Uroko clouds, also known as “iwashi clouds,” are classified as a type of cirrocumulus in meteorology. They are representative of autumn and form at high altitudes in the atmosphere.秋になった🍂やっと#uniquejapan⛩ #uniquelyyoursjapan #businesstriptojapan #autumclouds #goldenpavilionkyoto #creativejourneyjapan #英語で日本のことを話したい #うろこぐも #うろこぐも☁️ #うろこぐもと秋の空 #英語で筋トレ #全国通訳案内士
Domestic furniture in Japan is characterized by its meticulous craftsmanship and high quality, allowing it to be used in good condition for a long time. Furniture made by Japanese artisans is crafted with great attention to detail, even in the unseen areas. In regions traditionally known for furniture production, skilled craftsmen, often referred to as "takumi" or "shokunin," create exceptionally high-quality pieces.来るたびに爆買い😂#uniquejapan⛩ #japanesectaft #japanesefurnituredesign #japanesefurnitureshop #uniquelyyoursjapan #japanarttrip #traveljapan #tailourmadetravel #travelcuratorjapan #全国通訳案内士 #高山匠館 #takumikan #飛騨高山家具 #furnitureshopinjapan #createshopping
Waterfalls are considered power spots because they are believed to concentrate natural energy. The cascading water creates a strong energy due to the influence of the terrain. This energy is thought to have a positive impact on our mind and body. The enjoyment of visiting a waterfall comes not only from its beauty but also from the journey to reach it.風水的には“財”の象徴です💱#uniquejapan⛩ #uniquelyyoursjapan #businesstriptojapan #waterfallinjapan #tailourmadetravel #travelcuratorjapan #creativejourneyjapan #英語で日本のことを話したい #箱根の滝 #箱根の滝パワースポット #英語で筋トレ #全国通訳案内士
World-leading musical excellence fusing heritage & innovation The Royal College of Music.His Majesty The Emperor of Japan visited the Royal College of Music today as part of the official Japan State Visit to the United Kingdom. The Royal College of Music has welcomed Japanese students throughout the history of the College. 天皇陛下も訪れた内部を案内していただきました💓懐かしい#uniquejapan⛩ #uniquelyyoursjapan #royalcollegeofmusiclondon #kumimatsuo #matsuokumiko #creativejourneyjapan
In Japan, cedar trees were planted for reforestation of mountainous areas that had been devastated by excessive logging during and after the war, and to meet the increased demand for timber during periods of high economic growth. Cedar was favored for their timber, rapid growth, and broad adaptability to Japan's natural environment, and their cultivation was promoted to respond to the social and economic demands of various eras. 花粉症には悲報ですが🤧#uniquejapan⛩ #uniquelyyoursjapan #businesstriptojapan #cedertreefarm #createyourownitinerary #creativejourneyjapan #えいごでにほんかんこう #英語で日本のことを話したい #英語で筋トレ #全国通訳案内士
“Himeji Castle” was hardly involved in battles, so even after 400 years since its construction, it retains its original wooden structure. Recognized as a pinnacle of traditional Japanese wooden architecture and for preserving the structure of Japanese castles, it was registered as Japan’s first UNESCO World Heritage Site .It’s also renowned for its cherry blossoms, attracting numerous tourists and locals every year during sakura season. 最高に綺麗でした🌸🌸🌸#uniquejapan⛩ #uniquelyyoursjapan #himejicastle🌸 #tailourmadetravel #creativejourneyjapan #businesstriptojapan #travelcuratorjapan #creativejourneyjapan #姫路城の桜 #英語で日本のことを話したい #英語で日本の文化を紹介 #英語で筋トレ #全国通訳案内士