Travel to Sendai, Japan

Travel to Sendai, Japan Welcome to Sendai tourist information. This is an official page managed by Sendai City🇯🇵

We provide tourist information about hotels, restaurants, transportation, and interesting events that make your visit comfortable and enjoyable, as well as information about Sendai culture to add color to your visit. We welcome stories, questions, and comments related to travel information. Visitors agree to participate at their own risk, taking personal responsibility for their comments, their us

ername and any other information provided. We also reserve the right to remove comments that contain vulgar or abusive language, personal attacks of any kind, or offensive terms.

    Beneath Radiant   in   Start Tonight✨The SENDAI Pageant of Starlight is celebrating its   year, illuminating 115 zel...

Beneath Radiant in Start Tonight✨

The SENDAI Pageant of Starlight is celebrating its year, illuminating 115 zelkova trees along Jozenji-dori Avenue with approximately 450,000 LED lights.

Please be sure to check out the bustling when you come to visit.

Event Period: December 6 (Friday) – December 25 (Wednesday) for 20 days
Monday to Thursday: 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Friday and Saturday: 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Sunday: 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
*On December 24 (Tuesday) and 25 (Wednesday): 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Illumination Area: Jozenji-dori Avenue(from Sendai City Civic Auditorium to Kokubuncho Street)

💡The “Starlight Wink," where the lights turn off and then back on, will occur every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 6:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. from December 6 (Friday) to December 25 (Wednesday).

今日からロマンチックな冬の #イルミネーション が始まりました🎄
は、今年で #39回目 を迎え、定禅寺通のケヤキ115本に、約45万球のLEDを灯します。
#クリスマスマーケット も賑わっています。ぜひ足を運んでみてくださいね。

開催期間 12月6日(金)~12月25日(水)20日間
点灯時間 月~木/19:00~22:00
     日 /18:00~21:00
点灯区間 定禅寺通(仙台市民会館前~国分町通)

❄️一度消灯してから点灯する「 #スターライト・ウインク」は12月6日(金)~12月25日(水)の毎週金、土、日の18:30、19:00に行われます。

A   Adventure in the Heart of  . The   (a unique Pokémon-themed manhole cover) installed in the   showcases decorations ...

A Adventure in the Heart of .

The (a unique Pokémon-themed manhole cover) installed in the showcases decorations from the , a summer tradition celebrated in Sendai every August. It also features illustrations of the Pokémon and .

Sunmall Ichibancho shopping district is one of the first arcade streets in Tohoku, established in 1954. The adjacent Iroha Yokocho Alley features over 100 diverse shops and provides a retro atmosphere that allows visitors to experience its history of over 70 years. It has also served as a filming location for movies.

Nearby, the long-established Fujisaki Department Store is highly recommended as a shopping destination, featuring a convenient counter.

Enjoy exploring on your quest to hunt for Poké Lids!

Installation Location: 2 Chome-6-5 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture

Access: A one-minute walk from the Aobadori Ichibancho Station on the Sendai City Subway Tozai Line. Located in front of the entrance to Iroha Yokocho, beneath a large lantern at Nonaka Shrine. The Pokémon GO game app is also handy for finding the location of the Poké Lid.

#宮城 で #ポケモン 巡りシリーズ【No.1 #仙台】
仙台市の #サンモール一番町商店街 に設置されている #ポケふた には、仙台の夏の風物詩で8月に開催される #仙台七夕まつり の飾りと、 #ラプラス と #ジラーチ が描かれています。

すぐ近くの老舗百貨店の藤崎百貨店もお買い物スポットとしておすすめで、 #免税 カウンターがあり便利です。



Sparkling Nights: SENDAI’s   Tour!Held every December, the SENDAI Pageant of Starlight is truly spectacular. This   even...

Sparkling Nights: SENDAI’s Tour!
Held every December, the SENDAI Pageant of Starlight is truly spectacular. This event features approximately 450,000 LED bulbs installed along the zelkova tree-lined Jozenji-dori Avenue, a symbol of Sendai, creating a beautiful path illuminated in orange lights. This year, it will take place from December 6 to 25. So hop aboard and soak in the brilliant holiday lights.

Operating days: December 11~25
Fare: 3,000 yen - 3,500 yen

Note: Routes and departure/arrival times may vary depending on the day, as different companies operate the service. Please see the link for details.

◾️Operating days: December 11, 12, 17, 18, 19
Operating company: HIS (Guidance available in English)
1) 6:45 p.m. Sendai Station → 7:30 p.m. Nishikicho Park Christmas Market
2) 7:45 p.m. Nishikicho Park Christmas Market → 8:20 p.m. Sendai Station
3) 8:45 p.m. Nishikicho Park Christmas Market → 9:20 p.m. Sendai Station

◾️Operating days: December 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
Operating company: JTB
Nishikicho Park bus stop - Jozenji-dori Avenue (view from the bus window) - turn around at the International Center - Jozenji-dori Avenue - Sendai Mediatheque bus stop (return trip only) - Nishikicho Park bus stop

#オープントップバス で楽しむSENDAI #光のページェント
仙台の冬の風物詩「 」は毎年12月に仙台で開催される #イルミネーション イベントで、 #杜の都 仙台を象徴する定禅寺通りのケヤキ並木に約45万球のLED電球が設置され、美しい並木道がオレンジ色の電球で彩られます。今年は12月6日から25日まで。今年はオープントップバスで一味違う仙台の冬を楽しみませんか?


◾️運行日:12月11日, 12日, 17日, 18日, 19日
①18:45 仙台駅 → 19:30 錦町公園クリスマスマーケット
②19:45 錦町公園クリスマスマーケット → 20:20 仙台駅
③20:45 錦町公園クリスマスマーケット → 21:20 仙台駅

◾️運行日 12月13日, 14日, 15日, 20日, 21日, 22日, 23日, 24日, 25日

The 35   Across   Prefecture: Gotta Catch 'Em All!"In Miyagi Prefecture,  , a water-traveling  , has been chosen as the ...

The 35 Across Prefecture: Gotta Catch 'Em All!"

In Miyagi Prefecture, , a water-traveling , has been chosen as the “ " to attract visitors to the coastal areas that were heavily affected by the disaster.
All 35 municipalities in Miyagi Prefecture have installed (Poké Lids) featuring Lapras.
A Poké Lids is a unique manhole cover that features a "Support Pokémon" for the region, along with designs representing regional motifs, local nature, and specialty products from that area.
During our quest to find these manhole covers, we'll regularly introduce Miyagi Prefecture's natural beauty, delicious food, specialty products, and vibrant local events.
Let's hunt for Poké Lids and master Miyagi Prefecture!

Please share your Poké Lids' photos you've taken in Miyagi Prefecture in the comments!

#宮城県 各地にある35個の #ポケふた に会いに行こう!

宮城県ではのりものポケモンの #ラプラス が「 #応援ポケモン」に選ばれました。3.11の被災が大きかった沿岸部を中心に多くの人に宮城県を旅してもらいたいという思いから、水上を自由に移動できるラプラスが選ばれたそうです。宮城県35市町村すべてにラプラスが描かれたポケふたが設置されています。


Travel to Sendaiでは宮城県各地のポケふたと各地の自然や美味しい食べ物、名産品やイベントをご紹介していきます。


  !—Fun in  Beautiful blankets of snow and ice tightly hugging nature make for both classic and otherworldly winter land...

!—Fun in
Beautiful blankets of snow and ice tightly hugging nature make for both classic and otherworldly winter landscapes in Miyagi Prefecture. Test your courage among " ," created by a natural phenomenon during freezing temperatures; these snow-covered trees look daunting but rest assured; they are completely harmless and won't attack. This breathtaking, winter-exclusive view can only be captured in limited locations in Japan.

At "Mountain Field Miyagi Zao Sumikawa," you can take a snowmobile from the ski resort to see the snow covered trees . Please note that the area near the summit can drop below minus 10 degrees Celsius, so be sure to dress warmly for your visit. After enjoying the snow-covered trees, how about staying at the nearby ? In addition to hotels and inns, Private Cottages are also popular.

For and , we recommend "Spring Valley Izumi SkiResort", which is about a 45-minute drive from downtown Sendai. There are courses for children and specially prepared , making it a safe and fun experience for families.

In winter, the —one of Japan's three famous —is draped in snow, creating an absolutely stunning scene that words can't fully describe. After admiring the falls, treat yourself to a relaxing stay at the nearby . With 12 hotels and inns available, you can unwind and refresh yourself with either an overnight visit or a day-use experience. It's the perfect way to enjoy the season!

宮城で #雪 を楽しむスポット
宮城県各地の雪を楽しめるスポットをご紹介します。ぜひ見ていただきたいのは #樹氷 です。スノーモンスターとも呼ばれ、日本の限られた場所でしか見られないこの 自然現象 は、雪と氷で作り上げられる 冬限定の絶景 です。 #宮城蔵王 の『マウンテンフィールド宮城蔵王すみかわ』では、スキー場から樹氷まで 雪上車 に乗って見に行くことができます。樹氷を見ることができる山頂付近はマイナス10度以下になりますので、防寒対策を万全にしてご鑑賞ください。樹氷見学のあとは麓の #遠刈田温泉 に宿泊してはいかがでしょうか?ホテルや旅館のほか、 #1棟貸しコテージ も人気です。
#スキー や #スノーボード を気軽に楽しみたいなら仙台市中心部から車で45分ほどにある『スプリングバレー泉スキー場』がおすすめです。 #子供向け の #そり滑り コースや #雪遊び 専用広場もあり、家族連れの方も安心して楽しむことができます。
また、雪化粧をした『 #秋保大滝』も冬のおすすめスポットの一つです。秋保大滝は 日本三名瀑の一つとも言われ、雪の積もった姿は絶景です。秋保大滝そばの『 #秋保温泉』にはホテルや旅館が12軒あるので、宿泊や日帰り #温泉 で疲れを癒してはいかがでしょうか?

Sweet   in  As winter settles in, what better way to brighten your days than with sweet strawberry picking.   marks the ...

Sweet in
As winter settles in, what better way to brighten your days than with sweet strawberry picking. marks the beginning of strawberry season, and Sendai has three juicy locations for your picking pleasure, each with its own unique features—perfect for berrying your winter blues.

“ Planet” – This newly opened strawberry farm is not just about picking; it’s strawberry lover's paradise! Adjacent to the farm, the café “ ” tempts your taste buds with mouthwatering strawberry creations. Treat yourself to the "Fully Ripe Strawberry Shake," made with fresh-frozen strawberries, or sip on refreshing strawberry cider and tea. Be sure to try their scrumptious aged sweet potato desserts too!

“ ” – A year-round haven for fruit enthusiasts! Experience at a farm spanning a whopping 11 hectares, this popular destination grows an impressive 156 varieties of fruits, including strawberries, grapes, apples, figs, and pears! But wait, there’s more—seasonal fruit all year long is not all the only thing ripe for the picking at Arahama. Enjoy gourmet food featuring seasonal ingredients at their restaurant, delicious fresh items at the local produce market, and a fun playground for the kids!

“ “ – Here, the strawberry magic continues with three to four varieties available for picking, including the Miyagi-made variety " ." With a generous 40-minute picking limit and unlimited condensed milk, it’s a sweet deal you won't want to miss! Plus, take home the unique "STRAWBERRY NOODLE," pink rice flour noodles infused with strawberry goodness – the perfect souvenir. So bundle up and gather your loved ones for a delightful day of strawberry picking in Sendai!

🍓Berry Planet
All-you-can-eat for 40 minutes
Ages 65 and over: 1,800 yen
Ages 10 to 64: 2,000 yen
Ages 4 to 9: 1,200 yen
Children under 3: Free
Business hours: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM (Last entry) Berry Planet Co., Ltd. × Sunsunen
Tenjin 75-1, Kamiiida-aza, Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture

🍓Sunsunen Harvest Village Store.
Tenjin 9, Kamiiida-aza, Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture
Open: 10:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Closed: Wednesdays

🍓JR Fruit Park Sendai Arahama
Business hours: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Direct sales: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Restaurant: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM (Last order 3:00 PM) *Café opens at 10:00 AM
Closed: Tuesdays (the following weekday if it's a holiday) Year-end and New Year holidays

🍓Ichigo Ichie Matsumori Farm
Business hours: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM for strawberry sales
Strawberry picking reception time: 10:00 AM – 3:30 PM (Last entry) *The reception may close earlier than the last entry time depending on the strawberry situation
Time limit: All-you-can-eat for 40 minutes (unlimited condensed milk refills)
Closed: Tuesdays
Pricing: Prices vary by season.
From January 5 to April 8, 3rd grade elementary school students to 64 years old: 2,200 yen
4 years old to 2nd grade elementary school students: 1,200 yen
65 years and older: 1,900 yen
Children under 3: Free
Address: 157-1 Shiromae, Matsumori, Izumi Ward, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture
*Dates and prices may change.


#仙台 で #いちご狩り を堪能
今年オープンしたばかりのいちご狩り農園『 #ベリープラネット』は、苺狩り農園に隣接するカフェ『 #燦燦園』でいちごメニューも楽しむことができます。完熟いちごを新鮮なうちに冷凍し、スムージーにした「完熟いちごろシェイク」のほか、いちごサイダー、いちごティーなど、いちご農園の経営するカフェだからこそのメニューのほか、熟成さつまいものスイーツもおすすめです。
『 』は通年でフルーツ狩りが楽しめる人気スポットで、約11haの園内に苺や葡萄、林檎、無花果、梨など8品目156品種の果物が栽培され、1年を通して摘み取り体験できる体験型観光農園です。敷地内には旬の食材を味わえるレストランや、地元の農産物を扱うマルシェのほか、子供が楽しめる遊具もある充実したスポットです。
『 #一苺一笑(いちごいちえ)』では宮城で生まれた品種「 #もういっこ」をはじめ、常時3、4種類が楽しめます。制限時間が40分と通常より長めで、コンデンスミルクもかけ放題です。苺を練り込んだ「STRAWBERRY NOODLE(いちごめん)」はピンク色の米粉麺でお土産にもおすすめです。

食べ放題 40分
65歳以上 1800円
10〜64歳 2000円
4〜9歳  1200円
3歳以下  無料
株式会社ベリープラネット × 燦燦園

🍓燦燦園 ハーベストビレッジ店
宮城県仙台市若林区上飯田字天神9(かみいいだあざ てんじん)
10:00 - 18:00

     直売所 10:00~16:00
     レストラン 11:00~16:00 (L.O. 15:00) ※カフェは10:00~

営業時間:10:00~16:00 いちご販売
制限時間:40分間食べ放題 (練乳おかわり自由)
小学校3年生〜64歳 2,200
4歳〜小学2年生 1,200
65歳以上 1,900
3歳以下 無料
小学校3年生〜64歳 1,900
4歳〜小学2年生 1,000
65歳以上 1,600
3歳以下 無料
住所 宮城県仙台市泉区松森字城前157-1

The autumn leaves are at their best in   city center,  , and  !The temperature difference between day and night has beco...

The autumn leaves are at their best in city center, , and !
The temperature difference between day and night has become larger, causing the leaves to change color.
If you're traveling to Sendai this week or next week, be sure to enjoy Miyagi's colorful autumn leaves.

#仙台市 中心部、 #作並、 #松島 の紅葉が見頃です!

Become a   at a Real Castle in Japan—a unique experience only available at  .Become a samurai by wearing authentic   at ...

Become a at a Real Castle in Japan—a unique experience only available at .

Become a samurai by wearing authentic at the historic . You can choose to act out scenes from Japanese period dramas and movies with guidance, or create your own story. A skilled videographer will capture and edit a video of your time there. Price: ¥150,000 (Special offer)

Shiroishi Castle, a pivotal site in the southern region of the
domain, served as the residence of , the right-hand man of . While wearing genuine samurai armor, you will have the opportunity to explore both the interior and exterior of the castle, where a cinematic video of your experience will be taken. The armor is a genuine craft, handmade by Japan’s finest armor artisans. This unique opportunity to wear historically accurate armor within an actual castle is unmatched! The professional video will provide you with unforgettable memories. Also, there's an exciting option to stroll through the city center of Sendai while wearing the armor. Why not embrace your inner samurai?

Situated in the heart of Shiroishi City, Shiroishi Castle stands as a prominent symbol of the area and played a crucial role in the southern part of the Sendai domain. For over 260 years, the castle served as the residence of the Katakura family, distinguished retainers of the Date clan. Although it was dismantled in 1874 following an order to abolish castles, the castle tower and gates were meticulously restored in 1995. This three-story castle tower reaches a height of 16.7 meters above the stone foundation, making it one of the tallest and most spacious wooden castle structures in Japan among those that have been restored post-World War II.

Be Samurai—Video Experience:
A high-quality cinematographic video will be captured and edited both inside and outside of Shiroishi Castle while you wear authentic samurai armor. You will have the option to receive direction and act out scenes from Japanese period dramas and movies.
The price is ¥150,000 (tax included) for up to 5 people. It is also possible for 2 to 4 people, but the minimum charge of ¥150,000 will still apply. Additional participants can be accommodated, with a maximum of 9 people for an extra fee of ¥30,000 (tax included) for each additional person. The movie will be provided in digital format within 14 days. This offer is available until March 31st, 2025. Starting from April 1, 2025, the price will change to ¥200,000 (tax included), and the fee for additional participants will increase to ¥40,000 from the 6th onward.

Be Samurai—Armor-Wearing Experience:
Wearing authentic armor, you can explore both the interior and exterior of Shiroishi Castle in Shiroishi City, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. Shiroishi Castle may be the only place in Japan where you can don full-scale armor while exploring a real castle.
¥15,000 per person.

Professional Photography Options:

Pine Plan: ¥38,500 (tax included), includes 60 shots, provided in data form within 5 days.
Bamboo Plan: ¥27,500 (tax included), includes 30 shots provided in data form within 5 days.
Plum Plan: ¥22,000 (tax included), includes 10 shots provided in data form within 7 days.

Samurai Armor Walking Tour in Sendai:
Wearing the black armor of the Date clan, including that of Date Masamune, experience a stroll through the "Clisroad Shopping Arcade" in the heart of Sendai city. A guide will accompany you, acting as your retainers.
Price: ¥30,000 for 1 to 3 people.
*For 4 or more people: an additional ¥10,000 per person.
*Accommodates up to 9 people at the same time.

All of these experiences offer the opportunity to don full-scale authentic Japanese samurai armor. Unlike most samurai armor-wearing experiences that use materials like paper or plastic, these experiences are unique because they feature handmade armor crafted by Japan's finest artisans, all designed to be historically accurate to the armor used in medieval Japan.

Please note: An additional fee of ¥400 per person is required for entry to Shiroishi Castle. All samurai armor-wearing plans require a reservation.

How to Get to Shiroishi Castle

✈️ Tokyo ー 🚅 Shiroishi-Zao Station (by "Yamabiko" trains)
✈️ Taipei, Incheon ー ✈️ Sendai ー 🚆 JR Shiroishi Station

By Shinkansen
Get off at Shiroishi-Zao Station on the Tohoku Shinkansen and walk for 5 minutes.

By Train
Get off at Shiroishi Station on the Tohoku Honsen Line and walk for 15 minutes.

By Car
10 minutes from Shiroishi IC on the Tohoku Expressway.
Joka Hiroba Parking Lot (next to Shiroishi City Hall) or Masuoka Park Parking Lot (opposite Miyagi Prefecture Shiroishi High School) are available for free.

本物の城で #侍 体験!宮城県にある #白石城 では本物の城の城内外で本物の #甲冑 を着れる体験ができます。

#白石市 の中心部に位置する白石城は、この地域のシンボルとして、仙台藩南部の要衝として重要な役割を果たしてきました。260年以上にわたり、 #伊達家 の名家である #片倉家 の居城として機能していました。1874年に廃城令により解体されましたが、1995年に天守閣と門が丁寧に復元されました。この3階建ての天守閣は、石積みの土台から16.7メートルの高さに達し、戦後に復元された木造城郭の中では日本で最も高く、最も広い城郭の一つとなっています。



✈️ 東京 ー 🚅 白石蔵王駅(新幹線やまびこ号)
✈️ 台北、仁川 ー ✈️ 仙台 ー 🚆 JR白石駅



Fall Colors Shine in Matsushima Rikyu🍁 Right in front of the   Kaigan Station lies the stunning "Miyagi Prefecture Matsu...

Fall Colors Shine in Matsushima Rikyu🍁 Right in front of the Kaigan Station lies the stunning "Miyagi Prefecture MatsushimaRikyu," a grand wooden tourist facility inspired by the prestigious Matsushima Park Hotel, designed by in 1913 and then lost to a fire in 1969.

Experience the breathtaking autumn foliage illuminated until November 24th, where the vibrant colors reflect on the water, creating a picturesque scene with the iconic Letzel Tower. The mesmerizing show on the occurs every 30 minutes, starting at 5:00 p.m. and continuing until the last show at 8:30 p.m.

Plus, don't miss the limited-time opening of " ," a specialty shop serving fresh oysters straight from Sanriku! Indulge in grilled and raw oysters, and try Matsushima's first-ever oyster spring rolls and chowder while you bask in the beautiful illumination.

Period: From October 26, 2024 (Saturday) to November 24, 2024 (Sunday)
Time: 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Same Day Pricing:
Adults 1,300 yen (middle school students and above)
Children 650 yen (elementary school students) Free for children under elementary school age

Advance Ticket Price:
Adults 1,100 yen (middle school students and above)
Children 450 yen (elementary school students), Free for children under elementary school age

Day Time Admission Tickets:
9:00 a.m -4:00 p.m
Adults: 400 yen (middle school students and above),
Children: 200 yen (elementary school students), Free for children under elementary school age


#紅葉ライトアップ in #宮城県松島離宮 2024
水面に映り込む紅葉と松島離宮のシンボルである #レツルタワー は絶景です。
17:00から 30分毎(20:30最終)にレツルタワーに投影される #プロジェクションマッピング をお楽しみいただけます。
園内外では牡蠣専門店「 #牡蠣屋 」が限定OPEN。生産者直送の新鮮な三陸産牡蠣を使った焼き牡蠣・生牡蠣、松島初の牡蠣春巻きや牡蠣チャウダーをご提供しています。



Today's     in the center of   city🍁The temperature in the center of Sendai dropped to 8 degrees this morning, finally u...

Today's in the center of city🍁
The temperature in the center of Sendai dropped to 8 degrees this morning, finally ushering in the season of autumn leaves in the central Sendai!
We are still waiting for autumn leaves season so here are some pictures of Sendai autumn leaves today.
On -dori avenue, many of the leaves are still green 🌳 however, some brown leaves have fallen down on the street.
In front of Prefectural Office, the trees are starting to turn yellow🟡 When the yellow leaves fall, the carpet of ginkgo leaves looks very beautiful ✨
At , we could see the leaves turning red little by little 🍁

This year summer was very hot, and the temperature did not drop completely in the beginning of autumn, so it is expected that the autumn leaves season is later than usual. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, the autumn leaves in Sendai are expected to change color on December 1st!

If you'd like to know more about information, please check out "Autumn Leaves Navi."

In Japan, viewing autumn leaves is called " ".
Why not come to Tohoku for momijigari?

<今日の #仙台市中心部の #紅葉 !>

#定禅寺通り の木の葉はまだ緑色のものが多かったです🌳少しだけ茶色い葉が落ちていました。

#宮城県庁前 は #銀杏 の木の黄色い葉が色づきはじめていました🟡黄色い葉が落ちると、銀杏の葉の絨毯がとてもきれいです✨

#勾当台公園 では赤く色づいた葉が少しずつ見られました🍁これから色づくのが楽しみですね。



#リアルタイムな紅葉 の情報を知りたい方は、「紅葉ナビ」を参考にしてみてくださいね。



 : Where Hot Springs, Crafts, and Nature Unite!Nestled in the scenic gorge formed by the Hirose River, Sakunami is an ar...

: Where Hot Springs, Crafts, and Nature Unite!
Nestled in the scenic gorge formed by the Hirose River, Sakunami is an area loved by many since its (hot spring) was first established in 1795. This area features four charming hotels and Ryokans (traditional Japanese inns) where visitors can rejuvenate their skin with the mineral-rich hot spring water, some of which literally gushes out directly from underground right in front of you. The abundant Onsen in Sakunami reaches 68 degrees Celsius and is renowned for leaving skin silky smooth.

While you are in the area, check out the Hiraga shop. Kokeshi are traditional wooden dolls originating from Miyagi. At Hiraga, you can purchase both traditional and cute, modern-designed Kokeshi dolls crafted there, as well as enjoy the experience of painting your own.

Curious about production? At the Nikka Whisky Sendai Factory Miyagikyo Distillery, you can take a tour with tastings included, for free!

Several famous photo spots such as Homei Shijuhachi falls and Gorilla Rock are right within reach, and if you venture a bit further, you can find the jaw-dropping Jogi Nyorai Saihoji Temple, which is surrounded by beautiful nature and gardens. Don't miss out on trying the local specialty, triangular fried tofu from the renowned Jogi Tofu shop.

○Hiraga Kokeshi
Address: 13 Motoki, Sakunami, Aoba Ward, Sendai City
Business Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Closed: New Year's holidays (December 30th-January 3rd) and irregularly

🥃Nikka Whisky Sendai Factory Miyagikyo Distillery
From JR Sendai Station, take the Senzan Line Rapid for 40 minutes and get off at Sakunami Station. A shuttle bus operates from Sakunami Station.

△Jogi Tofu Shop
Address: 1-2 Shimomichi, Okura, Aoba Ward, Sendai City
Business Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed: Irregular days

#作並 エリアで #温泉、 #工芸、 #自然 にふれる
1795年に開湯した作並(さくなみ)温泉は広瀬川上流の渓谷沿いに位置する温泉地で、4軒の旅館やホテルがあり、多くの文化人に愛されてきました。源泉は68度で、豊富な湯量を誇る #作並温泉 は美肌の湯として有名で、源泉掛け流しの天然温泉の宿もあります。作並温泉に来たら、『 #平賀こけし店』に立ち寄ってはいかがでしょうか?伝統こけしから、かわいいモダンこけしなどを製造・販売する平賀こけし店では、こけしの絵付け体験もできます。
作並エリアには『ニッカウヰスキー仙台工場宮城峡蒸溜所』があり、試飲付きの無料見学ツアーが人気です。また、名所『 #鳳鳴四十八滝』、『 #ゴリラ岩』などフォトスポットも満載です。少し足を伸ばせば、『定義如来 西方寺』があり、美しい自然に囲まれた寺院や庭園、そして、仙台名物の一つ『 #定義とうふ店の三角揚げ』が人気の立ち寄りスポットとなっています。

住所: 仙台市青葉区作並字元木13
営業時間: 7:00 ~ 19:00
定休日: 年末年始・不定休


住所: 仙台市青葉区大倉字下道1-2
営業時間: 8:00〜16:00
定休日: 不定期

Dig Into the Deliciousness of    !It's that wonderful time in Miyagi, where the home of rice meets the season of fresh h...

Dig Into the Deliciousness of !
It's that wonderful time in Miyagi, where the home of rice meets the season of fresh harvest! The summer in Miyagi provides sufficient sunlight during the day while nights remain relatively cool. The variation in temperature between day and night enhances the sweetness of the rice, while the pure air and water in the region contribute to producing flavorful rice.

In Miyagi Prefecture, it is said that rice cultivation began around two thousand years ago. Initially, relatively low-lying land that was easy to irrigate was utilized for rice paddies. During the Edo period, Date , the of the domain actively promoted the development of new rice fields. Thanks to these efforts, the Sendai domain surpassed a rice yield of 620,000 koku (a traditional Japanese unit of volume used to measure rice, where one koku is approximately 180 liters or 145 kg), and it is said that by the mid-Edo period, two-thirds of the rice distributed in Edo was "Sendai rice."

Let’s introduce some exquisite rice brands born in Miyagi! First up is “ ," a rice that effortlessly unravels in your mouth with a gentle and light flavor that pairs wonderfully with sushi, sashimi, and a variety of seasonal Japanese dishes. “ " offers a wonderful balance of stickiness, shine, umami, and aroma, making it a versatile rice that pairs well with any dish. On the other hand, "Date Masayume" reveals its natural sweetness and rich flavor with each bite, featuring a refined, chewy texture that is particularly perfect for Western cuisine. "Kin no Ibuki" is a brown rice with a unique, firm texture that releases sweetness with every bite, and its germ is three times larger than usual, making it highly nutritious. There are too many delicious rice varieties from Miyagi for us to list them all—check out the famous rice brands that are often showcased in stores where rice is sold.

Please enjoy a variety of rice dishes, including (rice ball), Harako-meshi (a rice dish topped with salmon and salmon roe), grilled , and Takikomi Gohan (rice cooked with various ingredients), etc. Of course, rice is essential with Sendai's famous beef tongue, and traditionally, beef tongue set meals are served with barley rice, which is a classic choice.

#米どころ宮城 もこの時期に #新米の季節 を迎えます。宮城県の夏は、昼は充分な日照に恵まれながらも夜には比較的涼しいという特徴があり、この昼夜の寒暖の差は、米の甘さを引き出すことにもつながっています。空気と水のおいしさがおいしいお米を作り出します。
宮城県では、二千年前には米作りが行われていたといわれ、最初は水の引きやすい比較的低い土地を利用し、水田にしました。江戸時代は沼や池が多かったことから、#仙台藩祖・ #伊達政宗 が積極的に新田開発を進めたことで、仙台藩は62万石の実質石高を超え、江戸中期には江戸に流通された米の3分の2が「仙台米」だったといわれています。
宮城で生まれた銘柄をいくつかご紹介しましょう。「 #ササニシキ」はさらりと、口の中でほどけるおだやかな味わいで、 #お寿司 や刺身、四季折々の旬の食材など、和食との相性が良いお米です。
「 #ひとめぼれ」は粘り、つや、うまみ、香りのトータルバランスが良く、どんな料理にも合うお米です。「 #だて正夢(まさゆめ)」は噛むほどにお米本来の甘みと旨味と上品なもちもち食感があり、特に洋食にピッタリなお米です。「 #金のいぶき」はプチプチとした独特の食感で、かみしめる度に甘みが広がる玄米で、胚芽は通常の3倍大きく栄養が豊富です。
#おにぎり、鮭とイクラの #はらこ飯、 #うな重、#炊き込みご飯、定食、、、様々なご飯(炊いた米)を楽しんでくださいね。
もちろん仙台名物 #牛タン にもご飯はかかせませんが、牛タン定食は伝統的に大麦が混ぜ込んである #麦ご飯 が定番です。


Sendai, Miyagi


月曜日 08:30 - 17:00
火曜日 08:30 - 17:15
水曜日 08:30 - 17:15
木曜日 08:30 - 17:15
金曜日 09:00 - 17:15



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