(English follows Japanese)
【今年開館した「被爆遺構展示館」 ~被爆前の平和公園を覗いてみる~ 】
PEACE PARK TOUR VRでは、平和公園を歩きながら足の下の中島地区に思いを馳せてガイドを行っています。
【New Peace Park facility: a window into pre-bombing Hiroshima】
The Exhibit Facility for Atomic-Bombed Remnants opened in Peace Memorial Park starting April 2022. Here, you can see the exposed remains of a house that was in Nakajima District before the atomic bombing, left in their original location.
Not many visitors know this, but when Peace Park was built, the rubble remaining from the bombing was not cleared away. Instead, soil was piled on top to create the foundation for the park.
Because of this, anywhere you stand in Peace Park, it is quite likely that rubble, tiles, bowls and plates from Nakajima District households, and even human remains are buried under your feet.
For this reason, Peace Park is sometimes said to be like one large tomb.
In Peace Park Tour VR, we put an emphasis on remembering the entombed Nakajima District as we walk around the park.
Join us to contemplate what was lost here and think about what action we can take in the future.
#広島 #広島ツアー #レストハウス #平和公園 #広島観光 #広島観光スポット #ヒロシマから見る広島 #原爆ドーム #広島好き #被爆遺構