Belle II endyokes are closed now for the superconducting magnet to be turn on
Belle II endyokes are closed now for the superconducting magnet to be turn on. Here is the video of endyoke closing in the forward side.
The marriage of Pixel Detector and Silicon Vertex Detector
The Belle II Vertex Detector is composed of two sub-detectors - the Pixel Detector and the Silicon Vertex Detector, which were successfully joined together (or "married") on October 4th in the clean room of Tsukuba Hall at KEK. Here is the timelapse video of the 'ceremony':
Last week, the second half-shell of the PiXel Detector (PXD) arrived safely at KEK 高エネルギー加速器研究機構 from Germany and was mounted onto the 1 cm radius beam pipe (see video). This milestone is the culmination of many years of hard work and finalizes the assembly of the innermost sub-detector of the #Belle2 experiment. In a few weeks, after final system tests, the two halves of the Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) will be closed like clamshells around the PXD, and together they will form the final VerteX Detector (VXD).
Do you use video conferencing?
We seldom do, since the #Belle2 Krakow Group introduced
SpeakApp, a very handy and extremely reliable web application for remote online meetings.
Because #SpeakApp was developed and extensively tested by our colleagues around the world in high energy physics, it suits the needs of a large research team quite well. #SpeakApp runs on LINUX, MacOS, PC computers as well as cell-phones. The project is led by #Belle2 collaborator Jacek Stypuła