Kuma Visit

Kuma Visit "Kuma Visit" is an organization promoting tourism in Kumamoto by providing information in various languages for businesses and at spots of interest.

追記:1月3日(金)始発より全線運行再開!Kumamoto City Tram Resumed Its Operation in the morning of January 3!【熊本市電 脱線事故により一部区間運休】(1月2日午後4時半...

Kumamoto City Tram Resumed Its Operation in the morning of January 3!

【熊本市電 脱線事故により一部区間運休】(1月2日午後4時半現在)
Kumamoto City Tram: Partial Suspension of Service Due to Derailment Accident (as of January 2 4:30 pm)

The Kumamoto City Tram is not operating between Suido-cho ( #12) and Karashima-cho ( #8) due to a derailment accident.

Service is being operated as follows:
健軍町( #26)⇔水道町( #12)
辛島町( #8) ⇔熊本駅( #3)・田崎橋( #1)、辛島町( #8)⇔上熊本(B #1)
[Turnaround Operation Sections]
* Kengun-machi ( #26) ⇔ Suido-cho ( #12)
* Karashimacho ( #8) ⇔ Kumamoto Station ( #3) / Tasaki-bashi ( #1)
* Karashima-cho ( #8) ⇔ Kami-Kumamoto (B #1)


#熊本市電  #折り返し運転  #熊本 #熊本市

熊本市電が脱線し、一部区間での運休が続いています。 きょう(2日)脱線した区間の工事が始まりました。 おととい(12月31日)熊本城・市役所前電停付近で熊本市電が脱線しました。 脱線の影響で水

New Year's Greetings from Kuma Visit!Happy New Year!  - the Year of the Snake  - 明けましておめでとうございます새해 복 많이 받으세요.新年快樂Chúc mừ...

New Year's Greetings from Kuma Visit!
Happy New Year! - the Year of the Snake -
새해 복 많이 받으세요.
Chúc mừng năm mới
Selamat Tahun Baru

Kuma Visit will strive for a more inclusive society so that more people can appreciate what Kumamoto has to offer!

May this year bring new happiness, new goals, new achievements, and a lot of new inspirations to your life!
Come visit Kumamoto!

#熊本 #熊本市 #熊本城 

【阿蘇神社 初詣交通規制インフォ】A*o Shrine Traffic Regulation from 11 pm on Dec. 31 to 5 am on January 1

【阿蘇神社 初詣交通規制インフォ】
A*o Shrine Traffic Regulation
from 11 pm on Dec. 31 to 5 am on January 1


【熊本城 年末年始スケジュール  元日 入園無料!】Kumamoto Castle Year-end/New Year Schedule  - Admission free on New Year's Day!12月30日・31日 9 am...

【熊本城 年末年始スケジュール  元日 入園無料!】
Kumamoto Castle Year-end/New Year Schedule
- Admission free on New Year's Day!

12月30日・31日 9 am - 5 pm 開園
1月1日(元日) 熊本城と熊本城ミュージアムわくわく座 は無料開放!

Admissions: ¥800 for high school students and older
¥300 for elementary and junior high students

On January 1st, lion dance and drum performances as well as stage performances by Higo-maru and the Castle Samurai Troop (Omotenashi Busho-tai) will be held in front of the main tower.
The first 2025 visitors to Ninomaru-Hiroba on the New Year’s morning can get “kawarake” (an unglazed earthenware dish).

9 am  
@北口券売所前  開門口上(熊本城おもてなし武将隊)
North Gate Opening Greetings by the Samurai Troop
Opening Drum Performance 
@ 二の丸広場   かわらけ配布(先着2,025名)
Ninomaru-Hiroba free Unglazed Earthenware to the first 2025 visitors

10 am 天守閣前特設ステージ 新春太鼓(代継太鼓保存会)
in front of the main tower Drum perfomance
10:30 am 天守閣前特設ステージ ひごまる隊・熊本城おもてなし武将隊
the Higo-maru and the Kumamoto Castle Samurai Troop
11 am 天守閣前特設ステージ 獅子舞披露(新町獅子保存会)
in front of the main tower Lion dance performance
11:30 am 天守閣前特設ステージ 新春太鼓(代継太鼓保存会)
in front of the main tower Drum performance
2:30 pm 天守閣前特設ステージ ひごまる隊・熊本城おもてなし武将隊
in front of the main tower the Higo-maru and the Samurai Troop

#熊本城  #迎春行事  #かわらけ  #太鼓  #おもてなし武将隊  #ひごまる  #獅子舞 #熊本  #熊本市

【熊本市記念樹配布事業】Kumamoto City Commemorative Tree Distribution Program熊本市は、植樹により記念日を祝いたい市民に、5000本の苗木を配布します!Kumamoto City will...

Kumamoto City Commemorative Tree Distribution Program

Kumamoto City will distribute 5,000 saplings to citizens who wish to celebrate a special occasion by planting a tree!

The types of commemorative trees available include 20 varieties, such as cherry, olive, and spiraea (kodemari)!

Eligible events include weddings, partnership declarations, new homes, 60th birthdays (kanreki), school or kindergarten entrance, and all elementary and junior high school students in the city.

Applications are accepted until the day after tomorrow, Friday, December 27.

Why not make your commemorative tree a part of "The Forest City" Kumamoto on this occasion?


1 結婚、パートナーシップ宣言
2 新生児の誕生
3 熊本市内での住宅新築
4 金婚(結婚後満50年)、銀婚(結婚後満25年)を迎えた
5 賀寿(還暦、古希など)を迎えた
6 新成人、はたちの記念を迎えた
7 熊本市への転入
8 就職、定年退職
9 事業所または店舗の新規開設
10 入園、入学 ※令和7年入園、入学を含む
11 小中学生で(⑩)に該当しないこと(在学中1本まで)

1 Marriage or partnership declaration
2 Birth of a newborn
3 Construction of a new home in Kumamoto City
4 Golden wedding anniversary (50 years after marriage) or silver wedding anniversary (25 years after marriage)
5 Celebrating a milestone birthday (such as 60th, 70th, etc.)
6 Celebrating becoming an adult (20th birthday)
7 Relocation to Kumamoto City
8 Employment or retirement
9 Opening a new business or store
10 Entrance to kindergarten or school (including those entering in the 7th year of the Reiwa era)
11 Elementary or junior high school students (excluding those in item 10) are eligible for one sapling while enrolled.

#熊本市 #記念樹 #森の都 

【屠蘇散を作ろう!】@第29回薬草パーク観察会  Let’s make Otoso (Toso-san)!The 29th Seminar on Medicinal Plants at Kumamoto Universityお正月に馴染みの...

Let’s make Otoso (Toso-san)!
The 29th Seminar on Medicinal Plants at Kumamoto University

After an explanation of the history and herbal medicines contained in tososan (otoso) spice, which is familiar to people during the New Year's holiday, how to make and blend tososan spice will be demonstrated. This is an event where participants can experience the preparation of aromatic herbal medicines!

2023年12月21日(土)1 pm ~ 4 pm (受付・開場 12:30)
Sunday, December 24 (On-site registration will start at 12:30 pm.)

1 pm - 2:30 pm 屠蘇散を作ろう
Let’s make Otoso! WATANABE Masato

2:45 pm - 4 pm 植物観察会
Visit to the Medicinal Plant Garden

Kumamoto University School of Pharmacy (5-1 Oe Hon-machi, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto City)
Multipurpose Hall on the 2nd floor of General Research Building

Free of charge, no advance registration required

問い合わせ先 For further details:
渡邊 将人 096-371-4381 [email protected]
デブコタ・ハリ 096-371-4869 [email protected]

#薬草 #熊本大学 # #熊本大学薬学部薬草園  #薬学部 #屠蘇散 # #屠蘇散づくり

【バス・電車無料の日 12/21(土)】Free Bus and Tram Rides in Kumamoto City!12月21日(土)市内を一部でも通過するバス、市電、電鉄電車が無料になります!(空港リムジン、阿蘇・天草・福岡行きの「...

【バス・電車無料の日 12/21(土)】
Free Bus and Tram Rides in Kumamoto City!

On December 21st, many fixed-route bus and street car services will offer free rides in Kumamoto! 
This doesn’t include airport limousine buses or express buses to A*o, Amakusa, and Fukuoka. And it doesn’t apply to direct buses to Kumamoto Station and Kumamoto Airport, either.

But other than that, you can take free rides not only in Kumamoto City, but also in other 19 cities and towns within the prefecture, including Yamaga, A*o, Takamori, Yamato, Uki, and Tamata!
This service includes Dentetsu Railway services and Shiro-megurin buses, too.

This will be on Christmas weekend! Enjoy taking a holiday season trip or going downtown for shopping by taking buses and tram cars for free!



【ロゼ・スパークリングワイン from 熊本市交流都市 エクサンプロヴァンス(フランス)! 】Sparkling Rosé from Aix-en-Provence, Kumamoto's friendship City!南フランスにあるエ...

【ロゼ・スパークリングワイン from 熊本市交流都市 エクサンプロヴァンス(フランス)! 】
Sparkling Rosé from Aix-en-Provence, Kumamoto's friendship City!

Aix-en-Provence in southern France is a friendship city of Kumamoto City!

そのエクサンプロヴァンスの名産品の一つであるロゼ・ワインの魅力を伝える「くまロゼ」のイチオシの一つが、このPEY BLANCのSPARKEY!
One of the highlights of "Kuma Rosé," which introduces the charms of rosé wine, a specialty of Aix-en-Provence, is this PEY BLANC SPARKLY!

This sparkling rosé has a truly beautiful, transparent color.
How about enjoying it at a party with friends and family during the holiday season?


#ワイン  #くまロゼ  #熊本  #くまもと  #熊本市
#ロゼワイン   #南フランス  #南仏プロヴァンス

【深夜バス&乗り合いタクシー 12月金土】Midnight Bus & Shared Taxi: Fridays and Saturdays in December忘年会シーズンの週末、通常より少しお得な交通手段の選択肢が生まれました!As...

【深夜バス&乗り合いタクシー 12月金土】
Midnight Bus & Shared Taxi: Fridays and Saturdays in December

As the year-end party season approaches, a more affordable transportation option has emerged on weekends!

Kyushu Sanko Bus will operate one late-night bus on five routes on December 6, 7, 13, 14, and 20.

11:45 pm ~ 0:05 am に桜町バスターミナル、または水道町を出発し、以下の5か所に向かいます。
(1) 山鹿温泉 (2) 大津産交 (3) 木山産交 (4) 戸島駐車場 (5)松橋産交 
Departing from the SAKURA MACHI Bus Terminal or Suido-cho between 11:45 pm and 0:05 am, the buses will head to the following five locations: (1) Yamaga Onsen (2) Ozu Sanko (3) Kiyama Sanko (4) Toshima Parking Lot (5) Matsubase Sanko
The fare is double the usual rate.

The Kumamoto Taxi Association will operate 8-passenger jumbo taxis at 10-minute intervals from 0:00 am to 2:00 am every Friday and Saturday in December.

The boarding location is Suido-cho bus stop. The drop-off locations are Suizenji-eki-dori, Kuwamizu-machi, and Kengun Yotsukado. The fare is ¥1,500 in cash and must be paid in advance.


#深夜バス #九州産交バス #城下まちナイトライン #乗り合いタクシー  #熊本 

【正月飾り 各地の注連縄を集めて 工藝きくち】@熊本国際民藝館 12月10日(火)〜15日(日)Shimenawa/Shimekazari Exhibit at the Kumamoto International Folk Crafts ...

【正月飾り 各地の注連縄を集めて 工藝きくち】@熊本国際民藝館 12月10日(火)〜15日(日)
Shimenawa/Shimekazari Exhibit at the Kumamoto International Folk Crafts Museum

熊本で注連縄と言えば「工藝きくち」で!という方も多いのではないでしょうか? 今年も 全国各地からの注連縄が揃いました!宝珠や鶴亀、海老、俵! 縁起の良いしめ飾りが並びます。
Shimekazari are traditional Japanese New Year decorations made from rice straw.
The craft shop KIKUCHI will feature shimekazari at the Kumamoto International Folk Crafts Museum.
This exhibit attracts a large number of people every December. It's fun to learn about the symbols shown in the wide variety of designs!
Why don't you visit the world of Shimekazari?

This year's Shimenawa Exhibition will be held at the Kumamoto International Folk Crafts Museum! (Please note that it will not be held at the Kumamoto Prefectural Traditional Craft Museum, which has been the venue for many years up until last year.)

The Kumamoto International Folk Crafts Museum's December hours are limited to this period. Please plan your visit accordingly.

1-5-2 Tatsuda, Kita-ku, Kumamoto City
Open: 10 am - 4 pm

#注連縄  #しめ縄  #しめ飾り  #熊本国際民藝館   #熊本

【ハラル対応の調味料】Halal-Friendly Seasoningsハラル対応の料理をしようとする時、日本でネックになりがちなのが、調味料です。When preparing halal dishes in Japan, one of t...

Halal-Friendly Seasonings

When preparing halal dishes in Japan, one of the biggest challenges is finding suitable seasonings.

Due to the prohibition of alcohol in halal food, common Japanese cooking ingredients such as sake and mirin are off-limits.

Soy sauce is also restricted if it contains alcohol, but halal-certified soy sauce and mirin-style seasonings are readily available.

For a glossy finish in your dishes, agave syrup can be a great substitute. Furthermore, halal-certified mayonnaise is also on the market.

Here, we’ve gathered a selection of seasonings that can be purchased online. Offering halal options can expand your customer base to include vegetarian, vegan, and Taiwanese vegetarian tourists.
We hope this information will assist you in your halal cooking endeavors!

「醤油や味噌などの発酵調味料はハラールか」に関する food diversity さんの記事:

#ハラル  #ハラル調味料 #ハラル調味料増えてほしい #ハラル認証 #ハラル認証原料

【ライフ2 すべては君の未来】@熊本市現代美術館 ~ 12月8日(日)Life2 - Everything Is Your Future - at Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto (CAMK) throu...

【ライフ2 すべては君の未来】@熊本市現代美術館 ~ 12月8日(日)
Life2 - Everything Is Your Future - at Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto (CAMK) through Sunday, December 8, 2024

2020年に開催した「ライフ 生きることは、表現すること」から4年。
Four years have passed since the "Life: Living is Expressing" exhibition held in 2020. In this follow-up exhibition, CAMK showcases the works of 10 artists who, even in the face of natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic, have continued to create with joy and hope, moving forward into the future in a world full of uncertainty and contradictions.


BUNSHIN Robot Orihime, ARAKI Minori, MAGARIKAJI Chiemi, KOMADA Kohnosuke, UCHINO Takanobu, HIGASHI Katsukichi, SAITO Harumichi, ISHIKAWA Mao, Kyunchome, Rainbow Okayama

#ライフ2 #熊本市現代美術館  #熊本 #熊本市  #荒木聖憲 #曲梶智恵美、 #駒田幸之介 #内野孝信 #東勝吉 #齋藤陽道 #石川真生 #キュンチョメ #レインボー岡山 #アールブリュット

【大造り物勢揃い in 山都町】@やまと文化の森〜12月1日【Grand Creations Showcase in Yamato-cho】 @ Yamato  Bunka-no-mori (Culture Forest) through ...

【大造り物勢揃い in 山都町】@やまと文化の森〜12月1日
【Grand Creations Showcase in Yamato-cho】 @ Yamato Bunka-no-mori (Culture Forest) through December 1, 2024

Experience the awe-inspiring display of all 10 grand creations that appeared at the Hassaku Festival in Yamato Town this September!

This year’s top prize went to a creation depicting Ishikawa Prefecture (represented by its prefectural bird, the Golden Eagle) trying to subdue a catfish, a symbol of earthquakes, in reference to the earthquake that struck on January 1st this year.

同町の清和文楽館で公演されるONE PIECEのルフィとチョッパーを模ったものも登場!
Also featured will be creations modeled after Luffy and Chopper from One Piece, which were showcased at the Soyō Bunrakukan Theater in the town’.
The creations will be illuminated from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Don’t miss it!

#山都町 #八朔祭 #大造り物 #能登半島地震  #熊本県 #清和文楽
#ワンピース #超馴鹿船出冬桜  #夏目友人帳 #ニャンコ先生 

* キャプション内容に関しては、「2024大造り物スタンプラリー」パンフ参照

【クリスマスマーケット熊本@熊本駅、花畑&水前寺ジェーンズ邸前】Christmas Market Kumamoto at Kumamoto Station, Hanabata Square, and Suizenji Janes’ Resi...

Christmas Market Kumamoto at Kumamoto Station, Hanabata Square, and Suizenji Janes’ Residence

・熊本駅 Kumamoto Station Nov. 22 ~ Dec. 25
・水前寺ジェーンズ邸 Suizenji Janes’ Residence Nov.28 - Dec. 1
・花畑広場 Hanabata Square Dec. 8 ~ Dec. 25

平日  weekdays 4 pm - 10 pm
土日 Saturdays and Sundays 11 am - 10 pm


#クリスマス  #クリスマスマーケット  #熊本  #熊本駅 #花畑広場

中川原哲治・惠子と里彩 染め織り紡ぎの布~糸から紡ぐ「布」と「暮らし」の物語~ @ 鶴屋百貨店本館 8F美術 (~11月26日)  NAKAGAWARA Tetsuji, Keiko with Lisa : Exhibition of Dy...

中川原哲治・惠子と里彩 染め織り紡ぎの布
~糸から紡ぐ「布」と「暮らし」の物語~ @ 鶴屋百貨店本館 8F美術 (~11月26日)
NAKAGAWARA Tetsuji, Keiko with Lisa : Exhibition of Dyed, Woven, and Spun Silk Fabrics
- Stories of “fabric” and “life” spun from Thread at Tsuruya Department Store 8th Floor Art Gallery (through Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2024)
東京・八王子の地で1894年に創業. 現在は山梨・山まゆの里とバリの工房で自然に寄り添った創作が行われている。
Founded in 1894 in Hachioji, Tokyo, the ateliers now continues its creative and harmonious way of life with nature at Yamamayu-no-Sato in Yamanashi and in Bali.

This is a high quality fabric made from natural materials such as silk (domestic silkworms, wild silkworms, such as Attacus silkworms, and wild silkworms), cotton, and springs. It is an environmentally friendly-sustainable material.

Explore the diverse expressions of high-quality creative fabrics made through the blessings of nature and the artistry of dyeing and weaving.

#山まゆのさと #からみ織り  #染織 #鶴屋百貨店


Kumamoto-shi, Kumamoto



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