Challenge Sanriku Club

Challenge Sanriku Club We will support an entrepreneur in Sanriku.

[ ] Local heroes are resting at   course of national athletic meets in IwateThis   no.10 cut off traffic at places along...

[ ] Local heroes are resting at course of national athletic meets in Iwate
This no.10 cut off traffic at places along the road for triathlon course of national athletic meets in Iwate. Therefore, some course will be forced to a change. It will become busy during a national athletic meets. Then, you may find both stone monuments which are resting two heroes at , Kamaishi. These are ’s and ’s. They have made a direct appeal to the Domain regarding an evil deed of who is (local governor) in Otsuchi. However, direct appeal was an offense of great gravity in those days. Thus, they have been executed in return for safety of Hashino village. The village people praised their achievement and buried both dead bodies carefully. Even now, we can find their monuments at Hashinocho ( , Hashinocho, Kamaishi, Iwate).
It is still busy around Hashinocho while reconstruction works. We wish that calm days come early for Hashinocho.

【釜石市】#いわて国体トライアスロンコース の先に眠る郷土の義人
いわて国体のトライアスロンのロードレースコースが #台風10号 で道路の寸断の影響があり、変更となりました。国体で賑わいを見せるであろうコースですが、その先には、#郷土の義人 を祀った牌があります。#釜石市橋野町 にある #古里嘉惣治と小屋野十三郎の顕彰碑 です。2人は、南部藩の大槌代官「鶏冠井(かえで)助左衛門」の悪政を南部藩に直訴したのです。直訴は聞き入れられましたが、当時、直訴は大罪。2人は処刑されてしまいました。当初、捕らえられたのは嘉惣治だけでしたが、十三郎は帰途についた途中、引き返し同罪を訴えたのだといいます。今、2人の功労が顕彰され、鈴木善幸元総理の揮毫による大きな牌が建てられています。その裏手には寺に建てることが許されず、村人が引き取り、ひそかに手厚く葬られた牌がひっそりと立っているのです。今は道路が悪く、復旧作業に追われる橋野町ですが、ゆっくりと郷土史に触れられる穏やかさが1日も早く訪れることを願います。
古里嘉惣治・小屋野十三郎顕彰碑 所在地 岩手県釜石市橋野町荻の洞

[Miyako]  -osho who made the "Way" Miyako kaido road has come into operation by priest Bokuan Bengyu in Edo era. It was ...

[Miyako] -osho who made the "Way"
Miyako kaido road has come into operation by priest Bokuan Bengyu in
Edo era. It was a groundwork of the national . He has used
fire and water and destroyed huge rocks, and come through many rough
spots. In those days, it was quite risking of their life. Many people
lost their life by weather and starvation. After operating the road,
the food shortage has been greatly improved and also the interchange
of people has extremely increased. Now, the national route 106 is most
important road which links between coastal areas and inland areas.
Through the disaster by this no. 10, we cannot help
considering the importance of this road again. When priest Bengyu has
started to develop the road, he was 46 years old. The total length of
his achievement is about 400km... amazing, isn't it? The damage of
typhoon no. 10 has told to us the value of his great great achievement
of around 250 years ago.

[Live - Local - Custom] ”Culture in our bay”In  , we always play with fireworks at our grave in Obon season. I can hear ...

[Live - Local - Custom] ”Culture in our bay”
In , we always play with fireworks at our grave in Obon season. I can hear various explanations concerning it. As one opinion, this custom has come from the continent. As the proof, I know there are same custom at Nagaskai prefecture in Kyushu. And as other opinions, we welcome our ancestors by enlivening a grave. Anyway, it is just a fun memory for children. I think it is the biggest reason to be continued the custom.
There is a sawtooth shaped coastline (i.e. ) in . It is a reason why many different cultures are originated easily by each small area. Thus we often find that our culture is different from a neighboring town’s. At any rate, each custom is loved in each area. I think it is so exciting! I believe you can meet many amazing discovery if you are interested in various custom in Sanriku. Please let us know the interesting culture in your area!

#岩手県宮古市 では、お盆には #お墓で花火 をします。
説は複数存在し、九州・長崎県でも行われていることから、大陸文化が伝わり、#風習 として受け継がれきたという説もありますし、お墓を賑やかにしてご先祖をお迎えするという説もあります。
#三陸 は、リアス式海岸で入り組んだ湾や半島ごとのそれぞれに文化・風習が育っている場所です。

[Food - Nature - Seasonal] ” Poem for blooming Taro ~Taro’s   is the best!~”In Taro, Miyako, Iwate, flower of the soba h...

[Food - Nature - Seasonal] ” Poem for blooming Taro ~Taro’s is the best!~”
In Taro, Miyako, Iwate, flower of the soba has begun to bloom this year. You can enjoy soba with the eyes in this season. Taro has lost the town, but these soba flowers will become the new poems. You can also taste the soba made in Taro at Ms. Chieko KOBAYASHI’s soba shop “ ”. If you enjoy soba with both the tongue and the eyes, you can feel Japanese " " in Taro.

[Food - Land - Vogue] ” The origin of the name of Settai, and summer sherbets.”Settai in Taro, Miyako  #岩手県宮古市田老摂待 was s...

[Food - Land - Vogue] ” The origin of the name of Settai, and summer sherbets.”
Settai in Taro, Miyako #岩手県宮古市田老摂待 was sometimes brought up by TV programs since its name is interesting. The name of Settai derives from the topography. “Se” means small, “ta” means place and “i” means river, namely, a river in small place. Settai is surrounded by mountains and facing the sea. Therefore fruits cultivation is prosperous there. “Shinichi HATAKEYAMA Apple Farm” is one of them. Apple, peach, blueberry and more fruits are grown in his farm. Now, you can taste “Clash berry” topped with his blueberries in Taro-no-Hamagoya (Operating days --> Saturday and Sunday of 2nd and 4th weeks / map--> This menu is collaborating with Kakeashi-no-kai #かけあしの会 (facebook: And the strawberries are provided “Summer berry" #夏イチゴ made by Mr. Narumi HANASAKA. Why don’t you try the Miyako’s trend? Please feel free to contact to us ([email protected]) if you need any assistance.

[Food - Culture - Local] ”August 7th ~Thinking about Azuki-Batto  #あずきばっとう~”There is customarily eaten Azuki-Batto on Au...

[Food - Culture - Local] ”August 7th ~Thinking about Azuki-Batto #あずきばっとう~”
There is customarily eaten Azuki-Batto on August 7th in Miyako. Hatto is said to be the origin from Hoto #ほうとう in Yamanashi. As for it, it is popular opinion that it was spread by the lord Nambu #南部の殿様. In particular in Miyako, tradition says if people do “bathing seven times and eating Azuki-batto seven times”, he (she) can spend in a perfect state of health for one year. And “cleaning a well” and “cleaning a grave” are the other event on August 7th. We imagine that Azuki-Batto was a reward for these hard works. Please let us know what kind of manners and customs there are in your area♪

岩手県宮古市では8月7日に「 #あずきばっとう」なる「うどんを平べったくしたような麺にあずきを絡めたもの」を食べる習慣があります。はっとうとは、山梨県の郷土料理ほうとうが変化したもので、源義経の最期や奥州藤原氏が滅亡したことで知られる奥州合戦で功を立てて、甲斐の国(現在の山梨県)より入国した南部氏(南部の殿様)が広めたとの説が有力です。その他、高級品のあずきを調理するのが御法度だったなどの説もあります。とくに宮古では「7回水浴びをして、7回あずきばっとうを食べると1年間無病息災で過ごせる」という風習があります。他にも8月7日の行事として「井戸掃除」や「墓払い(墓掃除)」があり、井戸の水抜きやお墓の掃除を手伝った子供たちへの労いと健康を祈って、甘くて美味しいご褒美を楽しく食べることで根付いた風習だったのではないかと想いを馳せるのです。以上が8月7日の宮古市の風習でした。みなさんの地域ではいかがですか?

[Clothing - Culture - Tradition] ”The roots to today ~Big catch flag  #大漁旗~”The origin of store Yamane  #山根商店 is a bonit...

[Clothing - Culture - Tradition] ”The roots to today ~Big catch flag #大漁旗~”
The origin of store Yamane #山根商店 is a bonito ship. They were fishermen's bosses of the bonito ship on Meiji, Taisho and Showa era. Now, the name of its primary product is “Miyako Joumon zuke #宮古縄文漬”. Ms. Chieko YAMANE is blending its exquisite seasoning. Her tongue has been brushed up by the board for fisherman. “Furaiki” flag #福来旗 was raised up after a large catch and fishermen wore the “Tairyo-Hanten (= celebratory clothes) #大漁半纏. Now, the design of store Yamane’s Tairyo-Hanten (it is inherited from the Taisho era!) will revive as Furaiki flag! “Shochikubai (pine, bamboo and plum trees)” and “Crane and Tortoise” are lucky and traditional pattern. We wish it will carry happiness. Please feel free to contact us if you interested in “Miyako Jomon-zuke” products. --> [email protected]

[Community Café] SANRIKU “Meeting at Akamae♪~OUR Summer Festival~”Coming tomorrow, we “Challenge Sanriku Club” will appe...

[Community Café] SANRIKU “Meeting at Akamae♪~OUR Summer Festival~”

Coming tomorrow, we “Challenge Sanriku Club” will appear at Akamae♪

We will sell the following special items;
- Ika-meshi (i.e. steamed cuttlefish rice.)
- Ika-gyoza(i.e. cuttlefish dumpling.)
- Uncle Torazo’s Hoshi-imo (i.e dried sweet potato) “Beni-Haruka”.
- Herbal tea in sea breeze.
- Chanchanko (i.e. padded sleeveless kimono jacket) shaped tissue case. (

[Culture] SANRIKU "Obon in Miyako"August is Obon month in Miyako. At the night on August 1st, you may look at many bonfi...

[Culture] SANRIKU "Obon in Miyako"
August is Obon month in Miyako. At the night on August 1st, you may look at many bonfires in front of many houses. You may also meet them at 7th, 13th-16th , 20th and 31st. It’s called “Matsu-akashi”. In these days, children can play handheld fireworks. “Matsu-akashi” is expressing our wish for ancestors to come home without getting lost.

SANRIKU “What a beautiful Yamada-bay is!! ♡”Mr. Masataka KAWAMURA (organizer of Geotrail) and Ms. Kanako NAGASHIMA (orga...

SANRIKU “What a beautiful Yamada-bay is!! ♡”
Mr. Masataka KAWAMURA (organizer of Geotrail) and Ms. Kanako NAGASHIMA (organizer of SUP project) have held “Paddle Festival” in Yamada town! We have taken test rides of sea kayak and SUP on so beautiful bay. There is no doubt that you can fully enjoy this summer there! Why don’t you come to Yamada town in this summer! If you interested in this information, please visit to

That's Ginza. The sensitivity and skills of chef have collaborated with "genuine" Sanriku. Exactly, there is an exquisit...

That's Ginza. The sensitivity and skills of chef have collaborated with "genuine" Sanriku. Exactly, there is an exquisite world. You can look at the photos of these cuisines in our project at Musshu Mizuki Ginza yesterday.
Furthermore, we will keep on challenging to invite the people who want to enjoy whole of Sanriku to Sanriku.

Yesterday, we have held our project “Sanriku Umikaze Marche” at Musshu Mizuki Ginza. We have tried to be felt the whole ...

Yesterday, we have held our project “Sanriku Umikaze Marche” at Musshu Mizuki Ginza. We have tried to be felt the whole of Sanriku with the five senses, to talk many stories, a sense of beauty and charms of the producers in Sanriku. We have promoted by using the big catch flag, the cry of seagulls and the shells. We will keep on conveying to many people the appeal of Sanriku. We have been also advised by JTB and the Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance. We should make further efforts to convey genuine brightness of Sanriku from now on!!

SANRIKU “Shall we have a good corn?♡♡♡”Informed by Mr. Torazou CHIBA who has established KK Bikuro in 2014, he is also f...

SANRIKU “Shall we have a good corn?♡♡♡”
Informed by Mr. Torazou CHIBA who has established KK Bikuro in 2014, he is also familiar by “Tora-san farm’s black garlic”. Now, he sells only 200 limitation corns. And there remain only 170 corns since he has already sold 30 corns!! He said “it’s sooooo sweet♡” His brag corns are 120 yen per one. His dried sweet potato is also awesome!!
Please feel free to contact us if you want to eat his products! --> [email protected]

SANRIKU “Summer has come!! Ofunato guest house.”Mr. Terukazu Ohzeki has established “Ofunato guest house” in 2015. He ha...

SANRIKU “Summer has come!! Ofunato guest house.”
Mr. Terukazu Ohzeki has established “Ofunato guest house” in 2015. He has 2 facilities, one is “Ofunato guest house annex, Howl-no-Fune” in Sanriku-cho and another is “Ofunato guest house main building” in Sakari-cho. You can try a fishery experience, tour in the stricken area and go scuba diving at there. Please feel free to contact him when you visit to Sanriku! His mobile--> 090-7940-6474

SANRIKU “Abnormally yummy Yakiniku in Rikuzentakata!!”Reports for “real charcoal grill Yakiniku: Umai-bo” (established i...

SANRIKU “Abnormally yummy Yakiniku in Rikuzentakata!!”
Reports for “real charcoal grill Yakiniku: Umai-bo” (established in 2013) in Yokota-cho, Rikuzentakata! There is the relaxing place and good old atmosphere of the Showa era.
We grilled the beefs by the portable furnace and its smells whetted our appetite!
The meats are extremely soft since it is very carefully prepared. Moreover, their sauce made by secret recipe. I’m sure that you will be addicted to this taste!!
Address --> 103-2, Oota, Yokota-cho, Rkuzentakata, Iwate

SANRIKU “Created by Sanriku! The history in Miyako.”“Miyako-Jomon-zuke” is made by Chieko YAMANE (organizer of Store Yam...

SANRIKU “Created by Sanriku! The history in Miyako.”
“Miyako-Jomon-zuke” is made by Chieko YAMANE (organizer of Store Yamane). She has been given an inspiration for it from Miyako’s shell-mound. And on July 16, 2016, “Forest museum of Sakiyama, Miyako-shi shell mound Jomon” has opened!! Thus, she memorializes it and “thanks set (3,000 yen)” of Miyako-Jomon-zuke is now on sale. If you want to try them, please visit to store Yamane’s website:
By the way, if you want to know about Miyako’s shell-mound more in detail, please check the website:

SANRIKU “Foods excellent at the freshness♫”On this day, it's Kuchiake for the sea urchin in Tarou, Miyako!! (Kuchiake me...

SANRIKU “Foods excellent at the freshness♫”
On this day, it's Kuchiake for the sea urchin in Tarou, Miyako!! (Kuchiake means the permitted day for fishing the sea urchin.) Ms. Yukie MATSUMOTO has established “Matsumoto” in 2012, and we have husked it at her workshop.
She also sent the raw sea urchin to customers. Omg! It seems to overflow from the bottle!!
It's also served with shell at Musshu Mizuki in Ginza, Tokyo, and the taste satisfies many people. Needless to say… look at this freshness!!
We hope you can taste the Sanriku foods in the near future!!
For your information, Musshu Mizuki’s official website is;

SANRIKU “Sea kayak and Sup (stand up paddle surfing) event is coming soon♡"The long-awaited “Yamada Paddle Festival” whi...

SANRIKU “Sea kayak and Sup (stand up paddle surfing) event is coming soon♡"
The long-awaited “Yamada Paddle Festival” which organized by Masataka Kawamura (organizer of Geo Trail) and Yamada Town Tourism Association, will hold on next Sunday!(^^)! I believe it will be sunny♬
If you interested in this information, please hurry to contact to Yamada Town Tourism Association --> 0193843775!!


1-51, Motomachi
Miyako-shi, Iwate





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