レコードに興味を持つきっかけが、Feel Records 京都はなれ店だったという奥田さん。京都はなれ店限定のレコード針「OMNIA 赤備」がセットされたオーディオが完成したとのことで、メンテナンスに伺いました。
[The Joy of Vinyl Records]
Mr. Okuda's interest in vinyl records began at Feel Records' Kyoto Hanare store. I had the pleasure of visiting him for maintenance on an audio system featuring the exclusive "OMNIA Akazume" stylus, specially designed for the Kyoto Hanare store.
With a concept that blends tradition and modern Japanese aesthetics, the audio system, predominantly white, plays Showa-era songs from artists like Akihiro Yashiro and Rats & Star. Mr. Okuda shared how he experienced a notable improvement in sound quality simply by changing the stylus. He spoke enthusiastically about his desire to expand his collection to include his beloved reggae music in the future, leaving a lasting impression with his excitement.
#兵庫県 #京都 #新温泉町 #ツーリズム #カフェ #レコード #レコード針 #オーディオ #工場 #職人 #アート #体験 #ひょうごフィールドパビリオン