شكرا @almamlakatv على التقرير اللطيف عن مشروع بعيون اهل البلد بنتمنى ينال اعجابكم وما تنسوا تشاركوا الفيديو مع اصدقائكم لتدعمونا وكمان بنشوفكم قريبا ببرامج اهل البلد
#اهل_البلد #السياحة_المجتمعية #السياحة_العادلة #شغف
#alternativetourism #communitybasedtourism #passion #lovejordan🇯🇴 #jtb #storytelling #visitjordan
Amman Through Local Eyes
Wooow 😍 check out this video. Chris, it was a pleasure having you! Thank you so much for making this nice clip.
Chris is a friend from the Netherlands I met in Amman.
He makes nice content about languages and culture.
If you miss Jordan or want to learn more should definitely subscribe to his channel:
The Art of language training
Who would like to join the tour? 😉 I’m so happy that tourism in Jordan is slowly back to life 🤞🏻
جولة وسط البلد بعيون ولادها Downtown tour through it's kids eyes
دائما كان عندنا شغف و رغبة كبيرة بالعمل في بعيون اهل البلد مع الأطفال.
والان اخيرا اطلقنا برنامجنا الخاص بالاطفال ليساعدهم على استكشاف مدينتهم, تاريخها, قصص اهلها #جولة_وسط_البلد_بعيون_ولادها.
مع الاطفال استكشفنا وسط البلد من شرقها لغربها وعرفنا كثير عن اهل عمان, قصصهم, علاقتهم بوسط البلد وكيف أثروا وتأثروا في هالمكان و شوهوية وسط البلد وكيف ممكن نحافظ عليها.
كل الشكر لأصدقائنا في جمعية يعرب التنموية الخيرية شركائنا الجدد واللي بالتعاون معهم راح يتم تقديم هاي الجولة لأكبرعدد من اطفال ويافعين مخيم النصر.
كل الشكر للمتطوع المميز Mokhled Weshah على التنظيم, التشبيك, الالهام والتصوير لهاي الجولة <3
With my project Through Local Eyes, we always had a great desire to work with kids in order to expand their horizons and their connection to their city.
Now, at last, we have a special program for children: Downtown Through Kids' Eyes.
The program is focused on the diversity of Amman itself. We cover the stories of Circassians, Uzbeki, Armenian, and Sudani communities in Amman, among others. We tour downtown Amman from East to West. Participants will learn a lot about the people of Amman, their stories, their relationship with Downtown, and how they influenced and affected this place, as well as the identity of Downtown and how to preserve it.
All thanks to our friends in جمعية يعرب التنموية الخيرية. Our new partners and participants with them will present this tour to many children and adolescents in Al-Nasr Palestinian Refugee Camp.
We also want to give a special thanks to the
During our first online alternative downtown tour with a special group of @sijal_institute students via zoom
We are excited to do more online experiences
Contact us and book your experience
#بعيون_اهل_البلد #storytelling #onlineexperiences #Jordantourism #lifeinjordan
@shadizaqtan is a Palestinian musician and activist who we had the pleasure of spending an evening with last week.
“In our times now, you can’t say ‘I didn’t know about it.' In our times, you can’t say ‘oh no one told me’ - the truth is out there, you have to be human enough to just get out of your comfort zone, just a little bit, and try to see what’s happening next door. The wars and the injustice that is happening, it’s this far from your house, and injustice is like a bad fruit, if you don’t take it out it will destroy the whole field. We don’t wish anyone to see the troubles that we saw, but life can change very fast and if you don’t fix the problems next door, it will eventually come to you”
#تجوال_وسط_البلد #شادي_زقطان #بعيون_اهل_البلد #صوت_اهل_البلد #مخيم_الجوفة
Jadal for Knowledge and Culture جدَل للمعرفة والثقافة
أثناء زيارتنا لمخيم الجوفة بضيافة عائلة أم تامر وبرفقة طلاب جامعة هيوستن تكساس بالتعاون مع Sijal Institute for Arabic Language and Culture
During our visit to Aljofeh informal camp with Huston University Texas students and hosted by Om Tamer family
The magical moment of flipping the wondrous magloobeh! Had a great time hosting Georgetown University and showing them downtown Amman through our local eyes!
The magical moment of flipping the wondrous magloobeh! Had a great time hosting Georgetown University and showing them downtown Amman through our local eyes!
The magical moment of flipping the wondrous magloobeh!