I have heard it ALL.
• You can't make money doing that!
• It's a scam!
• It's a pyramid!
• Only the top people earn anything!
• I am not going to waste my time!
• You are crazy for doing that!
• Don't say I didn't tell you so!
• You are such a fool, you'll see!
Fear - all of the comments above are made simply out of fear!
I started my first journey with Direct Sales & Network Marketing in 2016. Prior to then, I was a Corporate America employee. Set salary. No overtime. No recognition. No kudos. No empowerment. Requests for and scheduled vacation time.
Working 9 to 5 as the saying goes! Working for the "man". Talk about pyramids...we do ALL the work, they make all the dough. They being the Corporation.
It is so hard to explain what working for yourself means. What getting what you're willing to earn means. What reaping what you sow means. How "do the work" literally translated into action can change your life!
All I can say is at nearly 60, (just two months away now) ~ stepping out of my comfort zone. Believing in MYSELF. Working when, how and for WHAT I want...has changed MY life!
From NJ to TN to FL to SD to WY to CO to AL to LA to MO to OK to IL to OH to KY to NC to VA to NE to ID ~ vacations, travel, work, philanthropic deliveries, blessing bags, charity events and the list goes on!
It's not a pipe dream! It's stepping out of your comfort zone. It's trusting your inner voice. It's believing in yourself. It's knowing that when YOU do the work ~ you are rewarded.
You can stay stuck in the rut, and dream your life away or make a change, and live your dream!