
大津絵さんぽ びわ湖南の大津市で「大津絵さんぽ」という歴史散策+大津絵鬼土鈴の絵? その他の活動については、一会和堂(いちえわどう)セミナーハウスのホームページ https://ichiewado.com/ をご覧ください。インスタグラムは ichie.wado で検索してみてください。

同僚だという女性4名様がご来訪。最初に筆慣らしをしてから取り組まれ、皆さま細部に独自の工夫があり、とても楽しく絵付けしておられました。ご参加ありがとうございました。また、是非お越しくださいね!Work-colleague group joi...

Work-colleague group joined our painting program on a beautiful Sunday.
I'm very happy to see that the ladies had fun and showed great originality. Thank you so much for joining our program!

#じゃらん遊び体験 #一会和堂 #大津 #鬼土鈴

Lovely ladies from Singapore...joined us today for the "Otsu-e Folk Art Workshop & Local Culture Walk Near Kyoto" progra...

Lovely ladies from Singapore...
joined us today for the "Otsu-e Folk Art Workshop & Local Culture Walk Near Kyoto" programme. We met up at Kyoto Station, hopped on the JR to Otsu, and strolled around the quaint Otsu Hyakucho area together. Despite the rain, they had a great time exploring the lovely, laid-back Otsu. For the painting programme at Ichie Wado, they picked the "Three Wise Monkeys" and "Cat and Mouse" for each. Just look at their amazing work! Thank you so much for joining us!

hyakucho -e art #中川誠盛堂茶舗 #平井商店



本日の講師:行政書士オフィスさらら代表 福家知代子先生
The other day, Ichie Wado Seminar House invited a certified administrative procedures legal specialist and held a study session for the locals. We learned a lot of practical precedents and the latest laws on property inheritance!

#一会和堂セミナーハウス #相続 #大津 #行政書士オフィスさらら

Family from Poland Visits Otsu The two young girls sitting straight on the back of the 16th century painting on the wall...

Family from Poland Visits Otsu

The two young girls sitting straight on the back of the 16th century painting on the wall of the Kojo-in Guest House in Miidera. Calm and beautiful balance! It represents the perfect "ma", "間" in Japanese. They are a lovely and artistic family from Gdansk, Poland, whom I accompanied the other day. After strolling through Miidera and Enman-in temples, we stopped at the Inkan (seal) shop nearby. Encouraged by their mother, an artist, the girls are very interested in Japanese culture. I helped them order their name seals, and they paid for each one out of their allowance, which was a pleasant scene. They are looking forward to receiving their original seals and stamping them on the shikishi of the three wise monkeys they drew today. Share us the sealed images later! Thank you for coming to Otsu. Visit us again soon for more attractions here! ポーランドからのご家族 暑い最中ですが、先輩ガイドの雨森さんとともにポーランドのグダニスクから来られたご家族をご案内しました。まず三井寺の光浄院客殿の特別拝観へ。まだあどけなさが残る女の子が客殿の障壁画の前に正座をしてくれました。この桃山時代に描かれた障壁画を背景に実際に歴代の貴人が座り、次の間にいる客人を迎えたわけですが、微細な光の中でこの上座に座る者を引き立てる障壁画の凄み、「間」の美しさを改めて感じました。 三井寺、圓満院を見学したあとは、日本で印鑑を作りたいというこの少女たちのたっての希望で浜大津のハン六さんへ。お母様がアーティストだけあって、いろんな事象に対する彼女たちの感受性は抜群です。印鑑を注文した後はそれぞれのお小遣いから支払っていたのも微笑ましかったです。その後、一会和堂で色紙に「三猿」を描く体験をしてもらいました。1週間後に印鑑が出来上がってきたら、描いたばかりのこの色紙に落款として押してみるそうで、出来上がりが楽しみです!

, National Treasure at Miidera Temple, -no-Bansho (bell tower), Kondo Main Hall, Lunch at Restaurant, Temple, inkan store in Hamaotsu, Wado Seminar House

Weightlifters from Würzburg visit OtsuThey are from Würzburg, a sister city of Otsu. Teenage weightlifters visited Ichie...

Weightlifters from Würzburg visit Otsu

They are from Würzburg, a sister city of Otsu. Teenage weightlifters visited Ichiewado Seminar House the other day and had fun painting Otsu-e Lucky Ogre Bell. They are such fit and friendly high school students and gave me the DGJ pins with German color! They also enjoyed a good obento lunch at Cafe Manma nearby and paid the visit to Otsue no Mise with full of such nice Otsu-e products.
I heard that they are staying with local host families and are also participating in some water sports programs during their stay. Who knows? We might find one of them at the next Olympic Games!
I'd like them to feel and enjoy the cultural differences from Germany and come back to Otsu in the near future!

全員がウェイトリフティングの選手とあってガタイのいい皆さん。彼らには少し窮屈だったかもしれませんが、楽しんで絵付けしてくださったようです。今年は大津市スポーツ少年団がこの交流プログラムのお世話をされています。ドイツ語の随行通訳さんも同席くださってスムーズに進めることができました。学生さんから DGJ という彼らが属しているウェイトリフティング団体のピンバッジをいただきました。もしかすると、この中のメンバーが次のオリンピックに出る可能性もあります!今回の滞在で、ヴュルツブルクとはまた違う大津の良さを感じて、将来また来てほしいです。

♯DGJ ♯ヴュルツブルク ♯大津市スポーツ少年団 ♯カフェManma ♯大津絵の店 ♯Ichiewado

Night Cherry Blossom Viewing in OtsuMiidera Temple in Otsu, 10 minutes by JR train from Kyoto, is famous for its 1,300 b...

Night Cherry Blossom Viewing in Otsu
Miidera Temple in Otsu, 10 minutes by JR train from Kyoto, is famous for its 1,300 beautiful cherry trees. Why not get out of crowded Kyoto? The lights will stay on until next Sunday, April 14. Lighting time: 18:00-21:30(gate closes at 21:00)

夜桜ライトアップ 4/14(日)まで延長

ライトアップ開催期間延長/ 2024年3月22日(金)~4月14日(日) 18時~21時30分(21時受付終了)

#桜 #ライトアップ #三井寺 #琵琶湖疏水 #大津 #滋賀

Hong Kong based comic duo MukoangieThey stopped by Ichie Wado to promote inbound tourism to Shiga. Thank you Muko-san an...

Hong Kong based comic duo Mukoangie

They stopped by Ichie Wado to promote inbound tourism to Shiga. Thank you Muko-san and Angie for coming. Check out the bells painted by the multi-talented duo! I hope you've discovered something unique and beautiful around Lake Biwa. I wish your posts bring many tourists from Hong Kong and other overseas countries in the near future.

#シガリズム #一会和堂

TIC Tokyo Tour Concierges Join Our Painting ProgramThree ladies from TIC Tokyo visited Ichie Wado to paint bells. They u...

TIC Tokyo Tour Concierges Join Our Painting Program
Three ladies from TIC Tokyo visited Ichie Wado to paint bells. They unleashed their creativity and created colorful and adorable bells! I hope they could promote the charm of Otsu-e painting to Tokyo tourists!
TIC Tokyo コンシェルジュご来訪


Round Oni Mask TileI fell in love with this round oni mask tile at first sight and bought it at Minobe Onigawara's studi...

Round Oni Mask Tile
I fell in love with this round oni mask tile at first sight and bought it at Minobe Onigawara's studio in Hietsuji, Otsu. When I was thinking about how to hang it, I found a good old base that my father used to use in the closet. Today I had a carpenter friend of mine install it. It is very good and seems to ward off evil spirits!


#鐘馗さん  #丸鬼面  #美濃邉鬼瓦工房

NHK 芸能きわみ堂あの庭木櫻子アナウンサーが大津絵の取材に大津に来られ、一会和堂では大津絵の絵付け体験をされました。その様子が 2/16(金) 21時~ Eテレで短い時間ですが放映されます。メインの大久保佳代子さんの「藤娘」舞踊のあと、大...

NHK 芸能きわみ堂

あの庭木櫻子アナウンサーが大津絵の取材に大津に来られ、一会和堂では大津絵の絵付け体験をされました。その様子が 2/16(金) 21時~ Eテレで短い時間ですが放映されます。
再放送: 2/23(金)5:30-6:00
※2/22(木)0:15-0:45 ワールドプレミアム放送あり(海外向け)
Covered by NHK Geino Kiwamido TV Program
Ms. Sakurako Niwaki, the sub presenter of the program came to Ichie Wado and enjoyed our Otsu-e Lucky Oni Bell program. It will be aired in Geino Kiwamido on NHK E Channel on Friday, February 16th (JST) at 9 p.m., although the broadcast will be short. After the Fujimusume dance performance by Ms. Kayoko Okubo, the focus will be on Ms. Niwaki's Otsu-e reports.You will find out what Otsu-e is all about!

Rebroadcast:NHK E ch.on Fri.Feb.23, 5:30-6:00
For overseas: NHK world premium ch.on Thu.Feb.22, 0:15-0:45(JST)

A Giant Snake Made of StrawsThe Nagara Jinja Shrine across the street from Ichie Wado holds a traditional Shinto event e...

A Giant Snake Made of Straws

The Nagara Jinja Shrine across the street from Ichie Wado holds a traditional Shinto event every year around this time.
Let's walk on the tail of the giant snake made of straws and wish for good health and safety for the year. This is a tradition that has remained in the Nagara area for nearly 1100 years, praying for good health and safety for the year.
My late father, Wado, used to participate in the annual snake-making tradition. I've never missed walking on a snake every year.

Miidera District Tour It was a beautiful day for excursion last Saturday. I guided a graduates' association group of my ...

Miidera District Tour

It was a beautiful day for excursion last Saturday. I guided a graduates' association group of my alma mater to Miidera district in Otsu. We had fun walking through the area rich in historical anecdotes and interesting spots. The tour highlight was the visit to Kangakuin Guest Hall, a national treasure in Miidera temple built in 1600. Its architecture Shoinzukuri, is restored to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Not allowed to take photos. https://miidera1200.jp/kangaku-in/


#三井寺 #勧学院 #一会和堂

Today’s tea ceremony classSeasonal flowers are indispensable in a tea ceremony. We had a great time to take the Mawariba...

Today’s tea ceremony class

Seasonal flowers are indispensable in a tea ceremony. We had a great time to take the Mawaribana lesson in our class today. It's one of the tearoom flowers arranging methods in which the host and guests take turns doing the flowers in the same vase. The autumn flowers prepared by Harima sensei are so lovely.
Also, today's Zen words for the day refers to orange osmanthus and it is timely. We can smell their pleasant aroma everywhere in the town.
I would translate the Zen words like "A person's spirituality and charm will naturally ooze out".
We could set up Tea ceremony lessons in English.
#茶道  #立礼 

「暁天講座で始まる爽やかな夏の一日」暁天講座第一日めは、福家長吏様による「智証大師円珍関係文書典籍 - 日本・中国の文化交流史」についての講座。プロジェクターで映された典籍は目を凝らさないと素人目には同じように見えます。しかし、これらの記録...


暁天講座第一日めは、福家長吏様による「智証大師円珍関係文書典籍 - 日本・中国の文化交流史」についての講座。プロジェクターで映された典籍は目を凝らさないと素人目には同じように見えます。しかし、これらの記録を先人が死守したからこそ、今回の「世界の記憶」登録となったのだと流れを追うことができました。






8/1 「暁天講座で始まる爽やかな夏の一日」- 仏像解説/座禅体験のご案内7月1日号の「広報おおつ」掲載イベント 今年も8月1日~3日の朝6時から、三井寺の金堂で恒例の暁天講座が開かれます。1時間ほどの講座を聴聞した後、金堂の前で朝粥が振舞...

8/1 「暁天講座で始まる爽やかな夏の一日」- 仏像解説/座禅体験のご案内




【実施日】令和5年 8 月 1 日(火) 雨天決行。
【定員】20名(最少催行は 10 名)申込要、入金により受付。
【参加費】2,000円 (仏像解説ならびに座禅体験料、
【集合場所/時間】 三井寺金堂 午前6:00
① 暁天講座と朝粥お接待:午前6:00開始。
② 仏像解説と座禅体験 :午前7:30頃開始。
※ ①と②両方、またはいずれか一方のご参加も可能。
【所要時間】全行程で 3 時間ほど。
Tel: 077-532-2346
Eメール: [email protected]




Guided a post convension group in Miidera Temple. These eDNA researchers are absolutely nature lovers. They much enjoyed...

Guided a post convension group in Miidera Temple. These eDNA researchers are absolutely nature lovers. They much enjoyed Japanese bush warblers singing and spring plants walking the precincts. In the afternoon, they were very happy with the shojin lunch, Otsu-e workshop by Mr.Sato and Otsu-e dance performance held in Enman-in Temple. Hoping to see you again!

, , -tour #圓満院 #大津絵踊り保存会


Otsu-shi, Shiga











その他 Otsu-shi 旅行会社
