Travel to Sendai, Japan

Travel to Sendai, Japan Welcome to Sendai tourist information. This is an official page managed by Sendai City🇯🇵

We provide tourist information about hotels, restaurants, transportation, and interesting events that make your visit comfortable and enjoyable, as well as information about Sendai culture to add color to your visit. We welcome stories, questions, and comments related to travel information. Visitors agree to participate at their own risk, taking personal responsibility for their comments, their us

ername and any other information provided. We also reserve the right to remove comments that contain vulgar or abusive language, personal attacks of any kind, or offensive terms.

Muku, a   and   where you can enjoy healthy food made with carefully selected ingredients, has newly opened in downtown ...

Muku, a and where you can enjoy healthy food made with carefully selected ingredients, has newly opened in downtown !

The owner meticulously chooses ingredients based on the principles of # AnimalWelfare. With a focus on , the owner travels across Japan to source ingredients from producers who raise their livestock safely, healthily, and lovingly.

The menu features dishes made with salmon that has obtained international certification proving it is sourced from environmentally and socially responsible aquaculture, as well as meals made with pasture-raised beef and pork, all highlighting ingredients produced in Miyagi and carefully selected seasonings from around the world.

? Dig into a salad bowl made with koji tofu, which has a cheese-like flavor and can be prepared without eggs. Additionally, there is a dessert menu, and we highly recommend the rich chocolate ice cream!
The drinks are also all made with ingredients that the owner has carefully selected. Everything is delicious, colorful, and photogenic, ensuring a delightful experience.
The interior of the café is also thoughtfully designed, with hand-drawn illustrations and messages related to animal welfare adorning the walls. It also functions as a select shop, so even those not dining are welcome to come and take a look.

こだわりぬいた食材で #ヘルシー なメニューが楽しめる #カフェ【MUKU(むく)】仙台街中にNew Open!
オーナーが宮城を中心に全国を巡り、こだわり抜いた食材は #アニマルウェルフェア の理念の元、それぞれの生産者さんから、健康的かつ安全に飼育された食材を厳選して仕入れています。
チーズのような味わい麹豆腐のサラダボウルは卵抜きの #ベジタリアン 仕様も対応可能です。
また、 #ヴィーガン デザートメニューでは、濃厚なチョコレートアイスが特におすすめ!ドリンクもオーナーが食材にこだわり抜いたものばかり。どれもおいしくて、彩り鮮やかでフォトジェニックでおいしい時間をお過ごしください。また、店内の内装にもざまざまなこだわりがあり、壁にいたるところに手書きのイラストやアニマルウェルフェアの理念やメッセージが描いてあります。セレクトショップにもなっていますので、お食事以外の方もぜひのぞいてみてくださいね。

Introducing some of the many exciting events held in Miyagi and   throughout the year: The Dontosai Festival on January ...

Introducing some of the many exciting events held in Miyagi and throughout the year: The Dontosai Festival on January 14 at Osaki Hachimangu Shrine, featuring the traditional "Hadaka-mairi," where men wearing only belly wraps and short drawers walk in a line through the freezing cold towards the shrine, creating a solemn sight. In February, We recommend the Oyster Festival. On March 11, memorial ceremonies for the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 are held, followed by festivals in April, with recommended spots like Hitome Senbonzakura and Funaoka Castle Site Park. In May, enjoy the young green leaves all over Sendai, the Sendai International Half Marathon, and the , bustling with locals and tourists. In June, don’t miss the Tagajo Castle Ruins Iris Festival and the Shibata Hydrangea Festival, while July features the Shiogama Minato Festival. The magnificent dazzles in August, and autumn showcases the Jozenji Street Jazz Festival alongside beautiful foliage. Finally, winter is highlighted by the " ," illuminating Jozenji-dori Avenue, a symbol of Sendai. Come and enjoy the vibrant year-round celebrations in Sendai and Miyagi!

2025年 #宮城 行事カレンダー
#仙台 や宮城は1年を通じてイベントが満載!その一部をご紹介します!
毎年1月14日には #どんと祭 が開催されます。おすすめは大崎八幡宮の松焚祭でこの日は #裸参り という伝統行事が開催され、サラシを巻いた男性が列をなして、神社に向かう姿は荘厳です。2月の #松島牡蠣祭 もおすすめです。
3月11日は2011年東日本大震災のメモリアルセレモニーが被災各地で開催されます。4月頃からは各地で #桜まつり が開催されます。特におすすめは、「日本さくら名所100選」に選ばれた大河原町の #一目千本桜 と柴田町の #船岡城址公園 です。若葉の美しい季節を迎える5月は #仙台国際ハーフマラン や #仙台青葉まつり があり、多くの地元民と観光客で賑わいます。
6月の #多賀城跡あやめ祭り や #しばた紫陽花まつり、7月の #塩釜みなと祭 も必見。 #仙台七夕まつり は8月の3日間、豪華絢爛な七夕飾りが圧巻です。
秋は #定禅寺ストリートジャズフェスティバル、そして #紅葉 の季節を迎えます。仙台の冬の風物詩といえば「 」という杜の都仙台のシンボル定禅寺通りがイルミネーションで彩られるイベントです。

Explore Tohoku’s Hidden Gems with a  One great way to enjoy a trip in   and the   region is by traveling with a rental c...

Explore Tohoku’s Hidden Gems with a

One great way to enjoy a trip in and the region is by traveling with a rental car. By renting a car at Sendai Station or Sendai Airport, you can freely explore spots that are inconvenient to reach by public transportation. For example, if you rent a car at Sendai Station and head along the Sanriku Expressway, you can enjoy an , an , as well as a journey filled with ocean views and seafood at places like (one of Japan's three scenic spots), , and . You can also take detours to experience the seasonal nature unique to the area, offering a travel experience that is possible with a rental car.

The Tohoku Expressway Pass, available exclusively for foreign visitors to Japan, allows you to use the expressways in the Tohoku area at a great price. For instance, you can drive unlimited miles on expressways for ¥8,500 for a regular car (¥6,800 for a kei car, which is small, lightweight, and fuel-efficient) for 4 days, or ¥17,000 for a regular car (¥13,600 for a kei car) for 8 days. You must apply for this pass at a rental car shop by presenting your passport and a valid driver's license that can be used in Japan, and renting a car and an ETC card.

Tohoku is known for having fewer cars and traffic signals compared to other areas in Japan, making it relatively easy to drive. However, be cautious when driving during snowy periods! Also, using your phone while driving is a violation of traffic laws. Let's follow traffic rules to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

#レンタカー で楽しむ旅
#仙台 や #東北 の旅を楽しむならレンタカーの旅もおすすめです。仙台駅や仙台空港でレンタカーを借りれば、公共交通機関が不便なスポットへも自由な旅ができます。例えば、仙台駅でレンタカーを借りて、三陸道を進むと、 #アウトレット、 #水族館、日本三景 #松島、石巻、気仙沼など海の景色や海鮮を楽しめる旅や、途中で寄り道して四季折々の自然に触れたりと、レンタカーならではの旅が待っているでしょう。
訪日外国人限定のTohoku Expressway Passならお得に東北エリアの高速道路が使えます。例えば、4日間で普通車¥8,500(軽自動車¥6,800)、8日間なら普通車¥17,000(軽自動車¥13,600)で高速道路が乗り放題となります。レンタカー店での申し込み必須で、パスポートと日本で利用可能な運転免許証をご提示いただき、車とETCカードのレンタルで利用が可能です。

Introducing Must-Try   Winter  ! In winter, we recommend trying   sweets made from strawberries harvested in Sendai and ...

Introducing Must-Try Winter ! In winter, we recommend trying sweets made from strawberries harvested in Sendai and Miyagi.
At the café , operated by a strawberry farm, popular items include shakes made from fully ripe strawberries that are frozen immediately after being picked, ensuring an extremely fresh taste, as well as strawberry daifuku. A daifuku is a small round mochi typically filled with a sweet filling, while strawberry daifuku contains just one strawberry inside. At the restaurant Symphony in the Hotel Sendai, you can enjoy dazzling sweets themed around the color Strawberry Red, made with Miyagi's "ultimate strawberries," available until March.

One of the must-try sweets when you visit Sendai is "Zunda Mochi." is made by mashing mixed with sugar and a pinch of salt, and it is commonly served on top of mochi. originally started as a confectionery for the Date clan and has since been cherished by the public as a long-established mochi shop since 1877. It features a special creamy zunda made from carefully peeled, top-grade edamame and freshly made mochi.

Additionally, at the long-established café featuring Japanese-style sweets, , when you order items like anmitsu (typically a mixture of red bean paste, boiled red beans, agar cubes, fruit pieces and syrup), you can choose zunda paste instead of the usual red bean paste. The retro interior has seats that overlook a small garden with a pond containing koi.

Throughout Sendai you can also find many warm zunda sweets perfect for winter as well, including zunda (a snack in the shape of a fish made from a batter similar to pancake mix and typically features a sweet filling) and zunda shiruko (typically a sweet red bean soup, but in this case a purely zunda soup).

Another shop featuring delicious Sendai sweets is , which opened a new location last year after relocating. It has been a traditional wagashi (Japanese sweets) shop serving the Date clan since its founding in 1675. The new location now features its first eat-in space, where "Aburi Yubeshi" is popular. is a sweet made from glutinous rice, flavored with soy sauce, and typically includes walnuts in the filling. Aburi, meaning slightly grilled, is an amazing way to enjoy Yubeshi. Be sure to enjoy the perfect balance of sticky, soft, and pleasantly chewy consistency in Yubeshi made with rice flour from Miyagi Prefecture.

🍓Sunsunen Harvest Village Store.
Tenjin 9, Kamiiida-aza, Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture
Open: 10:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Closed: Wednesdays

■Restaurant Symphony
26th Floor, Westin Hotel Sendai

🍓Afternoon Tea Weekday until Mach 7th
Selected strawberry sweets and savory dishes served on a tiered tea stand.
Monday-Friday *Excluding public holidays on Mondays and Fridays
120 minutes between 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (last reception 3:00 p.m. )

🍓Afternoon Tea WEEKEND until Mach 2nd
In addition to seven kinds of sweets served at the tea stand, you can enjoy roast beef and more than 20 other buffet menu items and drinks for 120 minutes.

Saturday, Sunday and Monday/Friday public holidays
120 minutes between 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (last orders 20 minutes before closing, last reception 3:00 p.m.)

4-5 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku, Sendai City
Business Hours: 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Closed: Monday

■Murakamiya Mochiten
2-38 Kitame-Machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai City
Business Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Closed: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

■Kokonoe Honpo Tamazawa - Main Store
2-3-33 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku, Sendai City
Business Hours: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

冬は仙台や宮城で採れたいちごのスイーツがおすすめです。いちご農園が運営するカフェ【 #燦燦園】では新鮮なうちに冷凍した完熟いちごのシェイクや、いちご大福が人気です。【 #ウェスティンホテル仙台】内のレストラン【 #シンフォニー】ではストロベリーレッドをテーマに宮城県産“究極のいちご”を使ったスイーツを3月まで楽しむことができます。

仙台に来たら、ぜひ食べていきたいスイーツの一つが「 #ずんだ餅」です。【 #村上屋餅店】はもとは伊達藩御用達の菓子司として創業し、1877年から餅店となった老舗の餅店です。厳選された枝豆の薄皮を丁寧に取り除き作ったクリーミーなずんだ餡とつきたてのお餅が特徴です。
また、老舗甘味処【 #彦いち】では、あんみつなどを注文するとあずきのアンコの代わりにずんだ餡を選ぶことができます。レトロな店内には鯉がいる池のある小さな庭をのぞめる席もあります。
ほかにも冬にぴったりの温かいずんだスイーツもたくさんあり、ずんだ餅味の #たい焼き や、ずんだしるこなどもおすすめです。

ほかにも、1675年創業の仙台藩伊達家御用菓子司の和菓子屋として開業した【 #九重本舗玉澤】には昨年移転オープンして、初のイートインスペースを設置しました。「炙りゆべし」が人気です。「 #ゆべし」とは餅米でできたお菓子で、醤油で味付けされた甘いお餅に胡桃などがはいっています。宮城県産の米粉を使ったゆべしをぜひお楽しみください。

🍓燦燦園 ハーベストビレッジ店
宮城県仙台市若林区上飯田字天神9(かみいいだあざ てんじん)
10:00 - 18:00

○レストラン シンフォニー
ウェスティン仙台 26階

🍓Strawberry Red Afternoon Tea Weekday (アフタヌーンティー ウイークデイ)3月7日まで
開催日 月曜~金曜日 *月曜・金曜日の祝日を除く
開催時間 13:00~17:00のうち120分間(最終入店15:00)

🍓Strawberry Red Afternoon Tea WEEKEND (アフタヌーンティー ウイークエンド) 3月2日まで
開催日 毎週土曜・日曜日 および 月曜・金曜日の祝日
開催時間 14:00~17:00のうち120分間(ラストオーダー20分前、最終受付15:00)

甘味処 彦いち


○九重本舗玉澤 本店
第八藤榮サンモール一番町 1階
営業時間 10:00~18:00

Miyagi   Adventure No.2 -   CityThe   (a unique Pokémon-themed manhole cover) in Iwanuma City features an adorable   rid...

Miyagi Adventure No.2 - City
The (a unique Pokémon-themed manhole cover) in Iwanuma City features an adorable riding on . Located in the heart of Miyagi Prefecture, Iwanuma is blessed with an abundant water supply and beautiful nature, thanks to the Abukuma River, which flows through the city. While in Iwanuma City, make sure to stop by the enchanting !

The Kanahebisui Shrine, meaning “money, snake, water,” is dedicated to the Kanahebi Great Deity and is known for its blessings that help businesses prosper, bring financial luck, ward off misfortune, and ensure maritime safety—making it perfect for this Year of the Snake! It is also a famous spot for viewing the that bloom in May, and the combination of snakes and wisteria attracts many fans of that popular anime.

Here are some ways to receive good fortune at the shrine:
Near the shrine's main hall, there are several stones with snake patterns. It is said that if you intuitively choose one and stroke the pattern with your hands or wallet, your financial luck will improve.
Additionally, there is a practice called " " (money washing), where it is believed that washing money with the shrine's water purifies it. You place the money in a colander, pour water over it three times with a ladle, and then put it in a special bag to take home. Let's avoid putting washed money back in our wallets or using it!

Also, be sure to pick up some of the limited edition and charms available this year for the Year of the Snake. We also recommend visiting the around Kanahebisui Shrine.

Located near the PokéLid is Tsusumiya, a long-established confectionery store chain based in Sendai's Iwanuma branch. It is popular for its Sendai specialties, such as zunda dango, dango with a walnut inside, and age-manju(fried buns with red bean paste inside).

Enjoy the surrounding area on your PokéLid quest to master Miyagi Prefecture.


#宮城 で #ポケモン 巡りシリーズ【No.2 #岩沼】
岩沼市の #ポケふた には、 #ラプラス に乗る #トゲピー が描かれています。宮城県の中央部に位置し、市内には阿武隈川が流れ、豊富な水資源や自然に恵まれている岩沼市。ここに来たら、ぜひ立ち寄ってほしいのが金蛇水神社です。

金蛇水(かなへびすい)神社は、金蛇大神を祀り、商売繁盛や #金運、厄除、海上安全などのご利益があるので巳年の今年にぴったり!
さらに、5月ごろには #藤の花 の鑑賞スポットとしても有名で、蛇と藤の花の組み合わせから、あの人気アニメのファンも多く訪れます。

また、「 #銭洗い(ぜにあらい)」といって、お金を神社の水で洗うことでお金を清めることができるといわれています。

今年の干支は #巳年 なので、巳年限定のお守りやお土産が販売されていますので、ぜひゲットしてみてくださいね!



National Geographic recently published an article about traveling to Tohoku, calling it "Japan’s lesser-known wonderland...

National Geographic recently published an article about traveling to Tohoku, calling it "Japan’s lesser-known wonderland of nature and culture." Please check it out!

National GeographicのWEBページにて、東北の旅について「東北はまだあまり知られていない自然と文化のワンダーランドです」と紹介されました!

Tohoku is rebuilding its tourist economy after the 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami. Here’s all the info you need to plan your visit—when to go, what to do, where to eat, and how to get around.

Enjoy Noh! - A Workshop for Foreigners -Noh is one of the traditional performing arts that represents Japan and has been...

Enjoy Noh! - A Workshop for Foreigners -
Noh is one of the traditional performing arts that represents Japan and has been passed down for over 650 years. In this workshop, you can learn basic knowledge about Noh and also get hands-on experiences of utai (Noh chanting) and shimai (Noh dancing).
Why not try experiencing the traditional Japanese art of Noh?

Date:January 26th, Sun, 2025 /February 1st, Sat, 2025
Time:2:00p.m. - 3:30 p.m.(both)
Venue: Noh-BOX (Sendai Theater Studio 10-BOX annex)   (2-15-6 Oroshimachi, Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai City10 minutes walk from Sendai Subway Tozai Line Oroshimachi Station
Admission fee: ¥1,700 (per person) ※Please make the payment on the day (cash only).
Interpreter: Available ※ English
Capacity: 10 people (per day/ first-come, first-served basis)
Application deadline: 10 days before workshop is held
How to apply:Complete the application form. (Google form), or send an email to 【[email protected]】including the information below;Your name, the date you wish to participate, phone number, email address, address, and foot size (free tabi socks rental available)

Web Site:


日程:2025年1月26日(日) /2月1日(土)
通訳ガイド:あり ※英語

・または、「名前」、「参加希望日」、「電話番号」、「メールアドレス」、「住所」、「足のサイズ(足袋を無料で貸し出します)」をメールで【[email protected]】までお送りください。

Web Site:

Bite into Bliss at the Wild Abalone Fair in Minamisanriku! Abalone, known for its rich and deep flavor, is considered a ...

Bite into Bliss at the Wild Abalone Fair in Minamisanriku! Abalone, known for its rich and deep flavor, is considered a luxury ingredient due to its limited availability. The sea around Minamisanriku is abundant in the seaweed that abalone feed on, making it a prime habitat for wild abalone. To maintain a healthy population of wild abalone, the fishing season is restricted to only 100 days.
During this limited period, restaurants and accommodations in Minamisanriku Town offer over 30 special menus featuring fresh, wild abalone caught in the area, including shabu-shabu, seafood bowls, sushi, tempura, and butter steak!
Minamisanriku Town is popular for its beautiful costal and mountainous scenery, as well as its abundant seafood. In 2011, it suffered significant damage from the large tsunami, so please come and see the path of recovery as well.

Minamisanriku Town Wild Abalone Fair:
Enjoy the seasonal delicacies for 100 days from the opening day.
From late November 2024 to the end of February 2025
🚌 Access from Sendai:
Approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes by express bus.
(There are 6 round-trip buses daily between Sendai and Minamisanriku Town.)



Osaki Hachimangu  's over 300-year-old   Festival is held annually on January 14. The festival is also known as the Mats...

Osaki Hachimangu 's over 300-year-old Festival is held annually on January 14. The festival is also known as the Matsutaki Matsuri. At the festival, visitors burn New Year's decorations and old amulets in a sacred fire and pray for a year of good health and domestic safety. The festival is well known throughout Japan for its (n**e pilgrimage), which sees groups of shrine-goers visit the shrine dressed only in loincloths and belly wraps. The event, a wintertime tradition, is a designated Intangible Folk Cultural Property of the city of Sendai.

The ignition is scheduled to start around 4:00 p.m. and end around 9:00 p.m., but this may change depending on the situation.

⛩️Osaki Hachimangu Shrine
Address:4-6-1 Hachiman, Aoba-ku, Sendai

1月14日に #大崎八幡宮 で #どんと祭 (どんとさい)が開催されます。大崎八幡宮のどんと祭は #松焚祭 (まつたきまつり)とも呼ばれ、正月飾りや古神札等を焼き、御神火にあたることで一年の無病息災・家内安全を祈願する祭事です。また、御神火を目指して参拝する「 #裸参り」は仙台の #冬の風物詩 として全国に知られており、仙台市の #無形民俗文化財 にも指定されています。



We'd like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who participated in our New Year's card Campaign. We hope that through ...

We'd like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who participated in our New Year's card Campaign.
We hope that through this campaign, we were able to deepen your interest in winter activities and spots in Sendai and Miyagi.
Here are the ten lucky winners of our New Year's card Campaign:

Adam Raickovich
Massimo Della Noce
David Merchant
Maya Weitzner
Swan Tee
Jasmine Quek
Eva Mhay Jumalin
Yuko Singh 
Inger-Marie Shiraishi Nielsen
Sherry Lee

Please send your relevant postal details (full name and address) to the ‘Travel to Sendai’ messenger chat by January 13th so we can send you New Year's Cards.
A huge thank you to everyone who participated! To those who missed out this time, please don’t be disheartened – there will be more exciting campaigns coming your way soon.
If you have any request or ideas for future campaigns, please be sure to let us know in the comments!


Adam Raickovich
Massimo Della Noce
David Merchant
Maya Weitzner
Swan Tee
Jasmine Quek
Eva Mhay Jumalin
Yuko Singh 
Inger-Marie Shiraishi Nielsen
Sherry Lee

当選した方は、1月13日までに年賀状発送に必要な情報(本名、住所)をTravel to Sendaiにメッセンジャーでお送りください。
今回、残念ながら当選されなかった皆様、ご参加ありがとうございました! 次のキャンペーンをお見逃しなく!

New Year's Card Campaign🎍*Please read to the end for entry instructions.*
Our highly popular 's Campaign is happening again this year! Participate in this campaign for a chance to receive a New Year's postcard from !

In Japan, there is a custom of sending New Year's cards around the New Year. These cards are greeting cards that express gratitude to those who support you regularly, celebrate the New Year, thank the recipient for the past year, and convey the hope for a continued relationship in the new year. Within Japan, any New Year's card sent by December 25th will be delivered anywhere in the country on January 1st.

If you would like to receive an original New Year's card from Sendai City official page, please like and follow this page, "Travel to Sendai, Japan," and let us know in the comments what you would like to do when you visit Sendai!

We will randomly select 10 people from those who follow and like the page and comment on this post, and we will send them a New Year's card in January 2025! We hope the recipients can feel some of the culture of the Japanese New Year.

The entry period is from December 26th to 31st, 2024, until midnight (Japan time). We look forward to your entries!

毎年大好評の #年賀状キャンペーン を今年も開催します!キャンペーンに参加すると仙台からあなたの元に年賀状が届きます!
日本ではお正月に #年賀状(ねんがじょう)というハガキを送る習慣があります。年賀状とは、日頃お世話になっている方々に感謝の気持ちを込めて、新年のお祝いや昨年の感謝、新しい年も変わらないお付き合いをお願いする挨拶状のことです。日本国内で12月25日までにポストに投函すると日本全国どこでも1月1日に届きます。

の年賀状が欲しい方は、本FBページ「Travel to Sendai, Japan」をいいね・フォローして、「仙台に行ったらやりたいこと」をコメントで教えてください!


Travel from Tokyo to   in just 90 minutes by shinkansen! The green “ " is the fastest on the  , zooming at a top speed o...

Travel from Tokyo to in just 90 minutes by shinkansen! The green “ " is the fastest on the , zooming at a top speed of 320 km/h! The red “ " stops at Sendai on its way to Akita. These two trains run attached to each other, creating a unique sight with their different colors connected. After passing Sendai, they separate at Morioka Station, with only the "Komachi" continuing to Akita. It's a rare sight to see in Japan! The trains stopping at all stations are called “ ." They are the same green color as "Hayabusa," so make sure to check the name. The "Hayabusa" and "Komachi" make stops at Tokyo, Ueno, Omiya, and Sendai, with all seats reserved. Meanwhile, “Yamabiko" has both reserved and non-reserved seating. Stops on the "Yamabiko" until Sendai include: Tokyo, Ueno, Omiya, Oyama, Utsunomiya, Nasushiobara, Shin-Shirakawa, Koriyama, Fukushima, Shiroishi-Zao, and Sendai.

Enjoy the onboard food and —it's all part of the Shinkansen experience! Next time you ride the Shinkansen to Sendai, pay attention to the train names and types!

東京から #仙台 へは新幹線で最速90分!早く着きたい方には「 #はやぶさ」と「 #こまち」があります。
緑色の「はやぶさ」は #東北新幹線 の中で最速の最高時速320km/hで走ることができ、東京から仙台まで90分で移動することができます。
同じ色で多くの駅に停まる「 #やまびこ」がありますので、新幹線の名前をチェックしてください。
新幹線の中での車内販売や #駅弁 も、新幹線旅行の楽しみの一つです。

  Highlights! January, which truly feels like winter, offers     and is an excellent time to enjoy seasonal winter ingre...

Highlights! January, which truly feels like winter, offers and is an excellent time to enjoy seasonal winter ingredients. On January 1st, at Mt. Yakurai in Kamimachi, people can hike to see the New Year's sunrise. The Hasunohane Cafe in Matsushima will also be open before dawn on January 1st, allowing visitors to see the first sunrise of the year.

Many people go to the sea or mountains to view the "Hatsu Hinode" (the first of the year) on January 1st. The first shrine visit of the year, known as "Hatsumode," is recommended to be done between January 1st and January 7th. It mainly involves visiting a shrine to pray for the new year and drawing omikuji (fortune slips). In Japan, this period is a time to pray for a year free of illness and misfortune. Some people also go on December 31st to hear the ringing of the temple bell and wait for the new year to arrive before heading to their first shrine visit.

The Sendai Hatsu-uri (first sales event of the year), which starts on January 2nd, is a traditional event in the former Sendai domain, rooted in business customs from the Edo period. Some regions offer more luxurious prizes compared to others. The Hatsu-uri varies by store, but you can find lucky bags known as " ," filled with a variety of products at great prices, as well as complimentary offerings such as "amazake," a traditional Japanese sweet drink made from fermented rice that has a thick and creamy texture.

The Festival is held annually on January 14, during which New Year's decorations such as pine ornaments, shimenawa (traditional ropes used in Shinto rituals), and charms are burned. The fire is referred to as "Gojinka," and it is believed that being near the fire can purify both body and mind and provide blessings for health and the safety of the household throughout the year. At places like Osaki Hachimangu Shrine, a ritual called "Hadaka-mairi" (literally meaning naked pilgrimage) takes place, where many visitors gather around this "Gojinka," making for a very lively event.

Celebrate the Season with January's Seasonal Winter Ingredients!

In addition to the high-quality, fatty kinka mackerel, traditional vegetables such as the sweet and soft Sendai bent leek, Sendai snow greens, Sendai napa cabbage, and Sendai seri (Japanese parsley, also known as water celery or water dropwort), loved throughout Japan for its crunchy texture, are treasured ingredients of January. It is also a delicious season to enjoy fresh, raw oysters!

In January, Sendai welcomes the full arrival of winter, and the winds blowing down from the mountains can be quite cold. To stay warm, we recommend protecting areas exposed to the wind, such as your neck and ears, with scarves, knit hats, and earmuffs. Additionally, wearing heat-retaining clothing like Heattech, leggings, or tights underneath your clothes is also a good way to stay warm. During winter, strong winds, poor visibility, and snow can lead to public transportation cancellations or delays, so it's a good idea to check the weather forecast in advance! Also, be cautious on icy roads by taking smaller steps and leaning slightly forward while walking to maintain balance.

☕️ Hasunohane Cafe
Rikyu Uminoeki 4F, 75-14 Chonai, Matsushima, Miyagi-gun, Miyagi Prefecture
Business Hours on January 1, 2025: 6:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Expected Sunrise Time: Around 6:53 a.m.

⛰️ Mt. Yakurai Sunrise Climb in Kamimachi
Yakuraihara, Ajigafukuro, Kamimachi, Kami-gun, Miyagi Prefecture
Expected Sunrise Time on January 1, 2025: Around 6:55 a.m.

⛩️ National Treasure Osaki Hachimangu Shrine
Dontosai Festival on January 14, 2025
4-6-1 Hachiman, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture
Event Time: Approximately 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

1月のハイライト!本格的な冬を感じる1月には伝統的な行事があり、また、冬に旬を迎える食材もおすすめです。#1月1日 には #加美町 の薬莱山(やくらいさん)で初日の出登山が行われます。また、松島の【 #はすのはねカフェ】は1月1日だけは特別に夜明け前からオープンし、カフェから松島湾に登る初日の出を見ることできます。

1月1日に見る日の出は「 #初日の出」と呼ばれ、多くの人が海や山などを見に行きます。 #初詣 なら1月1日〜1月7日にいきましょう!初詣では主に神社に行き、新年の祈願をしたり、おみくじを引いたりします。日本では1年の無病息災を祈る期間で、12月31日から向かい、年が明けるのを待ち、初詣に行く方もいます。

1月2日から始まる #仙台初売り(せんだいはつうり)は旧仙台藩領内の伝統行事で江戸時代からの商習慣で、他地域より豪華な景品がつくお店もあります。初売りは店により異なりますが、さまざまな商品が詰められたお得な福袋が販売されたり、甘酒などのお振舞いがあります。

毎年1月14日に行われる #どんと祭 とは、正月の松飾りやしめ縄、お守りなどを焚き上げる祭事で、火は「御神火(ごじんか)」と呼ばれ、火にあたることで、心身が清められ、一年間無病息災・家内安全の加護を得るという言われています。大崎八幡宮などでは、この「御神火」を目指して参拝する「 #裸参り」が行われ、大勢の参拝客で賑わいます。

上質な脂ののった #金華サバ、甘くて、柔らかい #仙台曲がりネギ、仙台雪菜、 #仙台白菜 などの伝統野菜のほか、日本中に人気の #仙台せ りはシャキシャキした食感が特徴です。ほかにも #牡蠣 が美味しい季節ですので、ぜひ生牡蠣でどうぞ!


宮城県宮城郡松島町松島町内75−14 離宮海の駅 4階
2025年1月1日営業時間 6:30〜10:00

2025年1月1日 日の出予定時刻6:55ごろ

⛩️国宝大崎八幡宮 Osaki Hachimangu Shrine
2025年1月14日どんと祭 Dontosai Festival



Sendai, Miyagi


月曜日 08:30 - 17:00
火曜日 08:30 - 17:15
水曜日 08:30 - 17:15
木曜日 08:30 - 17:15
金曜日 09:00 - 17:15



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