culatello risotto in a Parmesan basket.Anyone would like to suggest a wine t...

You can't leave Emilia without tasting our culatello risotto in a Parmesan basket.

Anyone would like to suggest a wine to accompany this course?
Here the recipe

Ingredients for 4 people:
• 320 g of Po Delta rice
• 150 g of culatello
• 1 white onion
• 100 g of Parmigiano Reggiano (mountain-produced, aged 3 years)
• ½ l meat stock
• ½ glass of white wine
For the Parmesan basket
• 2 tablespoons of grated Parmigiano Reggiano

For the risotto: Fry the finely chopped onion in a pan then add the rice and toast for a few minutes. Cover with white wine and simmer until evaporated. Then pour in the boiling meat stock and slowly cook the rice, stirring constantly. Just before the end of cooking, add the julienned culatello to the rice and stir for a few minutes.
Remove from heat and stir in butter and Parmigiano Reggiano.

For the parmesan basket: spread two tablespoons of grated Parmigiano Reggiano in a non-stick pan over a low heat. When the cheese begins to melt, remove it gently from the pan and place in a suitable mould (or over the base of an upside down glass to shape it into a basket). Once it begins to set, remove the basket from the mould (or glass) and place in fridge to cool.

Serve the risotto hot in the parmesan basket.

In 2013, Emilia Romagna will celebrate one of its most loved sons, Giuseppe Verdi, the most well known opera writer in t...

In 2013, Emilia Romagna will celebrate one of its most loved sons, Giuseppe Verdi, the most well known opera writer in the world, in the year of the bicentenary of his birth (he was born in Roncole di Busseto on October 10, 1813). Thank you to Giovanni Boldrini for his portrait.

I 1.000 quadri più belli di tutti i tempi


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